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USE DR.CRAIGS ORIGINAL KIDNEY AND LIVER CURE Crown Piasters and Pilis. Tbey are only Safe Raraedlesjto use for tliose Hlllictcd wltb Brigbt's Dlsease, Livor Complaint and Urlnary AÍIcctions. Only those prepared In tbe dry vorm are Uie Original and the Only Kldney and LlverCure tliat will restore you to perfect healtli. ALL LADIES USE o. :e. n.. j. SOLS 37 ALL DSUOOISTS. THE CRAIG MEDICINE CO., PASSAIC, N. J. 150 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. Il the oldest and most popular seientiflc and mechanicial papor publlshed and has ihelaruest circuí ut ion of nny paper of its cImhs in the worid. Fully llluatrated. Best class of Wood KulthvIngs. Published weekly. Send for specimen eopr. Prlce $3 a year. t'our months' trial, $1. MÖNN & COM PUBLiSHEits, 3tíl Üroadway, H.Y. ARCHITEGTS & BUILDERC Edition of Scicntific American. O A Rreat succeaa. Each Issue contains colored llthOKraphic píates of country and city reRidonces or public buildings. Kumeruus enravings and full plan? and speciflcation for t)ie use of suchas contémplate building. Price $'.M a year, 20 ets. acopy. Ml'NX & CO., l'L'iii.isiiLics. PATEÑTCÜ1 H 40 years' experience and haye made over H ÏOÜ.UÜU applicatlons for American atid For eitíii patenta. Send for lïandbook. Correspondeoce strictly conQdentiaJ. TRADE MARKS. In cas your mark is not retristered In the Patent Office, apply to Munn it ('o., and procure tmmedtate protection. Send for lïandbook. COPYRIGHTS for books, charta, mapa, etc., quickly procured. Address MUKN A: CO., Puteot Solicito. UXNIKAL OFFICK: 361 BUOADWAY, N. T CET THE BEST FIRE INSURANCE ! $29,000,000. , Security held for the protection of the polic holders. CHRISTIAN MACK Kepreseuta the followlng ürst-claeB companies, o which one, the jEtna, has alune paid $5,000,000 flr losees in sixty-flve yeara : .Etna, of Hartford $ 9,192,04 Franklin of PhiladelpMa 3,1 18,71 Qcrmania,N.Y 2,700,72 Germán American, N. Y 4,066,96 LonUon Assurunce, London.. . 1,416,78 Michigan F. & M., Detroit. . . 287,60 N. Y. Underwriters, N. Y 2,596,67 National, Hartford 1,774,50 Phoenix, Brooklyn 3,759,03 I.osses liherally adjusted and proniptly pal Policies issued at the loweat rates 01 premium. 1191tf JHIVCQfEGCDQ orothers.who wish toexamin AUwCII I lutnO tnis paper, orobtain cstims'e on advertising spaco whon in Chicago, will find it on file a 45 to49 Randolph St, ABIt 9 TUAI8EC theAdwtisingAfiencyoi Luflil Oí 1 ilUNNdr Fargtfs Shoes _r farco's 5l ( "Box Tip" School Shoes Ë i&5oV Heeled or Wedge Heel. E &r&k Slzes-8tolO!4 1.25 ÍW'TIW Ito3 1.75 JÖT FARGO'S ÏH V $2-50 Calf Shoe VavAv for Gentlemen, twQTTb-ZL. Unequaled by any ehou VfcoSyy "yin America at tlie saino MjfÉNIVtHO&l4Í0'price. I ti Congrcsí, Itut Boy's sizes. cn FARCO'S ft $2.50 LADIES' BOOT ƒ üï? x. "on90la op Goat, Button, J? V Opera, or Common Sense. iRfleV Tackles and Flexible. t?!rLAN?&S!5 Warrantod the moot tibí rrnr'"'' s"i;? "" DDR NAME IS ON THE BOTTOM Or EVERY SHOE. k.íí ?h?,r dt'aíier for ï1'' hoe. If he do not C. H. ÏAEGO & CO., Chicago, HL DOTY & FEINER, AGENTS, - ANN ARBOR. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! No. 4 South Main St., Ann Arbor. The oldest agency In the city. Establtshed over a quarter of a century ago. Kepresentlng he foüowing flrst-clas compaules, wlth aver 60,000,000 Capital and Asni-in. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA INS. CO., of New York. GIRAKD INS. CO., of PhilaUelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL ÜNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON aud GLOBE. WASHINGTON FIRE and MARINE, of Boston. Bates Low as the Lowest, Losses Liberally Adjtisteil and promptly Paid. O. H. MILLEN.


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Ann Arbor Courier