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Undemocratic And Monstrous

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No honest mind can contémplate witli patience the new "Mississlppi plan'' proposed to tlie constitutlonal convention of that state by iis presklent, Judge Calhoun. Judge Calhoun sucgeats that the state be divided, by constitutional provisión, iüto thiiteen electoral districts, so arranged by the art of gerrymander that there símil be a clear wliite majority io eifíht oí the thirteen ; that each district sliall choose an elector, and that the eleeto-s so chosen shall meet at the capital and elect all state offleers, from governor to justice of the peace. 'riiis, of course, is simply a plan to ?ecure and liold politica] power in the bands of a ininority by trick and di'Vlce; to work a wholesomedisfrancliisemeiit in eflect without üisfrancliising any citizen In form ; to destroy everj' trace of local self-ofovernment, and under republican fornis to place the goverunient of the state in the hands of a class. The thing ia undemocratic and monstrous. It is without even that semblance of fairness which the institution of an educatiooal test would have.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier