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Mu. Ti'i.i.y, editor of tho Roscommon (Ireland) Herald, was on tho lOth sentenced to three roonths' imprisonment for publishing an articlo denounclng land-grabbors. Violkst liurricanos were prevalllng in many parta of Hungary on the lOth, accompanicd by heavy rains. Many persons had been killed by üghtnlng and the damago to property was enormons. Elbctions for meinbors'of Parliament were hold on the lOth throughout Bolgiuin, tho roault leaving the standing of tho parties unchanged. Dispatcuks of the lOth. reportad further ou trages in Crete and statod that three Christians had been killed. The bark Dinapore was wreckod on the lOth off Cape Corrientes and tho captain and flvë ofthe crew lost. Editob Wii.i.iam O'Hrirs, of United Ireland, was marrled at London on the llth to Mlle. Haffalovitch, daughter of a Paris banker. St. PRTBitsiiuitfl dispatches of the llth reported enormou.s conflagrattons in tbc mining distriotá of the Url mountain.s. Over a thousand dwelllngs had been destroyed, forty persona burned to death and 18,000 rendered homeless. SevtiH shocks of ertbquakos occurred in the department of Jura, France, on tho l"2t!i, inflicting great dam age. Tuk fainino in Soudan continued on the 12th and was drlving tho native tribos to dosperation. A general rebollion against tho Muhdi was threatened. Advicks of the lütb say that a tempest wrecked 200 vesscls in tho harbor at Montevideo, Mox. No such storm had boen experienoed there in thirty y o ars. Olivek Mow vtt. l'rouiior of Ontario, Btated on the l:iili that at present there was no great desire in Canada for annexation to the Ünitefl States.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier