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MAsosiio niRECTonr. vn Akiioii Oowmandeky, Ni. 13 meelfl flrsl Tuesday of etich moiith. 1!. K. V.':U1s. K. C; Jotin K. Mlner, Recorder. Wasutknaw OHAPTKR, No. 6, R. A. M.- Vteeti tlrst Momlay each moixlh. L. C. UooJrlcti, H. P.; Z. Roath. Secretary. BUSINESS CAROS. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. DISEASES OF THE EYE, BAR, NOSE AND THEOAT. OFFiCE ASB RESIDENCE, 26 SOOTH ÜIVISIOH STREET Hours : 1 to 4, and 6:30 (o 7:30 P. M. VOGEL & ICIEIELIISr DEALKIt IK AI.J. KINDS OP FRESH AND SALT MEATS Foulfry, Lard, etc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 K. A 11 n St., Ann Arbor. W. %r. XICIIOL.S, DE1TTIST. Kooms Over Aun Arbor Savings liante, Opp. Court Honse Square. 7ITALIZED AIFw A4minltered. It is agreeable nnd cay to take, and no prostraliDS cüects follow, wliile teetli are extractcd without uain. WILLIAIH IIERZ, Honse, Sign Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! f aperlng, Qlazing, Gilding, and Calcimlnlng, and work of every dcecription done in the beBt style, and warrantud to give eatisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St., Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 67 Huron St., 2 doors W. of Harrls Guild. The oldest agenoy In the city. Establlshed over a quarter of a centnry ago. Representlng the fotlowing flrsl-class compaules, with over f60,000,000 Capital and Assots. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IN8. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Philadelphia. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL ÜNION, of London. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. Kates Lovr as the Lovrest, Losses Liber ally Adj usted and promptly Paid. C. H. MILLEN. SEND FOR OUH CATALOGUE ano PRICES ATLAS ENGINE WORKS, INDIANAPOLIS, 1ND. TEVGKjn MEE ! Now we are ready wlth a new Brick Storehonse for the storage of Househultl Qooda, I'iano's liooks, Stove, etc. PIANOS AJTD HOUSEHOLD -:- GOOBS -y vlored.. All kinds of heavy and Ught Draylng. PRBIGHT WOEK C. E. GODFREY, Fhone 82. Bes. and Office 40 N. Fourlh Ave. The Greatest Blood Purifierfë KNOWN. # I I Tliis Grcat Germán Medicine Is the#, III I Ii'lu'üpfstniiilbcst. 128iost'8of SVÍj-Mí II ill'Iil R BITTERS for1.00,lesthan# gr II llüi)c cent a dose. It will cure the III Q worst cases of skin disease, iromM m :i conunon pimple on the fiii'vW f J gro that awful (Usoase Snrufula.JF J SULPHTJB BITTERS is Xhi-jf besl medicine to use in MM "' CAMe of BUGh stubborn "i'lYïmr Kid-lll deep seated diseases. lo#nt,vsan,,lUtl I uot ever tuko Mufohh-v. fselU BLUE PILLS &J&J&PSB Bor mercory, tliey nrc dcad# , ,.' ' 5% T , ' Ijl ly. Place your trust inig" ' Í . ,k " II the purest and best#3 ou' usa medicine ever made. ƒ $u]p],nr UittCTS ! M _IsyonrTongueCoat63# r SS U3 witli a yellovstiokj-#Don't walt untll yon tal Isuüstaoce? Ivour#are unableto walk, or III breath foul and#are flat on your back, III offeneive? your#butgetBomcat omu:, ltlll Btomach is out#will cure you. Suliihurlll Of m-.lcr. Uso#liitters is abL'iiTTi':KsTlie Inralid's Friend.K Ú imiiuM lintelyThe younp, the irert and ■L llsyour Vr-Mterini are soon madcwell byl II line thick,#its use. Keuivinlier whatyoulll II rom-, cío -Wrvud Iiere, H may save your III juuy, vrWuh-, it has savecl hiinilre(ls.l & Uun't walt uutil tu-morruv, f Try a Bottle To-day! E3 Íy Are yon low-spirlted and weak,l if or siiireiiiifr froin the excesse ofl II 2#voiith? 11' so, SULP11UR lílTTÜUsl I 'Wwill cure you. Send 3 2-cent stampa tc A. 1'. ünlway S Co., Boston. Mass., tor ljeat meilit'al work publisheU? Honest Work ! iJ,ay eurnest men and women. lVe liiriiiHli the capitnl ! Ifyon mean bnsluesa, drop us a crd and gel some fact that will open your eyes! A legitímate line of goods, and honest men wanted to tnlrodnee them In town and country. Don't ralt! Addrefs at once, P, U. liox 649, Ciuciuuati O. Hifi iilïttm w GuilllES flftmi CAPITAL $50,000. SUSPLU3 $10,000. ASflitional Liatilities or Stockholflers $5O,OOO. Report ol the condltlon of the FARMERS' AND MECHAN1CS' DANK at Aun Arbor, Michigan, at the close of business July 18, 1SUO RF.SOÜRCKS. Loans and discounta $ 213,981 72 Stocks, bonds, morlgages, etc 72,Ü61 51 Overdrafts l,:iv.i i)s Uue frombanks in reserve cl Mes.... 19.8S3 45 Due from V:ihtenaw County 1 1 .54)1 78 Hllls in transit ;1.560 23 Kuruiture and nxtures _ 8,0 0 00 Current expenses and tares paid.... T' 88 Interest pald 42 18 cherks iinil cash items - 159 77 Nlckels and peuuies 66 51 Gold 8,134 70 Sil ver 2.I12 15 U. S. and National Bank Notes 14,858 00 Total $ 851,681 39 L.IABILITIES. Capital stock pald In Í 50,000 00 Surplus fond 10 OÜ0 00 Undivlded proflts 8,259 S5 Divldends unpatd 315 00 Commercial deposlts 242.557 53 Öavings deposlts 4S,S'O 01 Total ijl,682 :J9 STATE OK MICHIGAN,). County of Washienaw. J I. K. H. HKLSER, Casnler, of the aboye n&mad Bank, do solemnly swear that the iiiovc statement is true, to the best of my kuowledge and belief. F. H. BELSER, Cashler. Subacrlbed and sworn to before me, this 29th day of July, 1890. WSI. W. WHEDON, Notary Public. 'oKitKCT- Attest : Ambrose Kearney, Chas. E. tircetie, Ü. K. Schaírer, Directora. The Farmers' & Mechanics' Brt having ñled tlielr certifícate with the State lïjirik inir Department are now autliorlzcd to dobastneu uk a Kavlns Bank, and in pursuunce thereof have opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savings department on all deposita of 31 and upwards, Interest pald June lst and Dec. Int, of each year. The savlngsdepartraent is open Saturday nicht from 7 untll 8 o'clock. none; to loan In aumaof t2! to (S.OOO secured by unencuinbered real estáte or approved securllies. iiui; ïi!S it. uImii Kcmpf. Cbas. B. (reene, B. Diifly, Amlinisc licar■ii') , w 111. '. Mivi-iih, IV. F. llrraki'.v, J. K. Kc-al, Jolui Uure, D. F. Schairer. IC. KKIII'F, I'r". K. UilPFY, Vl( i-ITi. F. U. 1IKI.S1K rnMlilt-r The Liver Wlien out of order, involves every organ of the body. Komedies for some other derangement are frequently taken without the least effect, because it is the liver vvhich is the real jouree of the trouble, and until that is set right there can be no health, strength, or comfort in any part of the system. Mcrcury, in some form, is a common specific for a sluggisli liver; but a far sater and more effective medicine is Ayer's Pilis. For loss of appetite, bilious troubles, conitlpation, Indigestión, and sii:k headacbe, these l'ills are unsurpassed. For a long time I was a sufTerer from stomach, liver, and kidney troubles, experlenoing mucb difflculty in digestión, with severe pains In Che lumbar región and other partí of the body. Having tried a variety of remedies, including warm balhs, with only temporary relief, about three montos ago I bci;an tlie use of Ayer's l'ills, and my health Is somucli improved that I gladly testify to the superior merits of thls medicine."- Manoel Jorge Pereira, Porto, Portugal "For the cure of headacbe, Ayert Cathartic Filis are the most effective medicine I ever used."- R. K.James, Dorehéster, Mass. "When I feel the needol a catliartlc, l take Ayer's l'ills, and find them to be more elluetlve than any other pill I ever took."- Mrs. B. C. Grubb, Burwellville, Va. "I have found in Ayer's l'ills. an invaluable reinedy for constipation, biliouaness, and klndred disorders, peculiar to miasmatlc looalities. Taken in sinall and frequent doses, these l'ills Act Well on the liver, restoring its natural powers, and aiiling It in throwing olt' malarial poisons." - C. F. Alston. Quitman, Texas. "Whenever I am troubled with constipation, or suffer from loss of appetite, Ayer's l'ills set me rigbt again."- A. J. Klser, Jr., Koek House, Va. ' In 1858, by the advice of a frlend, I began the use of Ayer's l'ills as a remeily for blliousness, oonstlpation, hi;.'li favers, and cohls. They served me better than mything I had prevlously tried, and 1 have used them In attacka of that sort ever since." - II. W. Ilersli, Judsonia, Ark. Ayer's Pilis, 1'i:!'1'ari:d nOR, J. C. AYER & GO., Lowell, Mass. tiuld ly uil lrut'i.;intö and Du.ik-i-tí in Ucdicliie.


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