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John Coraty, An Inmate Of The

John Coraty, An Inmate Of The image
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cricks County asylum at Martinsville, Tnd., was on the llth granted a pension O( $13,500. i The Board of Trade fli-in of Robert Warren A Co., of Chicago, failed on the llth for $500,000. Ne Ait Lebanon, Ore., on the 12th Mrs, Aurnsbaugh shot and killed her husband, Grant Aurnsbaugh, and thenblew her own brains out. Domestic troublo was the cause. Truc ninth annual international convention of the National Young l'eople's Society of Chrlstlan Endeavor commenced at St. Louis on the 12th. Delegates wero present f rom overy State and, Torritory in the United States, representing 5.00U societies, with an aggregate momborship of over 800,000. Thk International Typographical Union in session on the l'Jth at Atlanta, Ga., re-elected E. L. Plank as president and W. S. McCleovy as secrotary and treasnrer. Dukiso a rain-storm on the 12th at Auburn, N. Y., cellars in all parts of the city were flooded and sewer pipes wero burst in many places. The loss was estimated at $200, 00a Employks of the Baltimore & Ohio Bailroad Company were notifled on the 12th that hereaftor no porson who drank liqnor would be employed by tho company, and employés would be discharged if intoxicatod cither on or off duty. The town of Southampton, L. L, celebcated the 250th anniversary of lts settlement on the l'-Jth. Tuk entire business portion of Pottsboro. Tez., was burned by incendiarios on the l-2th. At Milwaukee, Ore., Daniel Ilarvey, froit-grower, shot and killed his agod mother on the 12th and then killed himself. No cause was known for the deed. At a meeting of tho stockholders of the local world's fair organization in Chicago on tho 12 th it was voted to chango the title to the "World's Columbian Exposition." The Supremo Court of Illinois decidedon the 12th that "bucket-shops" were illegal. The Indians in Montana were com mitting depredations on the l'Jth, haring destroyed several ranches and killed thousands of cattle. The steamship Columbia which arrived in New York on the 13th made the run from Southampton in 6 days 16 hours and 23 minutes, beating all provioos records. Thebk were 212 business failures in the United States durinjf the seven days ended on the lSth, agalust 205 the pretíous seven days. The total of failures in tbo United States from January 1 to date is 5.0U1, against 5,448 in a liko portion of 18SU. GovKiiNoit Fifeu on the 13th issued a cali for a special session of the Illinois Legislature to conveno at the capitol in Springflold July 28 to consider world's fair matters. John Tueston and wife while driving across the railroad track at lïiy Springs, Neb., on the 13th were struck by a train and instantly killed. The house of a family named Estler, located on Buil créele, near Maysville, Ky. , was swept away by a flood on the I3th, and Mrs. Estler and ber three daughters and two sous drowned. A bout a dozen othor persons living on the banks of the creek were also drowned. lif their weekly trade review on the 13th a New York business agency says the legitiinate business of tho country continúes unprecedented in volume for the soaHon and highly encouraging in prospocts. A saloon owncsd by Jack Christian in a residence district of Indianapolis, Ind., was choppcd to pieces with axes on the 13th by negroesbired by citizens. A FHKioiiT train collided with a passenger train at Cleveland. O., on the lSth, wrocking it and severely injuring seven persons. J. S. IIakkiman left Wabash, Ind., April 10 on a walk of 3,000 miles across the continent for a wager of 56,000. He arrivod in S;m Francisco on tho 13th, havinL finisued too trip in sixty-ono Itjli four day's loss thun the time stipulated. DnuMi a 6torm on the 13th in th vicinity of Sibley. Ia., buildings were wrecked, crops destroyed ani numbers of horses and cattlo killed. A tkaik on the Chosapcake & Ohio road went over an embankment near Maysvillc, Ky.. on the 13th owing to % washout, and three trammen lost their lives. The strik of street-car employés at Columbus, O., was satlsfactorily settled on the lSth. At Klmira, N. Y., on the ISth Herbert Warren, a 16-year-old boy, shot and killed hls father, Frank Warren, who was abusingand threatening hls mother. Ik a cellar at Philadolphiaon the 13th William Collins and Charles Dermer were found lying doad on the floor. The pólice claimed that Collins flrst killed Dermer and tben shot himsolf. A stoum in Central New York on the 13th flooded portions of Norwlch, Oneida, Solsvillo and Homo, causing a loss of over $300,000. A ckxscs enumerator at Blchmond, Va., found a colored woman named Martha Gray on the Kith who has had thirty-seven children since 1868. She has gi ven blrth to tri plets six times, to twins six times and to seven othera sinply.


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