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J. D. Ryn luis gons to WtrMW, Ind. John Keinick and wife were up from Detroit yesterday. Dr. R. S. Copilaud, of I! iy City, was in town ycstcnlay. Kdwin II111, of Dctroil, was in the city the last of the week. Hou S. Q. Ives, of Chel&ea, was a picasant caller to-dny. Mrs. Eva Booth, of Xorthvillc, is visitini; relativos in the city. S. W. Bcakes and wife returned from the east Monday evening. Miss Emrna Hayley visited fricada in Dentón the firstof the week. Chas. Donovan, of Port Kads, is visiting h9 father In tlie Stil w:ird. Prof J. C. Knowlton 3 able to be out again after a protracted ïllness. Harvey ColliiiS, of Jackson, spent Sunday with his friend Will Kennedy. Fred W. Buss, with Mack & Schmid, Is confined to his home by illnes?. Miss Hattie Kcith, of Dexter, is visiting relatives and friends In the city. Gilbert Bliss is n Denver, Col. Ile is there on a business andpleasure trip. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wade Kogers were in Evanston, 111., over Sunduy. Miss Rose Mills, of Cblllicothe, Ohio, Is the guest of Mrs. N. J. Kyer for a few weeks. Louis Hominger, of Louisville, Ky., is vfsiting his parents, Dr. and Mre. RomiBger. Mrs. Fent Spink, nee Nora Lynn, has returned home to Cleveland, Oliio, after a visit of several weeks. John Mulliolliind, of Bay City, has been in the city this week, called here by the death of his mother. Mrs. H. Truesdel, and daughter Miss Daisy, have returned from thelr summer stay in New Hampshire. V. J. Johnson, of this city, goes to Cleveland, Ohio, next month to join the Nat Goodwin Comedy Co. John Wotzke ha3 been in Detroit this week, attending the funeral ofbis brother, alderman Wotzke, of Detroit. Mrs. Dr. Hart after a month's viait with her inother, Mrs. G. W. Mlley, returned S;iturday to Port Huron. Chas. E. Hiscock, of the Ann Arbor Saviiifis Bank, is taking a vacation, spending most of the time at Lnnsing. Miss Julia Kennedy is expected home to-diy from a two weeks' visit willi her sister, Mrs. Clias. B. Woodward, of Detroit. Dr. R. S. Kust, of Ciocinnatl, was In the city over Sunday the guest of his son, Rev. R. II. J!ust, pastor of the M. E. church. Judge Coole}' has so far recovered his heallh that he left for Wnslilugton Monday to again tike up the inter-state commeree business. Dr. W. F. Breakey entertained IIoii John K. Boirs last Monday, and sevenil prominent republicans met him there nt tea Monday eveningi May Lino. There was a serious wasliout on the M. C. R. R. tracks west of Scio Monday. t took two wreckiug trains from tliis ty seven hours to rcplace the tracks. The nuisancp of bunimi leaves on the trects at night and fouling tlie :iir with lie unpleasant smoke s still indiilged In )y some of our eiüzens. If burned at ill hey onght to be burned during the day The lecture of Miss Olof Kraier last 'hursday evening was beard by a Urge lid liigtily iiUxcaiod auliM JtXloo irarer ia a wonderful Httle Esquimaux ady 40 Inches in height, weighs 120 pounds and is 31 yearsof age. She speaks uitepiain English and gave a curious ïistory of her people who live on the astern shore of Greenland and are suposed to be the descendants of Scandinivian shipwrecked sailors. No other uch strange race exists. They have no and, no governmenr, no wrltten languaj:e, no schools, no religión and no as)iration highor tlian dumb brutea. They ive in snow housea lined with skins and imply exist on raw, frozen mear, and blubber taken from the walrus, goal and whale. Living in a frozen, arctic región, hey are utter strangers to vegetable?, fruits and all the luxurles of a températe cllmute. They have six months nlglit our months of constant suulight, and wo montha of constant twilight, whieh s the most delighttul of the year. The sunlïght days are most dreadful, as their eyes are then very much injured by the ■un's rays. May Linn.


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