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.w.isi)i' iim: 'Toicv. Axv A BBOB OOKMANDBBY. NTo. 13 meet flrst PnflHilay of (wli montb. B. r. Watts. E. i'.: John 1!. Miner, Ki-corder.' yAHiiTKSAw ChaPTKr, No. 6, R. A. M - Mwts Hrat Monday ach month. L.OL Ooodrlob, II. P.: Z. Koulli. Secretary. BUSINESS CARDS. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. ■■ ïtrsr.ASK.s of tuf. - - EYS, EAU, NOSE AND THROAT. OrriCE AND SESIDENCE, 26 SOUTH DIVISIÓN STREET Hoi;ks: 1 to I. and (hSO to 7:30 P. M. VOGEL & ZKHEIR,: DIALBR IN ALL KINDS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS Poulfry, I,arI,Hc. E VKRYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. O I'.. A 11 n 8t.i A un Arbor. W. W. I1UOI, DE1TTIST. ItixMiis Orer Ann Arbor Savings Bauk, Opp. Cuurt House Square. VÏTALIZED Á.TB. A'lniinietcrei). It is agrceable and eay to take, uil no proetrating eaccts follow, whilo teeth are eztracicü without pain. WILLIAM IILRZ, House; Sin Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paperlug, Olazlnp, Gilding, and Calctmlnlne, and work of every deecription done in the beet ütyle, and warrantcd to glve eatiefaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. o. :mi. LJi=iTxir, 'DEAL.BR IN CLÖTÏÏ GASKETS, METALIC And Common Cofflns. Calis attented to Day ■ or Nigbt. Ktabalmlng a speclalty. 8toreroora on K. Washlngtoa street. Residenoe Cor. Iberty and Flftn. JSr 1 II VlACJnVIAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Bates. Ponr Trip per Wook Betwosn DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND St. Clir, Oakland Houao, Mimo City. Bvcry Wcok Day Betweon DETROIT AND CLEVELAND Soenil Sunday Trip durine July nd Aujuil. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS Bu and Bioursion Ticket will toe f urnialied by your Ticket Agent, or ddreoa E. B. WHITCOMB, Gn'l Agant, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT. MICH. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! BEBBYTlAKTS, FBÜIT AND O RRA1SEIITAX. TREES Poars and Grapevines a Specialty! SYKUPH AND HOME MADE WINK. rtyrnpi or Etaspberry and of Bartlett Peare. rtoaeaêtt Dandellon and llaspbcrry Wine and SbrabS. Sweet Red and White Concord, Htid MarthaGrape V 1 nes, especial ly prepiired fot [nvallds. Order trees and plants early a wc get mout of them from llie beat luwtern Nuruerles. K. H V I It. V KM HIKÜS HTKEKT. H b E 1 Hl RA L J THE GREAT Germán RemedyJ 1TRUTHS FORTHESICK-I Bllious Spcllsdepeníl fr a case where 1 odSijumiuhISitterh puur Bitters wilill it willrnrt; vou. imt assist or cure. lt H ■' ■"'■■" -"■ n''Y''r f""a' CT Íthattircdandallgone cleanscthe viluiteüni teeling; lf bo, use m,,,} when you seelll Sui.piiiir Bitters; ta lmpiiritles burst I II itwill cure you. inj; through the skin III O..-raiiws wh., ','T' 'Yi'.'lv'nnlU -closely couflne.! n LLLL■ liSH Qthe milis and , "'■ 1!l , K"1'Q H shops; clcrka.who do ind heaUh wlU iolS III not procure sullident Lü__ll I lexerclse, and all who lSl:L1.HUK mthhsI I llareconflnedindoors, wlll ,.llre LiTerCom. llhouldusoM-i.rm;i! húm_ jon"t le 11b-I IJITTEKS. Theywli nim-agedjitwlUcurclll KSnottlicubcwcakauil Vl)U _ ' II, ' „ .„.t.-isi, si-í.iin:itIiiTTt;iisl toVu&rf -om tam wl" bulki 5"" '"' iin"l SulpÍiuk : liealthy. III lt r-c ver fall.s to i-iirf . s, ,.,.,, ,u ünTi.RsIJJ □ t De wiltiout a wlll niake yourliloodn bottle. Try it; you pure.richandütrong.Lg II will not rejfrct lt. imd yourflesh hard. III ■II ""LÏüÏÏësTïïëMcaTp Trv Si i.i-hck BIT-II Illliealth, who are all TKlts to-night, amll Hl run down, should nse you wiil sleep welllll ILIi r i-iit k lts. ;iii-( fi.'-l lirttir f'-r lt- Do you want the best Medical Work publlshed? Send 3 2-cent stamps to A. I. Oruwat &, Co, Boston, Mass., and receive a copy, free. The Farmers' ï Meckics' Bank CAPITAL $50,000. SUEPLUS $7,000. Adflitional LiaLilities of Stockholders $50,000. Report ot the condltlon of tbe FARMERS' AND MECHANICrt' BANK at Ann Arnor, Micblgttii, at ibe close of business May 17, 1890. KKSOUKCKS. Loans and discounU $ 228,490 02 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 5",JM 51 Overdrafts 1.217 8 Dae from banks in reserve cltles.... 59,8(0 34 Kurniture and Uxtares 3,0(10 00 Uills in transit 2,8.55 20 Current expenses and taxes pald. ... 1,119 11 Interest pald 2,052 42 CbeokS and i-nsli Items 764 26 Nickels and pennles... 145 39 (iold 5,452 50 Sllvcr 2,107 ,55 U. S. and National Bank Notes 8,224 00 Total $ 370,(0 19 MABU.ITIES. Capital stock pald iu $ 50.000 00 Surplus fund 7 500 00 L'ndivided proflts 8,4r9 90 Comraerclaldeposits 2(15,083 03 iavings deposita 3Í,877 26 Total 8Ï70.920 19 8TATK OK MICHIGAN,. County of Washienaw, Í I. FKKDEKICK H. BEI,SEH, Cashler, of Ibe nbove named Bank, do solemuly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. H. BELSER, Cashler. Subscrlbed and sworn t before me, tlils 27th day of May, 1890. O. H. MANLY. Notary Public. i Uokukct- Attest : ('bas. E. Greene, Ainj brose Kearney, 1). P. behalrer, Directora. MlllUlu (X lUubllQllUjü Bdlli ! having riled thelr certlflcate wlth the Htate BaukliiK Department are now authorlzcd to do busluess as a Savlns Bank, and In pur Buance thereof üave opened a jSavings Department! Interest allowed in the savlngs department on all depoalts of SI and apwards, interest pald June lat and Dec. lst, of eacb year. The savlng department Is open Saturday nlKbts from 7 uittil 8 o'clock. Money to loan In sumsof 25 to t5,(ïK) secured by unencumbered real edtate or ap proved securitles. liltK(T(l(s Hu n Kempf. Chas. ' 1 . riM'llf, !■;. Itlllty, AlliliroMf KilllI ney, Wlll. '. Str n-ii, W. F. {r-!lkt'J . .1 . !■:. Itt;ul, John Burie, I. F. Scliairt-r. U. KKMPK, lp. K. UUfFÏ, Vlce-Pre. F. II. KI'.I.MCIC, OaHhler THIS PAPER isys'Sïfï I III V I nt bil howeli. A COS Newspaper Advertlsing Bureau (10 Spruca Etrect),whereadver ■■■■■■■ ■■■# tUtag contracta may UCIIf YflKK be ïuuüo lor it iulitlff I UIllVs DREADFULPSORIASIS Covering Entlre wlili White Hcales. HniliTiiii: Fearrul. Cured iiy Cuticuri. My dlsease ipsorlaxle) flrst broke ont on niy cfi cheek, spreadlng across my none, and almos t covering my face. It ran into my eyet, and the phyaician waa ofrald I would lose my eyeslght It spread all over my head, and my halr all teil ont, unttl I was entlrely bald-beaded; It then broke out on my arma and xhouldere, until my arm wcre Juêt one sore. It covcred my emire body, my face, head, and Bhonlders belne the worst. The wblte scabs feil constantly from my bead, shoulders, and arms; the nkin would thlcken and bc red and verv itchy, and wonld crack and blecd ir scratched. Alter spending many hundreds of dollars, I was pronounced incnrable. I heard of the ConooitA Rbmedie, and after using two hottles CUTicuba Uesolvent, I could eee a change and after I had taken four bottlis, I was almost cured ; and when I had used six bottles of CrjricUka Kbsoltext and one box of Cüticuïu, and one case of Cuticura Soap, I was cnred of the drcadlul disease from whlch I had saffered for flye yeare. 1 cannot exprees wlth a pen what I guffered before ueing the Cuticuba KïmkD1K9. rhey saved my lif, and I feel it my duty to recommend them. My hair la reatorcd as good as ever, and so 1b my eyeeiifht Mr. ROSA KELLY, Kockwell City, lowa. Cuticura Resolvent The new Blood Purlfler, internally, (to cleanse the blood of all immiritiesand potsonons elemenf ) and CoTicuUA.tbe great Skin Care, and Cuticura Soap, anrxqutslte Skin Beautifler, externally, (to clear tbe skin and sealp and restore the hair,) have thouunds of case where the uheddini; of scales cared measured a quart dally, the Bkin cracked, bleedlng, bnrnlng, and Hchlnt; almost bevond human endurance, hair lifeless .ir all gone. Biiffering terrible. What othcr lemedlcs have made Biich cares F Sold everywhere. Prlce Cuticura, 50c: Soap, 2Gc.; Kesoi vknt, Si. Prepared by the Pottkr D"JN".ClI1;"ICAI-cORPnATroN,Boeton. tST Send ror How to Cure Skin Diseases." 64 page, SU tlluturatlons, and 100 teetlmoubl. PMl'I'KS',1;laclLn?l8,re1,rongh,chapped,and II IVI oily kln cured by Cuticuha Soap. m m yrops the pain. KM Iiackache, kidney pains, weakness, KI rluiuiiiaiism and nmciilHr imiiin r- i JhL llfviMl in oi,r minute liy tlic Ifll Cuticura Autl-Palu Piaster.


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