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OCR Text ]. Ilr.vri.NOToN, commandant of the United Statos navy yard at Pensacola, Fla.. died in Saratoga Sprints, N. V. . a?ed 49 years. The nominationa lor ('onerosa on the 14th woro: New York, Kighth district, T. J. Campbell (Dein.) ronominated; Ninth, John Weiss (Rep.); Tonth, C. S. Van Bensselaei (Rep.); Kleventh, .T. J. Quinn (Dem.); Thirtoenth, II. C. liobinson (IIp.). l'onnsyKunia, Ninth district, I). 1!. Wintert (Kop.). Massachusctts, Sixth district, C. E. Kimball (Pro.). Mlchlg-an, First district, Ilibbard Baker (Rop. ); Eleventh, John Lemer (Dam.). Kentuoky, Fourth district, J. V. !,:,_' ii: ■')..). Florida, First district, I! i K ■ d (It ■[.). Missouri, F. tiett G. II. lliffner (Dom.), luvv.i, Soventb district (short term), E. B. Hayos (Eop.). Illinois, Fourth district. S. W. Packard (Pro.). Owixo to ill-hc:i!th JoSeph Pulitzer has lílthdráwn entiroly from the editor' Bhip of tbo Xow York World. .Il-MN S. MÖKRILL w;is Of) th I4lh re-elecfed United States Sonator over ex-Minister Phelps by the Legislatura of Vennont. Mi:s. A;.vti;k Uv..v.:, of Washington, diod at the ;:r.' ol i ' y Ki.v. D. C. Kelli . Ion candidato for (lovernor of Teniiassae, has been suspended for six nionths by the Methodist Episcopal o for leavinff his post as pastor at Qallatin without permission. The nominationa for Conpfroas on the 15th wero as follows: Ni vv Vork, Eleventli A. Flammer (Kep.): Thirteonth, 1'. A. Ad iras (Itop.); Ffturteenth, .1. T. Ste:u-iis (Eep.). l'onnsylvania, Thirty-slxth district, N. R. Critcbfiold (Rftp.). Massachusetts, iourth district, Charles A. Copeland (Kop.). Missouri, Eiglith district, Charlea 1'. Joy ( Rep.). Servícks wero held on the lCth in the Supremo Court chambor at Washington over the remaina of .lustice Samuel F. Miller, aml the romaina wore then placed on tho cars, to bo taken to Keokuk, Ia., for burlsl. Tm: following were the Concrrcssional nfflbinations on the 16th: Massachusetts, Foiirtb district, Jonas 11. Frennh (Dem.). Ponnsylvania, Ninth district, Daniel II. Wlnifard (Kep.); Twcntyfirst, George 1'. Hufl (Rep.), Kentucky, Ninth district, Aloxander Bruce (Farmers' Allí;. Coni:ai 1m)i.„ for thlrty ycars tho jailer of Cook County, 111., diod at his rosidence ín Chicago aftor a brief illnoss, aged (H y Thk funeral of tieneral Relknap took place in V;ishinf;ton on the lflth, and the remains were placed in Arlinjfton Cemetery. Patmasteh Gkoboe A. Deerixg of the navy died n Washington of heart disease. He was 46 yearsold. JtueB AriiN Adams, formerly Chiof Justice of the JSupremc Court of lowa, died at Dubuque, aged 0 4 years. Stephen a Cai.dwkll, president of tho Fidelity Trust Compan; of l'hiladelphia, dropp.'d doad at his homo in that city.


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