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Republican State Contention

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ileapquarticrs repúblicas state ) Central Committkk Detroit, July 12. liflto. ) A State Convention of tne Kepubllcau of Michigan wlll be held at the Detroit rlnk, Detroit beginning at 2 o'clock, p. m. Weiiuesday, August 27, and oonllnulng Tbunday, A ugust 28, 1890, for the purpose of nona i nall n x candldates for state office and for Juntlce of the Supieme Oourt, to flll vaoancy; also for tlu; purpose of selectlog a chalrman of the State Central Commlttee and two members thereof from each congresslonal district, and the transactlon of sucli other business as may properly corae before it. la accordance wlth a resolutlon adopten at Grand Kaplds May 10, 1876. every county wlll In' enlitled to one delégate for each 50 of the total vote cast for Qovernor at the laat State electlon (November 1888), and one addltlonal delégate for every fractlon amouutlng to 300, but each organized county wlll be eutltled to at leaat one delégate. Undera resolution of 185Snodelegate wlllhe entitled to a seat in the convention who does not reside In the couuty he proposei to represent. The delcgates from each congresslonal district are requeeted to meet In caucux at 12 o'clock noon, Wednesday, Aug. 27, and select candldates as follows, to be presented to tb state Couventlon for connrmation: Two members of the state Cen tral Commlttee, one Vlce-President, one Assistaut Secretary and one member for each of tbe Comraittees on "Credentlals," "Resolutlons," "Permanent Organizatloa and order of Business." In compliance with a resolution adopted in Detroit June 23, 18.S0, the secretary of each county couvention is requested to forward to the secretary of the State Central Commlttee (No 84 Grlwold street, Detroit), by the earllest mail after thedelenates to the State Convention are chosen, a certified list of such delegates as are entitled to seats in the State Convention from their respective counlies; and also the naines and addrcss of the chalrman, secretary, and members of tbeir couuty cornial llee. H. C. Tillmax, Seoretary. Washtenaw county is eutltled to 21 delegatea.


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Ann Arbor Courier