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University Hospital TENDERS WANTED! Proposals wlll be recelved by the board of ilegents of the University of Michigan up to and Including the 12tli day of August, for the erectlon and completlon of two Hospital buildings on the University grounds at Ann Arbor. Plans and Specifica Hoiir can be Been at the office of the secretary at the University. i'roposals must be sealed, endorsed "ProposnU for Hospital Buildings," and addressed to James H. Wade, Secretary of the Board of Regenta, Ann Arbor Mlch. Each tender must be uccompanled by an approved bond, or certltled check of 1,000 suretv that the partios wlll enter int a contract should thelr proposals be bccepted. Blank .Schedules will be supplied by the Seoretary upon applicatlon. The board reserve the right to reject any or all blds. lui iirOiiii W iuSSiliillyi fliufi CAPITAL $50,000. SUBPLTJ3 $10,000. AffliüonalLialüesofStocöolJers $5O,OOO. Report of the condition of the FARMERS AND MECHANICS' BANK at Aun Arbor Michigan, at the close of business July 18, lsyu. RKSOUBCKS. Ixans and dlscounts $ 213 981 72 Stocks, bonds, mortgage, etc 72.!i si Overdrafts 1,350 0d I)ue frora banks in reserve citles.... 19,883 45 l)ue from Washtenaw County 11.501 TB Hllls In transit 3,5flo 23 Furnlture and flxtmes _ 3,0 0 (10 Current expenses and taxes pulil. ... 7-2 38 Interest pald „ 33 i Checks and cash Items „ 159 77 NickeU and penuios 65 51 Gold 8,134 70 811 ver 2,912 15 U. S. and National Bank Notes 14,858 00 Total $ 351.682 39 LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid Ín $ 50.000 00 Surplus fund 10 000 OU Uoalvlded proflts 3,259 í", Dividend unpald .315 00 Commercial deposita 242,557 53 Savlngs deposlts 45,650 01 Total 8351,682 39 STATE OF MICHIGAN,) Couiity of WaHluenaw. ƒ I. F. H. BELSEH, Casbier, of the above nuined Bank, do solemiily swear that tlie above statement is true, to the best of uiy knowledge and belief. F. H. BELSER. Cashler. Subscribed and sworu to before me, tuis 29th day of July, 1890. WM. V. WHEDOÍÍ, Notary Public. Correct- Attest: AmbroseKearney, Chas. E. Greene, D. K. Sohairer, Directors. The Farmers' & MecMcs' Bani inving flled tbelr certiflcate wlth the State '{HiikiiiK Department are now anthorizcd to lo business as a Savlngs Bank, and iu purlUAnce thereof have opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savings department on all deposita of SI and upwards, Interest iald June lst and Dec. lst, of each ytj;ir. Xlie savings department Is open Saturday nlghts from 7 until 8 o'clock. M'iuey to loan In sumsof $25 to f5,000 seured by unencumbered real estáte or apiroved securlties. PIKBCTOKS-Renben Kempf. ('hH, reeiio, K Dufty, AmbroHf Krnrney. Win. C. Stevens, W. F. Hreakey, j. k Ueal, John Hur, U. Sclialrer. K. KK3IPK, Pre, K. IIIIFFY, Vite-Hre. F. H. HKKSKIt, Caslilfr REPORT OF THE CONDITION - OF- TEE UU iftl SUS MIE At Ann Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business, JTJLY 18. 1890. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts. _ $344,369 24 Stocks, bonds, mortgage, etc 255.S34 H6 Overdrafts 4,461 76 Due from bank in reserve clties 93,794 W Due from Kchool District No. I, A. A 3,887 49 Furniture and flxtures 1,930 86 Current expenses and taxes paid.. 115 04 Bills in transit 3,:S 3U Cliecks and cash items _.. 326 78 Nickelaaud penales 90 84 Gold „ „ 15,000 00 Silvur 1,800 00 U. S. and National Bank Notee 14,024 00 Totil ...736,128 54 LIABILITIE3. Capital stock paid in Í 60,000 00 Surplus fund 10O.OÜ0 00 Undivlded proflts 17,887 08 Dividends unpaid 664 00 Commercial deposite 154,945 62 Savings deposito 392,760 56 Doe to banks and bankers 128 2E Certiflcates of deposit 19,853 03 Total _ _ ..8736,128 54 Statk ok Michigan, County of Washteïknaw, ss. I, Chas. E. Hiscock, Casbier of the above nained Bank, do aolemnly swear Ihat tbe above atatumcnt is true, to thti best of my knowledge and belier. CUAS. E. HISCOCK. Caobier. Corrbct- Attest : CHRISTIN MACK, ) W. D. HARKIMAN, VDirectors. . DAVID KINSEY, Suhsrribed and sworn to before rap, this 26th day of July, 1890. IIENRY J. B1ANN, NoUry Public. BEAL ESTÁTE AND INSURANÖE A6EN6Y. OF J. Q. A. SESSIONS, A.TTORNEY AND NOTABT PUBLIC Real Estáte sold or rented and renU collected ou reasonable terms. None but old and flrst-class Insurance Companies represented- wltn Insurance capital of $10,O0U,OÜG. Untes as low as anv otber Insurance compan y and losse promptly pald. Office Nu. 5 North Main Street, Ann Arbor Mlch. RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY, AND Flour and Feed Store. We keep constantly on hand, 15UK Al), CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, For Wholesale and Retatl Trade. We sball aleo keep & supply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Osborn' Gold Ductt Fluur, lïuekwlieat Flour, Corn IHeul, Feed, Etc, At Wholesale and Kctall. A general stock of 6B0CÏRIÏS M PROYISIÜNS Constautly on haud, which wlll be sold on 00 reaeonable terma a at any other house In the city. Cash paid for BUTTBR, KGG8, and COÜNTRÏ PRODUCE eenerally. Qoods delivered to anj purt of the city wlthont extra charge. RIXSEY & SEABOLT.


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Ann Arbor Courier