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CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE 1 $29,000,000. Security held for the protectlon of the poliij holden. CHRISTIAN MACK Representa the followtnir flrdt-clane companle, ol í whlch one, the 4itn, has alone paid $ 56,UOO,000 Bre lossea in slxtj-flve yeara : iEtna, of Hartford f 9,192,844 Franklin of Philadelpliia 3,1 18,713 Gerinania, N. Y 2,700,729 Germán American, N. Y 4,065,9Ü8 London Assurance, London.. . 1,416,788 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,608 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,676 National, Hartford 1,774,505 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,036 Losses liberally adjusted and promptly pald. Policies issued at the lowest rates of premium. llBltf inyPDTjCCQ1? orolhri.whowish t- examina H" ■ kil I i OEI( W thi! papor, of obtain ostimates on advortising space when in Chicago, will find it on file at 45 1049 Randolph Si., AAn O TUAUI1C thAdertingAfiUncyuf LUltU tt 1 nOlnKÖF Shoes a for the a Fimw _r farco'S 5g f "Box Tip" School Shoes itSs for Boys and Girls. ƒ ? S:o Heeled or Wedge Heel. Ê 'iSAè SlzeS-8tolOV5 81.35 R. 0sr7aT ïltoBK 1.50 'iMPSiÖ1 SHto 554 8.00 tfHf FARCO'S Vk $2.50 Calf Shoe A4a.èv for Gentlemen, lnp-. oTï1?xt? j in America at the n&nie BTlM.LHUIV_jjrT"' ' " In CongreMs, HutV6L' ton iiii! l.ace. Mou'stuid Boy 'a si zes. tf FARCO'S f! ($2.50 LADIES' BOOT ƒ Oto X Don9ola or Gat. Button, ií iSc V Opera, or Common Sense. fjCflHftgX Tackless and Flexible. itXir LAÏfrS Wni-mnted tho mot Stol rrrriv'llllVTnnT - iSS'ish "ud Kr' DÜR NAME IS ON THE B0TT0N1 OF EVERY SHOE. O. H. FARGO & CO., Chicago, IU. DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, ■ ANX ARBOE. C. H. WILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! Jio. 4 South Main SI., Anu Arbor. The oldest ageney In the city. Kstabllshed over a ouarter of a century ago. Represen tlng the follüwlug flrst-class compauies, wltb I over $60,000,000 Capital and Amoti. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRAKD INS. CO., of Phlladelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boeton. Rates Lo w as tne Lovrest, Losses LlberUy Ailjustt'tl and promptlj l'aid. O. H. MILLEN. Michigan Central " The Niágara Falls Route." Time table taking effect May 18. 1890. CHICAGO TO DETROIT. : T ö w a o ■ iT"18 s " - h 3 A . A.M. P M P.M. P. P.M.A.M. A.M. CL'oLv "O.". 90ÓÚ2.1 3 11) 900 1010 4 50 Kala'ooU45 2 17 8 65 1 U 118 381 - 1 Jack'n 800 4 25 5 35 S 47, 3 35 BU5 5 J0 9 40 Doitcr.. 4 IS 1 ■■ 28 aSblOW P M.lP M.IP.M.lP. M. A.M. A. M. A.M A.M. AmiA'r 4 B2Í B3Ú 4.-. 4 .V. 7 45 B 14 11 00 Yiwl.'il 5 02 5 43 9 56 513 8 05 6 38 1113 W'eJc 5'7 I " ''" De'i Ar 6 15 45 7 30 10 45 li 2 9 20 7 3uU' 10 DETROIT TO CHICAGO. A.M. AM P. M.PM. A M. P.M.IP.M. Detroit. .I-v 9O'i 7 50 120 4 45 9 25 9151568 Wayne Juuc. 10 ÜO ' Yusilanti .1 1 22 8 43 2 0i 5 43. ... 10 15 7 00 A.M A.M.Ip.M. F.M. v.M. P.M.lP.M. Ann Arbor... 10 87 a 6S 2 17 S55 10 la 10 30] 7 18 l)eT 111 0' I Z1 Chelsea 1113 6 ll ' Jacltflon 1155 1000 3 17 0 65 1115 1145 8 30 Kalamazuo . 2 : :■! i-i ' 930(1256 2 17 8 31 ChlcK...Ar 755 i 1") t) 4 ) 80iS. ... O. W. HUUGLKS, a. W. UAYKS, G. P. fc T. Aüuut, Ctaicaeo. Aft.. Aun Albor. Toledo, Auu Arbor & Sortli 9Ulilgu Kailway. TIME SCHKDULS. T.-ikinjí effect November 25th, 1989. Traiue ron by Standard Time. Ooing North. $ - = S STATIONS. I P. . A. M. P.M. I. M. 3 26 6 OÜ Lv Toledo Ar 11 15 110 4 17 6 47 Dundce 10 18 12 20 4:35 7 05 Milán 9 68 12 04 4 46 7 l Urania 9 45 1152 4 53 7 22 PllUfflsld 9 34 11 42 5 U7 7 83 Aun Arbor V 22 11 30 5 3' 7 50 Leían'! 9 0T 11 15 5 47 S H5 Whitmore Lake 8 5R 11 0i 6 2- 8 45 Howell 8 17 10 25 I 7 15 9 35 Durand 7 10 9 85 8 55 TÜTiÚ Kast Saginnw 5 55 7 45 8 (Kilo 10 Owosmj 6 35 9 05 907 1145 Ilhai-a .. 5 32 7 60 0 15 12 45 Mt. Pleaaant 4 85 8 4& 3 0 Caillllac 10 80 4 40 Oopmish 9 flfi 5 40 Ar Frankfort Lv 7 50 P. M. P. M.l A. M. k . Ooing Smitt. South Lyon Iirnncli. NOBTii niirsi), STATIONS. tiiUTU iioinii Train 18 Train 17 A. X. A. M. 6 00 Lv Ann Arbor Ar 8 15 6 40 Wordene 7 35 7 00 Ar South Lyon Lv 7 15 II. VV. ASULEY. General Manager. A. J. PAISLEY, GEO. II. HAZI-EWOOD. Gi-n'l. I'ass. & Ticket Ae ent. Local Aiceuu ICE, ICE. ICE. Keep cool during the coming stemmer by coníracting with E. V. H. for ice at the following rates: 25 Ibs. daily, except Sunday, $4.00 per mo. " " 4 times a week, $3.50 " " " 3 " " $3.50 " ■i u 2 " $2,00 " E. V. HANGSTERFER 3O HUH-A-IUST ST. To Restaurants, Hotels, etc in 500 Ib. lots, 40c per hundred. Less quantity, 50c. T.:iFF LITERATUiíE FOR ALL AMKltlCANl'ROTEl'TlVKTAlriPFLEAOUB is pultlishing a most vahuible serles of Tariff ilui'iiini'Mts. These are prepured with a vlew to state the facta and arífiiments for Proteotion, wíietbor in the interest of farmers, laborees, nicrehants or professional men. Kiu-li issue of the series uppeals to those entriirnl inseuarate industries, and presents indisputable facts - comparisons of wajies, eost of livintf, and other arguuieuts sbowiug the beneñts of Protection. Any single one will be sent on receipt of 2 cents in stamps except " Wages, IJviug and '1 arilT." which will be sent for 4 cents. The whole list will be sent for 3U oents or any twelve for 2U cents, or any live for 1U cents, postage paid. Oixlerby number. No. ï'AOEa. l-"Vages, LJvIub nnd TarllT." E. A. HartsHultN 104 8- "Thf Advuut-ifci-!, ur a Protectlve Tarín to the Labor aud Iinlustrics of the l'uKed States." Fitst l'llze Essay, 1887. CinwFORIJ D. IlKNMNU 32 - " Home rruüuctiuu indispensable to a Supgly, at Low Prlces, oí the Mauufactumi ominoditles reijulred for the PeopU of the Uutti'd States, and Adequate Home J'rtHlurt i M of these CommodïtU's Iimihisslble without a Protectlve TarliT." First Prize Kssay, 1888. C. 0. Todd 82 4 - 'Vhat are Raw Materials? Would Free liaw Materials be Advuuineous tu the Labor and Industries of United States.' First Prize BW, IBtiO', Hoheuë. Vihkll 32 6- MFalla-lcH of Free-Trade." E. P. HnxEB... ti- "Some Views ou the 'l'ariff by an Üld ness Man." üeo. Dratek 32 7- "The Prutectlve Tarlir : It8 AdvauUiKe.s for the South." CL. Kdwards 32 8- "The Wool Iutcreat.' JudKt' Wm. La.wbchcb 'A - "l'rotection et. Free-Tratie."- A Illstorlcal Review. D. ü. Hakkiman 20 10-" The Farmer and the TarifT" Col. Thomas H. UUÜLKY 10 11- I'rutoftiou asa Public Pollcy." üeokukS. liOUTWKLL 10 12- "Reply to thol'rt:Aldeiit'ttFi-ee-Trade Message." R. P. POBTEB 8 i:i-" Work iiigmon and thf 'luri(T." 8 14- "'The Vital cuestión ■ .ShallAniorlrun Industries be Abandoncd and Aiuericuu MarkotsSurreudered 't 8 15- Saint, in Germán, wlth Atidltlon 8 10- "The Progresa of One tiundred Years " ROBERT 1. I'ORTRP. 8 17- 'Trotcotion for Amertcao shlppiutr." 8 is- 'The 'iarifl Nota Tax." HOMKitli. Dibkix.. 8 il-" Wby Irishmeu KhouJd }e Protectiouibts." 8 ■.'0-" Irotection." E. H. ammiduhn 4 l- What íb a Tarlff ?" Answers to a Workiugmau's Cuestión 4 2- "The American Wool Industry." E.H. amMIDOWN 8 ? !- " Waees aud Cost of Living." J. D. Wegga, 4 - "Southern Farm Ing Induurles." é A íihort Talk to workinmen. 3 .- ■ Protectlon nnd the Farmer." Sunutor S. M. C UXM 13 fue awciucak Ba nomist, weekly.devotadto th 1t .'-(MMion or all [hases f the Tarlff qurstlon. t' Sojni : Addivss Amt'rtcan Pk■ :■ . :: w. ■'■■'l r-t.. Rew Vori-. Ia the oldcst and most popular soienllne aró mechanirl paper publislied and lias ilic lurtrst cireulatinn of any paper ol it.s cuisv IM hjB worid, Kully U1tutfat6d. Best ('lasa of Woud Kntiravlna. Publishod woekly. Bend lor pi-cimeD L?ÈÏ;„P.T'OT w om monthi" trial, L MUNN & CO., PUBLISDEHS, 3U1 liruudwuy, .N.Y. ARCHITECTS & BUILDERC Edition of Scientific American. O A trest success. Kach isaie contalns colorod lltnoKrapnic platea oí country iiiut cüy Heideneen or public bulMiniis. Nmuerons .nurMvinKs and full plan? utid Rpeclflcatloiu íor tho usb of uchas cimleiuplnte biiildtnir. Pricc fi.M a vear 25cta. acopy. MUNN & CO., i'UBLISUEKS. DATENTS iiiiicni,;,,, ■ 40 yoars' experienco umi h&VQ nuid6 ivar ei'n patenta. Bend tor Hondbook. Uurrwpunilence strictly conHdoni iul. TRADE MARKS. In case your mark Is not reglsiercU in tlip Patent Office, apply t MDNN S ('., asd pmcur iLumodiatü protectiun. Send nc iiuitduuk. COPYRIGHTS for booka, charta, muPá etc., qulckty procured. AdOi ess A1UNN Ar CO., l'uleut Solicitum. tfUfXUAL OFJT1CK: 3ól JiKüiüwiv, N. T


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