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The United States Senate !s dlsgr&clnjl tself bj' ts inactivity. Bise ball is about "busted", as far as Michigan is concerned, at least. Hythewav, Bro. Courier, what effect will the uew ñnds In Colorado have on Uio value of gold? - Ypsllanti Sentlm-1. About as much effect as the Scntinel's wind does on wisdom. The base ball crank of twoorthree years ago iiow reads only the head linea and tben yawns hlmself to sleep. Hear lilm snort-. Detroit Tribune. Ought to elect them to the U. S. Senate, eli? The mcmbers of the U. S. supreme court wlio inade the "original package" decisión have not covered themselves with immortal glory in the ejes of the good people of thls country by a long ways. The friends of freer coinage of silver vvill please note the fact that evcry vote in congressagainst the silver blll, wliicli provides for a large increase in the coinage of silver, was a democratie vote. Stick a pin therc. To the Hon. U. 8. Senate: Gentlemen: -Pass the tariflfbill, the Silver bill, the Federal election bill, the river and harbor bill, the varlous appropriation bill?, adjourn and go home. By so doing yon will earn the gratitude of some 00,000,000 people, regardless of party. Your dillydally policy is nauseating. Signed: The Ptople. Gen. Clinton B. Fisk, whose death occurred last week, was one of the noble men of the country. Politically he may have erred in judgment, but he was a true man and a phllanthropist. He was a brave and brilliant soldier in war, n active man in times of peace, an earnesi Christlan always. The world is better offfor ha ving such men as he was. From the earnest manner in which brother Stearns discusses the tarifl question in nis excellent paper, the Adrián Press, one who didn't know him would almost be misled into the belief that he really believes what he says, but those who do know him and know something of his quick conception and clear judgment upon other matters credit it all to his well established reputation as a joker. - üiUsdale Leader. The state republican convention of Arkansas, without one dissenling voice, in(lorsed the Federal election bill. In Arkansas a republican takes his life in his hands wben he.announces his politics. It was tliere that John M. Clayton was foully murdered because he dared to inquire into the methods pursued in elcctions in that state, and no one has ever been arrested therefor. It Is such tlii:is that make such a law imperative. Krause, the high mogul of the Patrons of Industry, of Port Huron, is a farmer Washtenawian. It seems tlmt he Is a democrat, and it is asserted has been quictly shapiDg the course of the P. I. votes to the party of hls cholee. A great tffort has been made to get the organization comniitteed to E. B. Winans, of Livingston county for goyernor, but some way the republican members don't appear to fancy being used as a cat'a paw to pull democractic chestnuts out of the lire. In the death of Gen. Kremont, wliicli occurred on Sunday last.this country loses one of its notable men. He was not only the pathfinder of the Pacific States, but he was the pathünder of the republican party, was its lirst presidential 'caniliiliite, and with one exception the only candldate the party dld not elect. He was a man of manyattainmentsand good qualities. Brilliant in military aff.iirs, he wae no less a statesman and leader of men1 1 is life is a noble monument tbat will last in the memory of the citizens of tliia nation long after bis mortal remains shall have gone "back to the dust from whence theysprung." The talk about a war between the United States and England over the Behring 8a seal lisherles, is all nonsense. These two great nntions, abovc al) others on the globe, are bound together in a way that should and will prevent war between them. Stlll further, England will iii-vcr uphold the (.'.inudimis in doing what they ought not to do. There are no more reasons now why Cauadian pirates should stenl the Mali in Behring sea, tlian there were when Kussia owned them, imd they tliü not steul any from Kusia. They knew b'-tter. England and the U. S. rannot üfford to eugnge in conflict over this question. r Among otherg suggested for Superintendent of Public Iustruction is the name of James N. McBride, of Owosao. Jlr. McBride is the present secretary of the county board of school examlners of Shiawasse county, and supervisor of the census for the Gth district. He is a younjr man, a gradúate of the Uniyersity, and is known as a hoetler. Tha republican party would make no mistake in placing Mr. McBride upon the ticket, as he is In every way fitted for the place, and belongs to the class that believes in pushing forward. The schools of the state would receive an Ímpetus by having at the head of the educational department such an energetlc, progreasive gentleman.


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