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Dun Reviews Trade

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NEW YoüK, Oct. 17.- II. Q. Dun & Co. 's weekly of trade saya tliat in all directiona tbe business outlook Improvcs and tlie volume of trade so ucreasus thst, notwftlifltatrdtng the recent cuiji mous Inorease in circulation, the money markets ure growlng stringent. Exporta bave bécome remarkably large, and the douiestio trade is sucli that exchanges ontside New York exceed last year'a by 15 per cent. Trade is .-troi ■% i verywïiere. At Boston wool is risiii;; and goods are in better demaod, wiiile oottons are selling vvell and tiim. At Phüadolphla wool is more active and sl:lit!y higlier, tlie output of cottou is InereMlng, there is au increased demand tor paper with tendency toward advance ín uoine gradea, the liquor trade is etimulated by new duties. Chicago reports Bmaller recelpta of (train, eured ment and dresscd beef, clieese and butter thau a year bro, but a slight inciense iu lard and doublé the'reeelpts of.woo!, and larger transuetions in dry goods and merchandise generally, with satisfactory pa] incnl.H. St. Louis nierchants are adjusting themselves to new tariff conditlons and trade is stronpr. At Cleveland and Milwauuee bad weathcr luis retarded trade, whlch ia nevertbelesa of lair volume; at St. Paul, Omaha, Denver and Kansas City trade is Rood; at Minneapolls tbe 11 )iir output decllned to 106,000 barrels, but wheatreceipts wera 1,SÜO, 000 bushels; at Pittsburg the Iron and glass trades aru active, with prospec(8 at an advance in window ylass, and tit Bavannab trade is brisk. 'l'lie coa] trade is more coulidcnt, and September prices now rule. Tin Is 132i; lower, but fead s strongei at 5.9c, aud copper steady at Ki to 17c. Of the tcxtiic Industrie?, tlie tuvreasing demand for eotton aud woo! bearg witness, though tlie production of print cloths at present priues is beid unproütable. Another great udustry bas been niaking notable progreís, the number of hoge packêd in the West, March 1 to October 1 belng 7,905,000, against 5,920,000 last year, an increase of oearly ;!.- per cent. Tbc exporta of provlstone are nl?o very heavy, in Beptembet f 11,018,416 in value against ?s,iUi,ü4 last year, and tuis also continúes, prices beinr steady. In petroleum exporta tliere was :in increase in quantity last montli, 75,000,000 gallons agaiust 59,000.000 last yefcr. Tlius, in spite of tlie suppreaslon of export of breadstufiÈ by bigu prices, the increase in Value of the princ pil products was 1most 10 per i-ent, in September, and the airtrngate ot exporta tor that nionth wil] not yary imicii from the remarkably large value of importe. Tlie new Urifl ims cauaed ra idyanee In prices of somu kinds of sroods, wbicb, together wlth the rise resnltiog from partial failure of cropg, has moved up the general level of prioea materlally, thonjth less tban 1 per cent. on all coinmoclities since Oet. 2. Hut the higber range of prices iiccounts in part tot Lbe quick absorption of a circulation (ar preutel than that of laatyear.


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