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400 ACRES. 37th YEAR. SALESMEN WANTEO To represent one of the largest Rínraerfes IB I the country. We guaruntee satlsfaction to all custoraers. No prevlous experlence necessury. Salary and expenses (rom start. AddreBS, utatlng age, IIOOI'KS, IIKO. & THOMAS, Maplc Avenue Nurseries, West Chester, Pa. AUCTIONEER ! GEOi K. IIAV IS, the popular auctionvri j eau be had on short nollce. Terms i tory. Orders hy telephoue or otherwlse frota i any part of the state promptly fllled. Resldeuce and P. O. addresa, rhelsea, ilii'li. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY, ft TtTTl Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC., Kor Wholesale and Retall Trade. We shalt aleo keep a sapply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Osborn's Gold Dut Flour, Ruvkwlicat Flour, Corn Itleul, Feed, Etc, At Wbolesale and Retall. A general stock of GROCERIES and PBOYISIÜNS Conatantly on hand, whlch wlll bc sold on as reasouable terms as atany oiher house In the city. C'ann paid for BUTTER, EGGS, and UOUNTltY PRODUCE gencrally. Goods delivered to any part of the city witbont extra charge. BINSET & SEABOLT. LT7MBER! LT7MBSH! LÏÏMBEEI lf yon contémplate building-, cali ■( FEROON Liter Tari ! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sta., ami .w our figures for all kinds of LUMBER We manufacture our own Lumber wi guaran tee VERY LOW PRICES 9-Gve us a cali and we will make It to vou . interest, as our large and wcll praded stock ln1'Bustains our assertion. Telephone Conneointh Office. 1. r. KKKCH Supt. IAMKS TOLBKRT.r.op


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Ann Arbor Courier