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PUBLIC SAFETY DEMANDS Tliat only honcst and reliable medicines should lic placed upon the market. It cannot, tliereforc, be stated too emphatically, nor repeated too often, that all who are in need of a genufne Bloul-iurifier should be surc and ask for Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Your life, or that of some ons ncar and dear to you, may depend on th use of this well-approved remeily in preference to any otlier preparation of similar name. It is oompounded of Honduras sarsaparilla ( the vaiiety must rich in curative properties), stillingia, mandrake, yellow doek, and the iodides. The procesa of manufacture is original, skilful, smipulousiy clean, and such as to secure the very best medicinal qualities of each ingrediënt. This medicine is not boiled nor heated, and is, tliiTefore, not a decoction ; but it is a compmind extract, obtained by a method exclusively our own, of the best and most powerful alteratives, tonics, and diuretics known to pliarmacy. For the last forty years, Ayer's Sarsaparilla has neen the stiimlard blood-purifier of the worid- no otlisr approaclilng it in popular conndence or universal deniand. lts formula is approved by leading physicians and drugglsts. l'.rinu pure and highly concentrated, it is the most economical of any possible blood medlclli6. Kvt'ry purchaser of Sarnaparjlla shoukl insist njinn having this preparation and sce that each bottle bears the well-known name of J. C. Ayer & Co., Xiowell, Mass. In every quarter of the globe Ayer's Sarsapitrilla is proved to be the best remedy for all diseases of the blood. Lowell druggist unite in testifying to the superior excellence of this medicine and to its great popularity in the city of its manufacture. Ayer's Sarsaparilla PKEFABKD DY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold by Drugülsta. gl.slxgS. Wortli S5 Inittlo. HANGSTERFERS! DELICIOTTS CE -;- CREAI Dellvered to ony part of the eltjr In any ciuanttty. Avsorted tluvurs 1, 2, 3, or 4 qt. Brloks, P. 8. AU SunJay orders should bf ijlven thé ilay prevl'jua. In Freezer. In Bricks. 1 qt. SOc 1 qt. 50c. 2 qts. 75c 2 qts. $1.00. :{ Hts. 11.1.-1. 3 qts. $1.50. 4 qts. $1.50. 4 qts. $2.00. ONE CENT FAST COLOR!-: II LiWIS & CHALLIES ! MAÖK&S6HMID GREAT SALE! FOR THIRTY DAYS. BQOKSTORE ! Offers 2,000 rolls WALL PAPER, guaranteed full length and best quality at T}Lc. 5,000 rolls best gilt and new spring designs at 8c. 2,000 roll best embossed gilt, extra quality a 18c. Special discount on all fine decor ations. Don't buy until you exam ine the best selected stock of Wall Paper! IN WASHTENAW COUNTY. We have in our employ the bes paper hangers. We make to orde Window Shades, all styles and sizes Remember that we can show the largest stock of Room Moulding Window Poles, etc. iflll II HM, MASO NIC BLOCK. The oldest established Bookstore and Wall Paper House in Washtenaw County. J. J. GOODYEAR Nu. :, H. MAIN tilt. ;% O O!S5L DRUGGIST lt wlll le to your advantage to cali upon blra before purcnaslng (DRUGS, CHEMICALS, MEQICIJJES. PRESCRIPTIONSI accarately and carefully prepared by the mout competent PliarmaoUU. Tbe nuet line of gooda In all departiu'ut. to be found In a dmK atore.


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