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Skins on Fire Witli Kchine, Kuriilng, Blepdlng i'irxi-tiiuM liiKiunlly Helleved Cutlcura Keniedle. Onr llttle son will be four years of aje on Ihe 25tl insi. In May, 1885, lie was attacked with a very painfnl breaking out of the skin We callea In a phyxlcian, who treated him for about four weeks. The child recelved ltttle or no good frum the treatment, as the breakinK out.Biipposed by the ph8idan to be hivcs in an aggreatcd i'orm, becamo larger in blotchee, and more and more dletrecBing. We were frequently obliged U icet up in the iilght and rul him with soda in water, stroug linimento, etc. Fiaally, we cilled other phyiticiane , until no lese Ihan six had attctnpted to cure him, all alikc lading, and the child steadily trettini.' woree, nntll about the iOth of lat July, w.ien we 'v-mi to glve h'm CuTICUSA Uksolvknt lnternally, and the Cuticuk Soap i-xternally, and by the lasi Df Auguet he was eo ncarly wefl tbat we (jave him only one doao of the Hksoi.vknt abnut ten dayn longsr, and he has ever been troubled üincii with tne horrid milady. In all we UBed lene than one half of a buttle of Cuticur Rbsolvïnt, a litlle leïs than one box of Cutícula, tnd only one cake of Ciiticura Soat. Il, E. RYAN, Oaui;al Livingston Co., 111. Subscribid and sworu w clore me, tbla fourth tlav uf Janiury, 1S87. C. N. COE, J. P. Cuticura Remedies I'nrrnta, do yon reallze how your littla ones suffer, when thelr tender skin are llti'rally on flre wlth Helling, burntug, ncaly, and blotched sklnland scalp dUeasMt To kuow that u finóle appllcailon f the Cuticuiia Kbmeüies will often aft'ord limtant relief, ])ermlt ret and slecp, and point to a purmanent and economlcal (because so peedy) curo, and not to use them. without a moment's deluy 8 to bugullty of pooitlve iuhumaiiity. No greater lescy can ue bestowed upon a chlid than a clear sklu and pure blood. Cuticüka Hbhedies are absolutely pure, and may bo used from Intaucy to age, from pimples to scrol'ula. Sold everywhcre. Price Cuticuba, íOc.; 9oP, Zic.; Kbsolvent, $1. Prepurcd by the Pottkk Dbuh anii CHKMioiLCoRroKATlol, Boston. 8, Send for "II. w lo Cure Blood DlBeanen." DADV'Q kin tmd Scilp purified and bcauDnDl O tifl d by CfTicUKA Soap. Absolutely iiiirc J NO RHEUMATIZ ABOUT ME! 1 Anti-raln rianter rulieveii rheu .niulic, sciatic, hip, kiünoy. muscular, ■L "'d chest, pain. The flrut and ouly lnstantamous paln kllllníí streiigthenlnK piaster.


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