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la the oldest and most popular seientiilc nrd mechantcnl papor published and has Ihe lurirest circulatlon of nny puper of lts olass in theirurhl. Fuily lllustrutud. Best class of WooU BngraTlnits. Published weekly. Bend for spwinien copy. Prlce 3.i yeur. Kour monlha' trial, fl. UtlNN & CO., PUBLISHEUS, 3l!l üroadwuy, N. V. ARCHITEGTS & BUILDERQ Edition of Scienlitic American. O A Rreat ftuccess. Euch l?ane pontnlns colored HthOKruphic platen of country and tity roMii ncea or public biiildiDkr9 NiHBdrun i-nkTnvu n nd f uil plan? and (ipeolfloattuna for the om of suchas contémplate balldinar. Prtce IS-40 i reitr, 25cts.acupy. ÜVÜS & CO., PUBX4SBKB8. DATEHTSII H 40 yenrs experienco umi have Diade uvur ■ 1Ü0.UÜU ftppilcattona for American ml Fur tíiín patenta. Band for }Iandbook. Coriuspondeuce Mrietly cuntldeniijil. TRADE MARKS. In case your ntark Is not reBistored in tlio Pntent office, apDly 10 MDNN S (o., m.i pnn.'me liuiuediaiu protéotloD sond for üiuiclljuok. COPYUKMITM fr.r booka, chuna, ptc. qaiukly [irncured. Athircss R1UNN CO., l'i.lvm Solicilom. litVIllil. ÜKdlt: Zül DUUADWAV. N. V IVIACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Ratos. Pour Trips por Week Betweon DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND 8t. Iitrnac, Cheboypan, Alpena, Harrisvillo, Oscoda, Sand Beach, Port Harou. flt. Clair, Oakland House, Marine City, Evory Week Day Bot woon DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Special Sunday Tripa during July and August. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Htm and Xxouraion Tioketa will ba furuished bj jour Ticket Af ent, or addrcas E. B. WHITCOMB, G.n'l Ag.nt, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT. MICH. GET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE! $29,000,000. ïecnrity beid tbr the protectioo of the poltcy hol (1 ere. CHRISTIAN MJtCK ieureeentt tho followlnK ürst-claxe comiinlei,ol hiiii une, the .Kina, alouu paid t.%,000,OUÜ Ure ocfia In lity-Uvo yeare : yEtna, of Hartford f 9,]y'2,B44 'ranklin of Philaüelpliia :i,l 18,718 öermanla, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,065,908 condón As8urance, London.. . 1,416,788 lichijran F. & M., Detroit. . . 887,606 N. Y. Underwritera, N. Y 2,596,G7fi National, Hartford 1,774,505 Jhcenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Loisei liberally adjusted and promptly pald. oliciea itsued at the lowcat rates of premium. neitf ice. m ice. Kecp cool during ílie coming summer by coniracting with Ë. V. II. for ice at the following rates: 25 Hs. daily, except Sunday, $4.00 per mo. " " 4tirti3saweek, $3.50 " " " 3 " " $3.50 " " " 2 " " $2.00 " E. V. HANGSTERFER 3O S. LLJX3ST SO?. To Restaurants, Hotels, etc., in 500 Ib. lots, 40c per hundred. Less quantity, 50c. Fargo's Shoes wma for the . ramfly n FARCO'S V5 f "Box Tip" School Shoes S% for Boys and Girls, ? öSK Heeled or Wedge Heel. I? íSVÍSnS SIzeS-8tolO'4 SI. 25 r tO)rwï5T utoi3a i.5o ttaafaQ- T lnfe ito3 1.75 ÉT FARGO'S JMV $2.50 Calf Shoe V33rwv or Gentlemen, iwni iftr-__- __. Cnoqualed by any elun Vy, . . F CTTÍ C7 n America at the samo MptyO HUI L&Pinico. In CongrfN, HutBoy 's siles. crfl FAROOS # ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT 1 OS . Dongola or Goat, Button. f: ;jKve Opera, or Contmon Sense. êfCfiAa Tackle and Flexible. I OUt VC. Wamuited tbe most DUR NAME IS ON THE BOTTOHI OF EVERY SHOE. Ask yoiir dealer for 1 urK.V Khom. lf ho do m I Ki-i'p ttu-m M-nd to uu and we will furnish vou a iKur uu ixjcciptof prú-c. Senil portal f„r Uiwripl ivo lUt. C. H. FAEGO & CO., CMcag-o. HL DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANN ARBOR. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! Nu. 4 South St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. KstabllHhed over a quarter of a ceutury ago. Represen ting the followlug Hrst-clKH companies, wlth over $60,000,000 Capital and Asset. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL IN8. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Phtladelphia. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. L'OMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. iates as the Lowest, l.oxsrs I.ünrHlly lji)Nted and promptly l'aid. C. H. MILLEN. lïlYPïiT2!2iLÏ3 "".wtiowlth tomln 11 kit I lutütl thia paper, ot ofata.n csümatei n advertising spaco whgn in Chrcago, will find it on file at s to49 Rmdoiph st... non 9 Tunucc aAdvoitiwigAgencyolLUIIU tt I nUlnflOl'


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