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The bean erop is said to be promislng. South Lyon wants the signal service flags display ed in that place. The Lake Shore depot at Manchester has been reshingled, not rebuilt. The corner stone of the new Catholic church Whittaker was laid Aug. 7th. Stockbrldge comes to the front with 153,000 lbs. of wool purchased this season. Hon. Geo. S. Wheeler, of Salem, has been on the sick list for the past few daya. On Aug. Sist at Adrián, oceurg the 6th annual Musical Festival of the Michigan and Ohio Band Association. Sorae of the campers on Base Lake are liviiir lilgh on fish and wild game. Woodchuck stew seenis to be the favorite dish. - Dexter Leader. Editor Beakes who went to Dexter last week to steer the P. of I. county convention, found that the rudder didn't answer to bis touch. - Ypsllantian. Farmera are advlsed to let their barley pass through its tirst sweat in the stack, and not to thrash it until September. It will improve the color of the berry. Many of the farmers are anxious to tliresh their wheat and dispose of it at the present market prtce, as thev tliiuk it is a desirable one.- Chelsea Herald. Tliia is the season of the year when many a boy begins to plan to leave the farm. Work Iiitn as a mulé is worked, and he will eventually perfect hls plans, too. Do not neglect to water the stock. If on a hot day the stock must go without elther foud or water, we believe that it woiihl be more humane to furnish the water. J. H. Kingsley has begun the foundation for mi addition to the cast slde of his flour and feed mili at east Manchester. He will put lu a run of stone.- Euterprise. The Salem base ball boys carne down here Monday and played a game with our kids. The klds fairly mopped the earth with them. Score 81 to 8.- Plymouth Mail. There has been 250,000 pounda of wool purcliascd in Chelsea this year, as follows: Holmes & Judson, 110,000 pounds; Kempf Bros., 100,000 pounds; Chas. Whitaker, 40,000 pounds. E. B. WInans, of Hamburg, the posslble democratie candidate for governor, has been seeking strength at the Mt. Clemen's springs. He will need all he eau get if he is a candidate. Ilorsemen claim tbat 2:28 Is as good time for a horse on the Stockbridge track as 2:20 is for one on some of the mlle tracks, therefore there were some very good performances here.- Sun. Richard Putnnm has concluded not to pursue his work at the Univereity the coraming year, but has accepted the position of Professor of Science in the Sioux Falla University, Sioux Falls, Dakota. - Ypsilanti Commercial. Nothing prejudlces a homeseeker agninst a locality so much as bad roads. No cominuriity can afford to neglect its highways. The trade of a town is benefltted by every dollar's worth of labor intelligently given to the roads leading to it. The Queen City Social Club has placee in its rooms a magnificent specimen of tuxidermy, In the shape of a fish hawk, shot by a meiuber at Frain's lake, which measures f our feet f rom tip to tip. John Hixon mounted the bird. - Ypsilanti Sentinel. A lurge number of logs are being gathered froin the river below the village which have been layint; on the river bottom for many years, sunk there when log floating was an industry hereabouts They are belng brought to Pulver's mili. - Dundee Reporter. The apple erop about here Is a failure The proprietors of the apple dryer, which did such an extensivo business here las fall, arrived here the f ore part of the week to pack up the machinery and ship it to Missouri. They will ieave to-day or to morrow - Brighton Citizen. For gome time the York milis have been undergolng extensive repairs, Mr Mason, the proprietor, being bound to have eyerytliing in iirst-cluss shape be fore again starting the wheels. The work has been completed and the mili again ready for business, in better shape than ever. - Observer. A Hartland wife, being alone in the house at night, heard a burglar trying to enter by a rear wiodow. She got out a big revolver, shut her eyes and blazed away, and down went a mulé worth $100 that had got out of the stable and wai wandering around the garden. Had i been a burglar she would never have touched him, of course. - Brighton Citizen. Milan school will be taught by the fol Inwint; corps of teachers for the coming year: G. A. Denuison, principal; Mis, Gertrude Hanson, assistant; Miss Viola Mead, grammar room; Miss Laura Paine, intermedíate; Miss Lena Swick second primary; Miss Anna Delaforce tirst primary. It is not yet decided tlu date of ODenlng the school, but it wil probably be the second or third Monday in September. - Leader. Bills are out for the sixth annual farmer's picnic at the Wampler's lake resor on Friday, Aug. 22d. A. J. Waters, E:q., of this village will deliver an address, and Hon. E. P. Allen is expectec to be present. Varlout amusements wil fill the day and the Brooklyn concer band will furnish music. In the eveninf a dance will be the attraction. Gooc music. Let everybody go and have an enjoyable day. - Manchester Enterprise. The picnic of the northern Lenawee and southern Washtenaw association yesterday was attended by over 1,000 people A good social time was enjoyed by all and the affair was in every respect grand erent. The offleers for the ensuIng year are: President, Horace B Katon, of Tecumseh; vlce-president Albert D. English, of Manchester; secretary, Element H. Bramble, of Franklin , treasurer, Wealey B. Keyser, of Clinton. - Manchester Enterprise. We are very sorry that our esteemed postmaster, Andrew D. Grimes is suffering very much froni a diseased lejf. The Uifflculty dates back to army life when Mr. Grimes had a siege of typlioid fever. The disease "settled" in his leg and It bas been gradually losing its use. Dr. Brown of this village, Stgler from Pinckney, and a Detroit physician are holding a conference to-day to decide jut what kind of an operation ought to be performed. It is not improbable that amputaüon will be necessary.- Stockbridge Sun. The contract for building the substructure for the new bridge acress the race in this yillage, has been let to Lockwood & Van Wormer, for $120. The new bridge, which is to be of iron, same pattern and width of the river bridge, Is to be finiehed about the 20th inst: consequently the old bridge will soon tiare to be torn up for the abutments. Some temporary affair will luve to he made, so as not to interfere with trafflc, which on that street is greater than on any other street in the village, owing to the fact that it la the only thoroughfare from the business portion of towii to the depot. - Hilan Leader. The catalogue of the State Normal School, at Ypsilanti, has been sent out. The nuinber of studente enrolled during the past year was 1,075, taught by thirty one instructor. The Normal school will hereafter admit graduates of high schoolt without exaiuination and credit them wilh studies properly certified aa completed. Tliree years' courses lead to a certifícate (or 1 een se to teach) good for five years. Four years' courses lead to a diploma and a certifícate good for life. Slx years' courses, and a half year's course for college grad untes, are now established. These lead to a life certifícate and the degree of bachelor of pedagógica. Mr. Goodman, of the second hand store, Congress st., has the works of a primitlve wooden clock purporting to be made in Conneticut in 1773. The makers' name Is not giren, but tbere Is branded on the back of the frame "Conneticut, fecit 1773." It is entirely of wood, except the pallet and escapement, and the wood is not the same as that tised in later clocks. Another evidence of its age is that there is no provisión for setting it. The only means of correcting it, is to stop it, and walt till time comes round to the spot. Mr. Goodman has also an ancient bureau of unknown age, and is looking for a high post, old fashioned bedstead, the older the better. He wishes to get a full set of back number furniture, such as the fathen used.- Sentinel. Tuesday night a company was organized by the citizens of tliis city for the purpose of constructing and operating a system of water works for Iron Mountain city, upper peuininsula. The offleers are Frank A. Todd. president, D. C. Batchelder, vice-presldent, R. W. Hemphill, secretary, and D. L. Quirk, treasurer. The company holds a franchise for 30 years from the city, and receive $9,000 annually for 156 hydrants, with f50 for every extra one required. The city contains 1600 houses. The montbly pny roll of the Chapin mine is $100,000 to 2300 employés, and soon it is expected that the Hamilton mine will have an equal force. Iron Mountain is a rapidly growIng city and it looks as if the company bad fctiuck it


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