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Epitome Of The Week

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In the Sonute oi the I5th a Uil iVBS.passed grantini; to tho State of Washington a sectlon of public IuihI for :i soldiers' homo. The dis cuHNton of a proposod amoBdmont to tbs sundry civil appropriation Wil Inoreafring the pproprtation for irrigatiou surveys from fJtX),OUO to f4VX,(xxj occupied thtj remainder of the seslon In the House a bilí was Introduced grpnting a pension of $3,000 a year to the widow of General John C. Frcmont. A long and heated discussion took place on the bill appropriating $036,180 for an addltíonal clerical forcé to carry into effect the provisión of the depQndent pension act. The bill was passcd. Tuk Senate passed bilis on the 16th extending tho time of jiaynuint lo purchasers of land of the Omahti trihp of Indians in Nebraskaand to establish a National military park at Chlclcamauga hiiMlo-flcld. Bills were introduced to givea pension of $2,000 a year to Mrs. Jessie Fremonl and to ostablish a limlted postal and telegraph sei-vice. A resolution was Introduced for iuformation as to the arrest in Havana of Rev. A. .T. Dia., an American citlzcn. Tholndiaii appropriation blll ($7,153,811) was reported In the House no busincxs was transactcd owinj,' to the lack of a quorum. The land grant torfelture bill was dlscussed, but not disposcd of. The day was pnssod in the Senatc on the I7th diseusslng the sundry civil appropriation blll ....In the Home the land Krant forfeiturs bill was passed. ISy lts terms over 5,000,000 acres of land are restored to the public dotuuln. An amondment to the tarill bill was introduced In the Sonate on the 18th, givlng the President power, after ono year, to rcimpose the duty on sugnr if advisablo. The sundry civil appropriation bill was furthor discussed. In the House the original package bill was considcred and the bill giving tho wldow of General Frnmont u pension of $2,0U0 a year was faTorably reporwd. DOMESTIC. Judok Li.NKiiAX, of Dubuquo, Ia., on tho 15th grantcd injunctions against fifty-five saloons, and tlio prosecuting attorney was allowed $1,125 in fees. The United States Hotel Mon's Associution was formcd on tho 15th at Saratoga Sprints, .. Y., with tho olection of T. E. Koessle, of Washington, as president. An' explosión on tho l.ith at King's powder milis near Cincinnati killed ten men and dtttifjerously injured twenty other persons. The four bi? breweries at Minneapolis Consolidated on tho 15th with a capital of 51. 000,000. Bishop Ai.i-iikcs V. Wir.sox, of the Methodist Episcopal church, started from Baltimore on the 15th on his third missionary-instruetion trip around the world. Hot winds had on the 15th done irremediable damage to early corn in nearly all parts of KanBa.8. Advicks of the ISth say that in Deloit township, Holt County, the census enumerator diseovered tho oldost man in the State of Nebraska. His name is James McDonald and he is 104 years of age. Isaac Cask's brood mare Fury was found doad in her stall near Goshen, Ind., on the 15th. She was valued at S8.000. The house of John Haralett, near Vaiparaiso, Ind., was burncd on the 16th, and his wifc and four little children perished in the Sames. Hamlett was absent from homo. Pbbsidknt Habkison on the ïcth appointed Prof. .lames K. Soloy as Assistant Secretary of the Xavy and nominatcd A. B. Kettleton, of Minnesota, to bo Assistant Secretary of tíie Treas ury. Mus. EI.LRS 1i;ai:sox, agod 90 years, committed suicide on tho ltith in her cabin in Wileox County, Ala., where she had livcnl tor fmtv yoars. She had no living relativas and left as an excuse for the deed that she was tired of livincr on charity. Advicks of the lGth say that Morris Sullivan and his wife woro murdered in their home in (oreville, 111., by their son, agod 1C years. who gave as a reason for tho crime tb at hc? was tired of waiting for the old folks' money. The total list of deaths by cyclones, lightning and wind-stormsin the United States since January 1 to the lGth inst. is placed at 1,100, as compared with only 163 doaths by tho saino causo all last year. The yacht Marión, of South Boston, struck a rock at Portsmouth, N. H., on the 15th and was sunk. Thrue of the crew wero drovvncd. The Wliitc Star stcamor Toutonic, which arrivod at New York on the lOth, made the passage from Queenstown in flvedays and thirteen hours. J. S. Jacohson and Mrs. John J. Huddart, of Salt Lako City. wero drownod in Berkley lako noar Denver, Col., on the 16th, by the upsetting of a boat. Henry Hall. aged 55 years, a teamster, shot nis wife and fatally wounded himself aitrr a quarrel on the 16th at Council Bluffs, Ia. Up to the lCth eighty-nine dead bodies had boen recovorod from tho wreek of the steamer fSea Wing on Lak e Pepin, opposite Lake City, Minn., and over a dozen persons were stiil missing. Hkxky C. Thompson, of Morristown, N. J., a millionaire who had charge of several large trusts, wa9 on the lOth found to bo $'00,000 short in his accounts. LlEUTF.N'ANT C. V. DoNAI-DSOX, Stationud at Fort Orand, A. T., and Misa Lottio Spurg-eon were droivned at Nowportbeach, Cal., on the lOth. Two yaciits froin Chicago were lost in a storm on Lake Michigan on tho 16th and flve persons weredrownad. Judoe Howi.ani) decided at Indianapolis on the 17th that Germán must be taught in the public stfhools. At Rockland, Mass., a fire on the 17th which started in the Congregational church causod a loss of $100,000. Jacksom, an 8-year-old boy, found a pocket-book containing $15,000 in the street at Lynn, Mass., on the 17th, and returned the money to ita owner, Captain Uobinson. The mayor of Red Wing, Minn., on tho 17th propared an oflicial list of the victims of tho Lake l'epin disaster, by which it was shown that ninoty-sevqn of the 175 persons on üio Soa Wing lost their lives.


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