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JIASOVIC IIRK( TOItï. A.N! A.RBOR COMMANDERY. No. 1S ITlPetR flrSl Tiienday of each month. li. ]'. Watts, E. C: Jolin R. Mluer, Recorder; Washtksaw Ciiaitkr, No. 6, R. A. M - tfeets ttrxt Monday eaeb month. L. 0 GooJrlcli, H. P.: Z. Roath. Sccretary. BUSINESS CARD8. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. uk tuk ETE, EAR, NOSE AND THEOAT. OrFiCE AND RESIDENCE, 26 SOUTH DIVISIÓN STREET HoüRS : 1 to 4, and ftflO to 7:30 P. M . VOO-EL & ICEK,IT DEALER IX ALL KIN'DS Of FRESH AND SALT MEATS Poultry, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. O E. A mi si.. Aun Arkor. V. W. NICHOLS, DE1TTIST. Rooms Over Ann Arkor Savlngs l'.ank, Opp. Court House Square. VITALIZED AXB. Adralnistered. It is asreesble and easy to tke, and no prostrutiuK ottect follow. wbile tcuth are uxtrac(cl without pain. WIIJ.I I IIERZ, Houso, 3ign Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Papering, Glazlng, Gilding, and CalclmtnlnR, and work of every descrlption done in the beat etyle.ond warranted to give eatiefaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. O. l&Jïi-i&TTliT, 'DEALER IN CLOTH CÁSKETS, METALIC And Coramon CofHns. Calis attented to Day or Nlglil. Kinbnlmlng a apecialty. Stoieroom on E. Washinifton street. KeBidenw Cor. Liberty and Kiaii. ü"T0 MACKINAC. Summer Tours. Palace Steamers. Low Bates. Tour Trip pr VTeei Btween DETROIT, MACKINAC ISLAND Bt. Ino, Cliboyen, Alpen. Harriaville. O.cod. 8iinaVoh. Port Huron. Bt. Clxr. OakUnd Houso, Marino City, Every Week Day Belwecn DETROIT AND CLEVELAND 8poial Sundy Trips during July nd Auit. OUR ILLUSTRATED PAMPHLETS nu- nd Brourlon Tloket will b furalibod by your Ticket Agent, or ddreM E. B. WHITCOMB, Gn'l Paf. Agant, Detroit &. Cleveland Steam Nav. Co. DETROIT. MICH. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! bermhIñísjrüit AND OR WAMEWTAX. THEEB Pears and Grapevines a Specialty! SYR0PS AND HOME MADE WINK. Hvrups of Rjispberry and of Bartlett Pears. BoS, Dandellon and %?"?, w undShribs. Swecl Red and Wh e Concor.l, and MarthaOrap Wlnes.especlally prepared ror Invalida. Order trees and plauts jarly aa we get most of them irom the best Intern Nu raerles. K. BAI K, WEST HUKOM BTBEKT. I THE GREAT Germán RemedyJ TRUTHS FORTHESlCK.n lij Kor tlm.-n dealhlyl $l,ut)Uvill IJ paidll lllBiltousSpvIlariepen)! fora oase where hi.i,. III ■HonScLPHDBBiTrKBa ï'iirn Bitters vuil III It trui cure yon. notasslstorcurc. it n ■■ g Íthnttircdandallgom' CleaDM the vitiatcdfji teellng; if bo, use i,iooli wncn vou Beel I siu.nirn Bitters; jl8 impnriUM burst I II it will cure yon. njthrough the bUIiiI II T7"ï?7TTTTTHiïT 1" I'imples.BlotrhesJII ctoseïv ronll el in ■'■ S I!el' oni □ th. liïltaTnU wort Í Si-ti-iii-R BiTTi:K.g Hshop8;clerk8,whodo ;ln'! hcMb wiu ío1 m Itlnot procure sufllcient [ l I lareroiillnedlndoors, wl„ ,.,,„. LlverCom-B Illshonld use Mi-i-iiiit lalDt Doll.t ,,c .ilsl I IJBITTEB8. I hey wil .olu.ageti twiUcurcIll rSnotthoubcncakainl V()II b ' ra atism, use a bottle of !":' '' strougaudl I BÏlphub Bittirs; '"''"IiIII lt la-viT fnlls tin-ure. BCLPHOBBlTTEBail rn l''t Ge without i 111 make yourblood, Ihotilp. Trv it; you mrc,rlcliaii(lstrong,M WlUnotregretlt :uul your llesh hard. II TtëTTTTicÏÏraU' Try ]1IT- health, who are all rsBI to-nlght, ainllll rundown, t-houlil use yon wlll sleep wel! II SfM'nrit liriTKKS. :nnl feH ln-tter fprlt.ül Uo vou want the best Medical Work nulillshed? Rend'3 '.'rent Ktamps to A. P. Okdvvav c CO, Boston, Slu8., aud recelvo a copy, free. The Farmers' l Mcchanics9 Bank CAPITAL $50,000. SUEPLUS $7,000. AËitioialLiaffiüesofSMMSers $5O,OOO. Report ol the conditlon of the FAIIMKRS' AN1 MBCHANICS' BANK at Ann Arlior, Michigan, at the close ol business May 17, 18i)0. lIKSill-KCKS. IxniiB and dlsronnls ï 420, -190 02 Stocks, boods, mortgages, etc 57,(151 ftl (ivenlnil'ls 1,217 89 Due from bank in reserve cltles.... 59,81(1 3 Kiirnitnre and Üxtures ,0tO 00 Hlllfl In transit 2,888 20 Current expenses and taxes pald.... 1,119 11 IntereBt paid 9,0r2 42 Checks and cash Items 70126 Ntckels and peuules 145 'i!l Gold 5,152 50 Bllver 2,107 55 I'. S. and National Bank Notes H.2-21 UO Total Í 370,920 19 I,IABI1.1T1K3. Capital stock pald In $ 50.000 00 Surplus fuml _ 7 500 00 Undlvlded proflta 8,459 90 Commercial deposite 2B0( OS yavlngs dcpoBlt 3ii,877 26 Total f370.920 19 STATE OP MICHIGAN, j„ Coonly of Washienaw, I, FBEDBRICK H. BÉLSKR, Cashier, of theabove named Baak, do soleninly swear that the above statement is true, to tne best of uay kuowledire and belief. F. H. BEL8ER, Casliler. Snbscribed and sworn to before me, thls ■JTth day of .Miij . 1860. O. H. MANLY. Notary Public. Correct- Attest: Cbas. E. (reene, Atnhrose Kearney, D. r'. Scliairer, Directors. Ulö MlliGlS & lutJLlldllIbi) Jjdlli haviiiK illt-il Iludir certifícate wlth the Htate Banking Department are now authorlzed to do business as a Kavlngs Bank, and In purBuance thereof nave opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savlngs department on all deposits of gl and upwardu, Interest pald June lst and Dec. lst. of each year. The savings department is open Haturday nlulits from 7 untll 8 o'clock. Mouey to loan in sums of $25 to $5,000 86cured by unencumbered real estáte or approvt'd securl: iis. l I It I t KUts It.uben Kemp f Ohan. K. .reene, k. Dully, A ni broxe Kearney, Win. 1'. NteveiiM, IV. V. Break-} , J. K. Heul, John Burg, . F. ücbalrer. U. KliMPK. IV"M. E. IHIFFY, Vlce-Pre. F. H. BKLüEII, LHliler THIS PAPER aysss??1. ■ IIIV I ffil IbII kowell ft Cos Kewspaper Advcrtlsing Bureau (10 öpruca 6trcot),whcreadver. ■■■■ Ifflfllf tislnscontractsmay MC W VI1HK ha matte lor it lu Uk II I Ullll PRE ADFÜL PSORIASIS ovorlnK K.nllre ivilli liilc Mrale. NulTerliig Fearful. uri-d li) C'utlcurl. My dlsease psoriasis) first broke out on my left cheek, spreüdln? across my nose. and almont covering my face. It ran loto my 6J60, and the phyaician was afraid I woutd Int. my evi--iht altogetuer. It spread uil over my head, and my halr all teil out. nntil 1 was ei. 99g tlrely bald-headed; It thi'n JKÍWÍmSSK broke out on my arms and WWAéHP'WM houlder, until my arm ere llfilll TnJUBt one 8ore. It covered my Kv rfJ intlre body, my face, heud, sMf S5 I f a"d olioulders belne the worst. Tj r I The white cabe feil constantly 'avJ I from my head, ühoulder, and A ! - i arms : the skin would thicken z I ftnd be red and very itchy, and 1 wonld crack an{ bleed lf f 1 =5'rÍ5Í_ Kcratched. Atterspeuding many ÍUt - iSSp hundreds of dollars, I waa WWiiJfci- pronouuced incurable. I heard WiN tlle CrjTICUKA ÜKMEIHKV, and after using two bottles Citticurí Hesolvknt, I could sce a cbange and after I had taken four bottlea, I was a'most cured; and when I had ued six bottles oí CuricUka Kksolvbmt and one box of Cüticura, and one cace ol Cuticüra Soap, I was cured of the drvadful dlsease from which I had snfferud for flve years. 1 caunot express wlth a pen what I suflered before using the Cuticuba Hkmkdiks. Tbey (aved my life, and I feel it my duty to reciimmcnd them. My halr Is restored as good as evur, and so is my eyuaiirht Mks. ROSA KELLY, Kockwell ty, Iowa. Cuticüra Resolvent The new Blood Purlfler, internally, (to clcanee the blood of all iinimritiec and poixonoua elemento, i indCirricuKi.llie (jreat Skin Cure, and Cüticura Soap, au exquisito Skin Beautifler, externally. (to clear the i-kin and scalp and restore the halr,) have thoupands of cases where the sheddlng of scales cured measured a qaart dally, the ïkin cracked blfcdiny, burnine, and ltchingalmost beyond human endursnee, halr Hréleu nr all gone. aufferlne terrible. What other iemedles have made such curee r Sold everywhere. Price Cdticuba, rOc.; Soap, 25c.; Resolvïnt, $1. Prepared by the Pottkr Dhu and Ciikmii i. (',,„,.,, hatiom'. Boston &T Send lor llow to Cure Skin Diseases," 64 pnKcg, W) ïllnutratlon, and 100 testimoniáis. PI M l'l1Ks.1'lluli tiaul8,rcd,rough,chappud,and rllVI oily fkin cured by Cuticuha Soap. m IT STOPS THE PAIN. J Backache, kidney pains, weakness, Bm rheumatism and muscular pains r- ■■f" lleved in Olle m,lu'te hy the Ifll Cuticura Anti -Pain Piasier.


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