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The Oracle board is allve and at woik already. Prof. H. C. Adama and wife are soourning in tbe Catskill8. The Glee Club will be one of tlic lions of college igain tbis ye:ir. L. E. Torrey, lit '90, is upon tlie Clilengo Tribune editorial ataff. The Studente' Clirlstian Association is stronger t!;is yoar than ever before. Mrs. Dr. Volland lias returned home fiom her visit with her sou at Hacine, Wis. Harry Stearns, lit '90, is engaged upon upon liia father's paper, the Adrinn Press. C.mdidutes for ndinissioti totheChoial Union will be met by Prof. Stnnley in room 24. "A Guide to the Literatura of Jthetics," is a new work by Prof?. C. M. Gayley and F. N. Scott. Dr. J. C. Wood, who returned froin hls ummer stay in Europe, a sliort time inco, looks much improved by his trip. Profe. Cooley, Greene and Davis attended the meeting of the Michigan Engineering Society last Wednesday, at jansing. Prof. J. B. Davis has been made presilent of the Michigan Engineering Soiety. An honor to one of our professors, vlio is well worthy of it. President Angelí attended the annual meeting of the Foreign MIssion Board of lie Congregational church, at Minnepolis last week, returnlng home Mony- The University of California now has ho following U. of M. men in lts faculty: 'rofs. Giiyley, Lange, Haskell and Schaeerle, and as instructor Leusclmer of '88. The U. of M. is the most popular unierslty in America, bocause it Is essenially the people's universit3r, and also beause t gives the best of everything and teeps up with the time?. The iirst Issue of the Chronicle Argoaut was issued Baturday, and the edition f 1,200 sold quickly, and more could have been disposod of had the issue held out. It will be even more popular than last year, if tliat were possible. Among thofe who 1 eet ure in the course of Political Economy thls year are: Prof. J. W. Jenks, of I ml hum Unlversity; Prof. Richard M. Smith, and Dr. E. R. A. Seligman, of Columbia College; and Dr. Albcrt Shaw of Minneapolis. There was a fair orowd, considering the weather, on the fair grounds to witncs9 the foot-ball game between theU. of M. and Albion, on Satuiday afternoon. The game resulted in a victory for the U. of M. boys by a score of 50 to 10. The Northern Oratorleal League bas been formcd by the U. of M., Northwestern University of Evanston, III., Oberlin College, and the Wisconsin State University of Madison, Wis. The firsl annual contcst will be held In tliis city next May. The prize will be $100 and $50 cash. The Laws have started the rushing usinessagain this year. List Friclay a unior law attenipted to wear a silk tile lid the entire fence surrounding the jüiigregational church was torn down In leattempt of seniors todemolish theliat. 'he wearer was plucky. He flourished a ñg cañe and a revolver and kept the uingry seniors at bay. The enrollinent at the Uuiversity up to ate s tlie largest in tüe history of the intitution, and we are safe in saying the argest of any university in America. Jp to Ihia noon itstood as followa : 1890. 1889. jtterary 1048 866 ledical 384 36 jiiw 627 468 'tinrmacy 93 76 )ental 130 100 lomeopathlc li 67 2.255 1.943 The Detroit High School Alumni have ecidetl to found a fcholarship in tlieir lma mater. The scliolarship will conIst of a college course in the University if Michigan, and will be given each year o the student of the best standing in the graduating class. The U. of M. Glee Club has kindly offered to aid the Alumli in their most praiseworthy enterprise, and wlll sing at the meeting of the Alumni Associatlon in Detroit ni xt anuary. - U. of M. Daily. Tlie following are the lectures and lates secured by the Student's Lecture Association. The list is a fine one: eland T. Powers Nov. 8 ■'red Vil Iers Nov. 21 llld Park Concert Co Dec. 13 ienry M. Btanlcy Jan. 0 lev. F. W. Oun.saulus Jan. 21 Kussel H. CuDwell Feb. 21 We suggest to those who have not already done so, to read David Capperfield to get tlie full benefit of Mr. Powers enertainment, whlch will consist in the imlersonation ot the characters in this work of Dickens. An associated dispatch to the duily press, dated at Chicago, Oct. 13, saya: "The newly elected president of the Northwestern University, Henry Wade Rogers of Ann Arbor, Mlch., made his lirst appcarance before the students totlay, and was enthusiastically received. He paid a high tribute to his pr.dccessor, the late Dr. Cummings. Prfsident Kogers referred to Evanston as the "Oxford of Methodism," and expressed a hope of being able to soon doublé the already large endowment of the University." It may be of interest to the fnends of the Choral Union to know that it lias outgrown its old quarters In Room 24, and will hereafter meet In the chapet. There will be a merubership of over 200, and the quality of tone is very fine. AH persons desiring to join are hereby notified that the list of active mctnbers (singers) will be closed a week from next Tuesday evening. Prof. Stanley will meet any who desire to join the chorus at 8:30 Saturday a. m., in the music room. Also at 6:45 p. m. next Tuesday evening. Old members will report at the chapel at 7:15 p. m., Tuesday, for the assignment of seats for the year. The probable yleld of wheat in this county this year is placed at 905,290 bushels. The editor of the Ilaiiáfreund, P. O. Suekey, is üeliverlng political speeches In Wisconsin. Evart Scottcaugiit a 12,J lb. pike in Independence Lïke a few day's since. It was a beauly. Tlie Minnis orchestra furnish the miulo for the Granger dancing academy on State street this season. The various political parties of the county have flled their nominations wlth the county clerk as the law requires. Henrletta 1$., daughterof Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Liddell, died last Monday at the famlly res'ulence on Miller ave., of cáncer, aged 35years. Funeral service thïs p. in. at 2 o'dock. Conimcncing Oet. 20th, Ida Van Cortland and company will play one week's engagement at the grand opera house. May Linn.


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