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Dr. C. McLane's Ceiebrated IIYER PILLS ViLL CURE nu A few doses faken at the right time wül Often savo a ssvero spell of sickness. Price only 25 cents at any drug sfore. Be sura and see that Dr. C. McLANE'S CELEBRATED LIVER PILLS, FLEMINQ BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa., Is on tho boXi None other is Genuine. Uso 1VOHY POLISH for tha Teeth, Perfumes tiih Eeeatti. CARTEfCS] CURE Bick Hoadacho and roliovo all tho troubles incident to a bilioua etatocf tho Byotom, such aa DÍ7.2incsH, KitUEea, DrowsinoaB, lirttrensi ;ii"tor cating, Pain in tho Siilo, &c. W'liilo thulrmosfe remarkablo jsucccaa haa been ehowu lii curing SICK neadarho, yot Cnrfer'fl Littlo Liver Pilis aro cqually v.iluablo in Constipal ion, curing aud prt ví il t ing tliifliinnoyini?coiaplaint,whilo tboy also correct all disonlors of tho fltoma:h,8tiraulato tho liver and rogulato tho bowols. Even if thcy oniy HEAD AcbotheywonMboalniostpricoloiifltothosowho euCfer fiomthlBcUstrossingcompl&ln brflfortuHately tboirgooclncsdotía notondhüro.aiulthosa whooncetry themwill find theso littlo pillsTaln{iblelu eoiuany waystbat thcy will not bo wilÜng to du without tïicm. But af tor allsick hod ACHE Is the bano of po many livcs that here is whero vro mak o our grtat boost. Our pilla cure iL whila otbors do not. Carter1 LitLlo Livor Pilis aro vory small and vory easy to take. Ono or two pilla nuikúa doso. They aroBtrictly vegetable and do ncit gripe or purf but by their gentío actiou pienso all who usethem. Iïiviaïaat2jconts; flvofur$l. Soid by drugyistd overjrvs-horo, or nout by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALLPILL. SMALLDOSE. SUALLPRIGE If You Havo CONSUMPTIEF GOU8H0RCOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affecties SCROFU LA Wasüng of Eesh. Or any Dtscate trhere the Tlirot.t and Lungt art Inflamed, Lach of Btrength or tTerv Z'owcr, you can he relicvcd and Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSIÓN PURE CODL!VER OIL Wlth Hypophosphites. PALATABLE AS MILK, Atkfor Scotl't Emulsión, and let iw expïanation or êolicitatlon induce you to itcccjpt a tuiiMtitute. Sold by all Drugglsts. 8C0TT & BOWNE.Chemtsts, N.Y. Xo euro Biliousness, Sick Hcodaclie, Constipation, Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safo and certain remedy, SBEITH'S BILE BEANS Tao the SJIA!,!, Sizc ( lOliitlc Beans to tho bottle). They aue the most convenient. Pricc ol' citlKT Nixe, 25e. per Ilottle. # I O O I il fit'Li ÏTlft" PHOÍOORAYURE [ IXXIIÍ1ÍAT'"!"'U PANEL SIZE. Il I V V 9 11 13 ik for I cti. Koppcri or U). J. F.SMITH & CO.Mafccreof-BILEBEANS, ' ST. IOUIS WO. CREAM OW PRU N ES A vcry j leasant Laxative, pnadc bom the juice of Presa Prunei combincd vuith ' annless vegetabl ingreáteiita of well-kn'wn and highly medicinal qualitioe, put up ii ti. o of CREAM DROPS, Making a very valuable preparation FOR INFANTS andCHILDREN, A88imilating Iha :. od and Regulating tlic Stomach atid '( It P-on. otes Disestlon, Checrfulncss and Ret IT IS A ÏÏOfIDERFÜL REF.CEDY PorC NSTIPATIOH, S -UR STOMACH, COWUL8ION8, LC"3 ( SLEEP V.'ORMS, ' FE ERiaHNEO, Etc. P ce 25 Certs. SBtGGS MEDICT" ! CO., ■ ... ii, N. FOR SALE . EBERBACH & SON, ■ A'X AEnOR. Rnbber Shoca onleea wora uncomfortably tbdit. general Iy slip off the fcet. "-- THE "COLCHESTEK" KüBBER CO. make all thelr hoes wlth üwlde of heel llned wlth rubWT. ThU cllnft to tho Rhoo uud urovcuu th rubber froin llpplng oft. C&ll for tho M Colchester " "ADHESBVE COUNTERS." FOK AI.E BY WM, ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO., DOTY&FEINER, A.D.SEYLER &SON. ANK ARBOR. S illow and leuden-hiied complexinna soon give place to the lovelien pink-andwhlte, when the U9e of Ayer's Sarsaparilla is persisted In, and cosmetica entirely abandoned. Nothing eau counterfeit the ropy glow of perfect heaith.which blesses those who use this medicine. Tlie man who is willing to do wrong in order to gain riches can never enli.y the in. Furty-llve Years Bondage. GENTe: For forty flve years I have been afflicted with blood polsoH, liver and rheumatic difflculties. Part of the time confined to my bed. My blood wns badly diseased. Six bottles of Hibbard's Klieumatic Syrup did nip more good tiran all the other mcdicinea t have taken. My frienda tiave used it nnd in every case it has proven a wonderfnl remedy. I have known of some wonderful cures of dyspepsla and neuralgia. Mas. Mary Biddlk, MitchelvUle, Iowa. Hibbard's Hheumatic Syrup and Piasters are remedies of great inerit. I bellere they have no equal in the cure of rheuinutism and all blood diseafes. Dr. H Richard, Diuggist, Mitvhellvillp, Iowa. The spring is the time to take Hibbard's ltlieiimatie Syrup for the hlood. Prepared only by The Charles Wriülit -Medicine (ompaiiy, Detroit, Mich. For sale by all druguists. Sorae folks seem to think that dy9pepsia means piety, and others Imagino tliemselves jood simply because they have a bad liver. Dispepsia in lts worst forms will yield to the use of Carter's Little Liver Pilis. They not only relieve present distress hut strengthen the stomacb und digestive apparatns.


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