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Ex -Mayor Roblson presented a clalm against the city a few weeks ago, which was referred to the city attorney. Tlie subjoined swora statement shows tliis basis for Iiis cluiín. "CITY OF ANN ABBOK TO JOHN J. ROBISON, DR To dam ages by reason of nonfulfillmcnt of greement to lower North Main street- $1500.00. To the Honorable Common Councü of the city of Ann Arbor. Gentlemen : l'ursuant to the charter ol sald city the imdersigncd respnctfully presenta to your lionorable body the following statement as i foundation for lili claim todamages. In 1880 the undersigned boaght f rom the County of Washtenaw the ol 1 jall building and the land accompatiying It consisting of ono and one half acres, and having a front age on North Main street of 18 rods. The street appcarcd to the undersigned too high, and at the request of the undersigned the city engineer set stakes alongthe wesl side of said street ehowing an easier grade for said street. At the next session o! said council the attention of that body was called to the matter and the undersigned promised that if the street was cut to the grade as shown by the engineer's 8takesthen standing, hu the undersigned would build on said premises at last two brick dwelllngs. On motion of one of the aldermen the matter was referred to the street comtnittee and the city engineer "with power to act", see Journal 1880 page 266. The street committee and the city engineer met and cxamined the proposed cut in the street and agreed that the grade eUoiild be established as shown by the city engineer's stakes. In proof ot this the undersigned will produce the wrltten statement of two tliirds of the street commlttee, also a similar statement from the city engineer (Prof. J. B. Duvis). On the assurance of the persons in charge of the streets that thls grading should be done as soon as possib'e after certain gravel was removed and the raios had so moistened the eartli that graditigr would be comparatively easy, the undersigned erected two brick dwelllngs as he agreed making the grade staken in the Street hls guide in determiuing the height of his cellar walls. In response to a petition of the business men of the city asking the council to "do unit agreed" wiih reference to lowering said Street, the council on motion of one of the nldcrmen re-established the old grade ! ! 1 ! ! (see Journal of 1838 page 621). The Street remains uncut and the undenlgned feels greatly wronged and dainaged tliereby. JOHN J. KOBISON. Subscrihcd and sworu to before me this 18th, August 1S90. E. B. Norris, Notary Public. J. E. L. Miller will open a bookbindery in the Dull'y block this week. The lust of the religious meetings at Ornpsey's hall is to be held next Sunday at ;i p. in. Persons who saw Mr. M. M. Stcfly gonr out West Iluron st., one day last week, with a dray loaded with bedsteads, tables, chaira, crockery, etc., thought he waa leavlng the country, hut he stored them in a house just outside the city limits and went buck alter another load. The quarterly confereuceof the M. E. church met Friday evening and passed the following resolutions: We the memberaofthe quarterly conference of tlie First M. E. Church of Aun Arbor, Resolve, That as our beloved Dr. W. 8. Studley Is (it)out to termínate hls paslorate witli tlie Ann Arbor church nfter a succeasful term, we tender to hlm our most cordial greeting and a hope fnr hls long conttnuauce In the work of the ylneyard. We have enjoyed a prosperous perlod under hls pastorate; have all learned to love hlm; to continue in a growing appreciation of hls scholarly sermona and tok uow that he hna done the church, as well aa the cause of Chrlat, great good In preaching the Gospel araongst us. It ia with sorrow tliat we contémplate his reuioval from us unil we heartlly commend hlra to the aflectlona and regard or the brethreu wherever the Lord may le&d his footsteps. The peculiar etiervatlng effect of summer weather is driven off by Hood's Sarsaparilln, which"mako theweak strons."


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Ann Arbor Courier