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Paul Q. Mehlii). ÖAtARRh Is a constltutional and not a local disease, and tliereíoro lt cannot be cured by loca] appllcations. It requires a conslilutlonal remedy like Hood's Sarsaparilla, whlch, working tlirough tlie blood, cradicates tha lmpurlty which causes and promotes the disease, and effects a permanent cure. Tliousands of peopie testlfy to the succcss of Hood's Sarsaparila as a remedy for catarrh when otlier preparations had falled, pAtARRh " I will say I have been troubled for seeral yeara wlth tliat terribly dlsagreeabla disease, catarrh. I took Hood's Sarsaparilla wlth the very best resulta. It cured me of that continual dropping In my throat, and ítuffed up íeeling. It has also helped my mother, who has taken lt for run down state of health and kidney trouble." Mrs. S. D. Beath, Putnam, Conn. " I have used Hood's Sarsaparilla for catarrh wlth very satisfactory resulta. I havo received more permanent benefit from lt than from any other remeily I have ever tried." M. E. Kkad, of A. Bttd & Son, Wauseon, O. Hood's Sarsaparilla Bold by all druggtstl. f 1 ; ilz for $i. Frepared only by O.L HOOD & CO., Apothecariei, Lowell, Mi, IOO Doses One Dollar j HANGSTERFER'S OYSTER RESTAURANT Ice Cream, Lunches, Fruits, Nuts and Confectionery. 28 S. Main St. ■ 1890 ■ hú Annual Opening Sais OF MOLlOKS AT IIKA l)((i AI1TI IÍS, WAHR'S BOOKSTORE ON Moaday, September 1, '90 We sliall offer the best bargnins on SECOND-HAND and NEW SCIIOOLBOOKS ever given. Teachers wlll find our store lieadquarters for all Blank Books, Wrlting Pads and all School Supplles. We buy, sell and cxclraiiire secoudïand books. You will save money by making your urchase at the old rellable Bookstore. Kemember wc give a Handsoiue Present with every purchase of School Books. BEÜHE Ililllll. ; Masonic Blook. f RINSEY & SEABOLT'S BAKERY, GROCERY, mu Flour and Feed Store. We keep conetantly on hand, BKEAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, Por Wholesale and Retall Trade. Wc shall also keep a eupply of SWIFT & DEUBEL'S BEST White Wheat Flour! Osborn's Gold liri Flour, luckwlicat Flour, torn llc:il, Feed, Etc, At Wholesale and Retall. A general alock of GROCERIES M PROYISIÜNS Cmfitantly on hand, which wlll be sold un as reaeonable torms att at any other hunne In the citv. Caeh poid for BUTTKR, EQG8, and CODNTKY PRODOCB generally. OoodB dollverea to any part oí toe city wlthont extra charge. RINSEY & SEABOLT. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! BERRT PLANTÉ FRÜIT AND ORWAMEWTAI. TREEB Pears and Grapevines a Specialty! SYRUPS AND HOME MADE WINE. Syrups of Raspberry and of Bartlett Pears. Bonesett, Uandelion and Kaspberry Wlnes and Sbrubs. Bwect Red and White Concord, and MarthaOrape Wlnes, especially prepared for Invalida. Order trees and plant etirly as we get most of ibeni from the best Eastern Nu raerles. K. IMIK. WEST III B( HIRKKI. TH IS PAPER K?1. I alO iHltll boweix Co-a Kcwspapr Advertlslng Bureau (10 Spruco Ltreet),whereadrer. ypilf %f flffl# 1 tisinsrontriirt.smuy MhlH YIIKK hu iiiiiüu for it lulltfl lUnlIi


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