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By Agreement Gustave Koch, An

By Agreement Gustave Koch, An image
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lat, and Kinilie üossi, an ftctress, killod themsolves in New Vork beoause the mother of tho actress liad opposod bar marri:-c witli Kocb. At Toledo tlie Sooioty of tho Army of the Cumberland olootod oflloers, Ueneral W. S. Rosecrans being chosen prosident Tuk sth was the 170th day that tho Wbitehall (Pa.) faster, Mra Adam Wuohter, had goae without Fooi of any kind. A OTCtonE naar Manninir, la-, killed two poreona and Injured sovoral othors, and near Emmetsburg and at Vinton groat daniage was dono to proporty. Fbed Paul shot Mrs. Louis ltuolow at Long Prairie, Minn., and nut off her ears, and ttaen went home andshothimself. He was insano. Chaiu.ks Diium.ii, proprietor of a wino-house al: Springfleld, O., in a fit of jealousy shot his wi'e and then cnded his own life. Ax incendiary fire at South Haven, Mich., resultcd in the destruction of eleven business buildings. Cai. Woon. convicted of murder, has boen sontenced to doath by electricity in Dannomora prison, New York, daring tho week coinmonuinj? November 3 next Ají express train on the Reading road was thrown down an embankment at Shoemakorsvillc, Pa., and fifty persons wero reportcd killed and thirty-five injured. The businoss failnres in the United States during the seven days ended on tho 19th numberod 190, against 1U3 the precedinpf week and 203 the corresponding week last year. Hf.xiíy Buriíis, awealthy farmer noar Smithfield, O., was swindled out of $5,000 by two sharpers. In a fit of melancholy J. J. Medley committcd suicide at Ouray, Col., by tak ing morphine. Aboat ayearagothe man killed his wife. NkarLY forty porsons in Jiinneapolis have been indictod for participating in census frauds in that city. The population of Cincinnati is announcod as 296,809, an inerease of 41,170. At tho meeting of itio World's Columbian Exposition Commissioners Colonel Oeorgo K. Davis, of Chicago, was olected diroctor-jjeneral of the exposition. President Haükisox has signed the river and harbor and anti-lottery bilis. Mi:.-;. Jexsik Riiwi.axd, of Chicago, has been bequouthcd Sí:!,000 by a lover whom she had not seen sinco he enlisted during the war. Belle Hajtliiï and Justina, driven by thoir owner, C. L. Hamlin, broke the doublo-team trotting record at Philadelphia. Tho milo was made in 2:15}; best provious record, ;:l The principal portion of Whitehall, Mich., and about tliirty dwellings have been dcstroycd by an Inoéndiary flre. Six persons were drowned near Evansville, Ark., by : cloud-burst. Cuor.i:i:.v luis bocome epidemie in tho illage of Bergholz, O.


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Ann Arbor Courier