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The followlng nppointmcnts have been made for thls county and vicinity: HON. J. C. BÜ&ROWS. Ann Arbor, Tuesday evenlng Oct.21 pandee, Frlday afternoon Oct. 41 HON. JOHN K. BOIES. Dundee, Saiurday Oct. 18 HON. F. A. MAYNA.RD. Salem, Mondny Oet. 20 Wblttaker, Tueeday Oct. 21 Mllan, Wednesday Oot. 22 Sa line, Thurnday Oct, Ü3 Cbelsea, Frlday Oct. 24 HENRY O. PBATT. Lyiulon, Weduesilay Oct. 15 Bylvao Center-Tharsday Oct. is Lima Center, Frlday Oct. 17 Buperlor. Saturday Oct. IS Plttófleld, Monday Ocl. 2 ) Lodl, Toesday Oct.21 f'recdoin. Wednesday Oct. 22 Sharon, Tharsday "et. 23 B.'Hlgewaier, Kriil:iv Oc:t. L'l Morevl lla, Saturday Oct. 25 Wbltaker, Monday Oct. 27 HON. G6OHGE A. FA UK. Tpsllanti, Batnrday Ocl. 26 Cuolsea, Mouday Oi't. 27 A. IS. ST. JOHN. Dexter, WTednesday Oct. 15 Teoumseb, .Monday Oet. 20 Thirteen milis reported 55,589 bushels of wheat marketed during the last month. The outside of tle Farmers & Mechanios Bank is being paintcd á chocolste color. If Detroit wants points on rapld transit, she c:m applv to Ann Arbor umi net tin in. The ladies' library wlll bo opeo Saturdiys hcreafter froin ten to twelve a. in., ml tivo to four p. m. Gen. Samuel F. Carey at the opera house this evening. See Don Platl'fl estimate ofSam ou the first page. B'shop E. G. Andrews, of Xew York, will open tlie series of ketures bcfore the Wesleynn Quild on the evening of Oct. 201 h. There wo : very pleasant infomml reception at the resldeuce oi' BenJ l.iy last evening ".'iven to the M. 10. minister, K;v. Dr. Rust Ni xt week we wlll give the new tftriff bill entire, in súpplemental form, so that our readers eau see for themselves wliat its provisioiis are. Chving to other eng;i;eiiients, Hou. J. C. Burrows ha3 beun obliged to change the date of his speech In tbls city trom Priday, Oct. 2Uh, to Tuesday, Oct. 21st. Note the chance of clute. There will be a meeting of those interested for the pui pose of foiming a Gentleman's Drivlng Club, attheagricultural room in the court house basement on Sturday next, at 2 o'clock p. m. We cali especial at tent lo D to the supplement in tliis issue, giving Mr. Turner's excellent reply to the dirty and contemptible charges made agalnst blin by a sorehead, diseharged employé. The Ladies' home Missionary Society are to meet at the M. E. churoh Thursday p. in. at 3 o'clock. They Wíll be alad to receive clothing and bedding for poor people in the northern part of the state. Alad nanicd Ben Glassford cut nnother boy named Louis Oebring in the face witli a knife at the postofflee Monduy evening. Glassford had been ejectcd from the room for raislog a disturbance. Such boys ought to be made to feel the 8trong arm of the law. Henry Alles was thrown directly la front of one of tlïe electrlc cars on Wilüam st., last Sunday, by reason of the horse that hc was driving becoining frightened at tbe car. He was shoved some 15 or 20 feet by the car before it could be stopped, but was not seriously injured, though badly brulsed. Wonder if Samuel P. Carey wlll deliver liis powerful prohibition speech, liis flaming greenback speecli, hls oldtiuie cyclonicrepublicaii speech, hlsgreat Sliakesperian speech, or what sort of a speech he willdeüver? The people hereabouts have not heard froin Jiim for a few months, to know where he does stand. At the meeting of the BDard of Education Tuesday evening President Hack appointed the following stationary cotnmittees: ■ On teachers, gobools nnd lext-books- W. B. Smitli, J. K. Beal, C. Mack. On buildings and gruuuds- J. T. Jacobs, L. Gruner, E. 11. Scott. On Snanpe and accounts-P. Bach, J. V. Bheehun, VV. VV. Wliedon, Onlibrary -.1. 1). Umi, VV. W. Wliedon, C. Mack and Superintendent Ferry. The verdict of the jury in the División Street opening case was the cool judgment of eleven of our best business men. As such it is probably as ncar correct as could be arrived at. The Í050 awarded to the Sutton estáte, while 3ufficiently lare was none too lar{e. The f250 awarded to Mr. Cornwell was not a great deal, but when the fact Is considered that the widenlng of this street wlll bcnellt his pronerty at least $500, the award will Mem a llttle high. The same Is true o tiic Deubel property, and Mr. Deubel du notcare enoiiüli about it to appear in lli case. Allogetlier the wklening of thi street will cost the city about $1,500, bu the iinproyement is wortli the money It is $1,500 wcll invested. Ttie stree shouUl be widened. nM dandi Oatiipbei breaaea Are sure to brlng 011 the wheezes; Tben lmatle j-oiir form Into sometlilng warm, 'Ere your hi'aü flies off wlth tbe sneezes. Ciitfiíh Bteak !s quito a popular dlsh ju.-l now. Mr8. ICane ilied t tlic coanty bouae Banday, aged 91 years. The heavy fall ralna and warm growin; we:itlier are ving wlicat a splendid growlli tb Is fall. The oamea of James O'Ivtine and Miss Abbie Malloy were called at St. Thonins cliurch last Sunday. Tlie l'atrons of Industry are to hold a meeting nt Ucxter next Saturday to put in nomination a coun'y ticket. The last issue of tlie Song Journal has i line portraitof JuliusV. Seyler, acoompanled by a blographical sketch. Dr. M, O. Slieehan will probably return to Anu Arbor to live. He says this is the best place in the world for a home. The Helpcr's Band of tlie Presbyterian churcli will give a social to their friends next Saturday night at Mrs. Parkei's on N. Fourth ave. The latest articles of commerce are human skeletons, nicely mounted. They sell frorn f25 to $40 each. (imported.) - No tariffon thein either. Next Saturday, Oct. 18th, the Putrons of iDdustry will hold a convention at Dexter to nominato a county ticket. Tliat will make four tickets In the fieid. Mr?. II. V. Hogers was made vicepresident of tlie northwestern brancli of the Woman'g Borne Misslonary Society at its meeting ia Indiannpolis, last week. Last week the mail carriers dellvered nviil matter amounting to 2,350 lbs., the average load fjr each carrier being 27JL lbs. No slnecure's position [to carry the mails, cli ? The I.adies' Aid Society of St. Andrew's paiish glve a tea sociil at Harris Hall on Thursday evenlng at G o'clock. All members of the congrogation are Invited to be present. The 3Sth convcntlon Institnte under the nuspices of the Sunday School Union of Mom roe county, will be held at Oakville, on Saturday, Sunday and Mondsiy, Oet. 25th, 26th, and 27th. 'Tis swect (o be remenibered, cspccially wiih sweet things, such as a b:isket of elegant grapes which was found on tlie editorial table wlth tlic eompliments of W. F. Blrd. May he lire Ion and prosper. The Couriku's Pond was not cleared by its recent inariiune. It s yet green wlth the nitasiii of splte and hatred.- Ypsilantl Sentinel. But since "Tully" has got back home to his papa agatn he is so tickied thut he slobbeis all over everytlilng. Dr. W.W. Nichols has the pliotograph of a cluster of peaches - sometliing unusnal forpeaclies - thatgrew in liis orchard, It in number, of theeaily Crawford ty. Even tbe picture Is wort h golng to )r's. oflice to look at. Win. E. Moon, of Ypsilantl, who mared E mini Steager at Detroit in May, S8S, Dow prays for a divorce from her lleging that she desertad [ilm at BuiT.ilo, T. Y., on llie foilowing September, and 3 now living with another man. The horse tliat cawsed tbc death of Prof. i. E. Nichols In tliis city, is owneil by Valter Ilead, of Dexter townsliip, and an away again tlie otlier day. Mr. tead was tlirown out, but lield on to lie horse until he stopped him. The average yield of oat9 por acre in liis county is placed at 21.77, and of barey at 2177. Of corn 54 bushels per ere, and potatoes 51. The yield of winer apples is 19 per cent, a? comparecí with an avenige yeir, and late peachee 7 per cont. Tlie store at the corner of State and E. Villiatn st , occupied by Mrs. Mabel 'ond, is lm ving a new front built pon t. The building is being extended out to lic line of the other stores upon the tieet and new plate glass wilh the deep ecessetl Windows are replacing the old ront. Of our county fair the Dexter Leader emarks: "The fair was a succes3 and he management deserves credit for its inlefatigable work and perservance. The ociety starts off auspiciously and it is he duty, and to the interest of every citizen of the county, to put his slioulder o the wheel and help it along." A yoang man by the name of Earl, rom Pontiac, who came here for the purpose of of entering the medical department of the university, died at the place where he was loomlng at Mr. Armburster's on E. 'Washington st., lust evening, from an abscess of the stomach. His remains were taken home thls a. m. by liis family. At the senatorial convent on held at Dundee on Saturday, Oct., 4th, Albert ]Jond, of London township, Monroe Co., was placed in nomination. Wm. Campbell, of Pittsfield presided and the following senatorial committee was appointed: Xathan Plerce, Clielsea. W. J. Jast, Ann Arbor. J. W.Blakeslee, Mllan. T. C. Howard, Oakville. J. w. Morris, Uaislnvllle. Moses JIowu, Azalia. The recital of the elocution class at the High school hall last Friday evening was greetcd wlth a large audience, and the recitals werc well rendered. Mr. Calyin Boylau and Miss Almcda F. Bachman gave extra fine recitals. Miss Bachman displayed sonie traits akinafirst-classelocutloniat. Gnod music, vocal and iustrumental, was furnisbed. Carrol Remlck, of this city, and Miss Grace Nevins Ingalls, of Nashville, N. H., were married last Monday, at the ri'sidence of Mrs. C. R. Uemick, on E. Cntharlne st. Mr. Remlck is one of the finest younj; men our city posscsses, and he will have the good wishes of hosts of Mende. The couple leave for Seattlc, Washington, nfxt Monday, for permanent residence, we understand. The deuth of llrs. Mary Mulliolland, of this cily occurred on Sunday last after a lingeringillness. Mrs. Mulliolland was 81 years 4 months old, and had been a resident of this city for 52 years, coming here in 1838, and all of this time she had resided in the home in which she died, on W. Liberty st,, in the second ward. Funeral services were held yesterday p. m., at 4 o'clock frotn the family residenceThe Youth's Conipanion offers to send free a souvenir copy of the illustrated poem, "RaUlng the School-IIouse Plag," bandsomely printed on heavy paper sultable for fraining, to every public school in the United States which has raised the American fl:ig. We have a copy of it and can voucli for its appropriateness for hanginf! up in the school room. Every school house in Ann Arbor is entltled to one of these pictures Blmply hy applying for theiu.


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