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Epitome Of The Week

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John II mi. kt, of Valparaíso, lnd., wifo and threo ohildren were burned to death a few months ago, became crazed with grief and fatally shot himself. The local Wage-Workers' Politlcal Allianco in Washington has petitioned President Harrison to present the name of Mrs. Elizabeth Cady Stanton to the Sonate of the United States as an Associate Jiistice, in the place of Justico filillor, deceasod. The annual repoi-t of Inspector-Uoneral Diimont, of the Steamboat Inspoction service, shows that during the past yoar there ero :í4 accidents, resulting in tlio loss of 234 Uves, a decroase of 50 as compared with the precoding year. General Dumont says that no mode of travel at the present day shows so low a percentage of accidenta as the travel by steam vossels. The National convention of tho Christian church convened at Des Moiues, la., on the 21st. A rBEIOHT and a construction train collided at Joliot, 111., and one man wa3 killed and throo fatally and fivo soriously injured. The original-packago houses at Yankton, S. D., have boon reopened on tho strength of the recent Kansas declsions. Miss. G. 15. Deadekaoe, of Lima, O., was burnod to doath by her clothing catching fire from the stove. Mayoi: FlTLBB, of Philadelphia, thinks tho census count of that city is 75,000 too small, and proposes to tako a pólice census in November. Mayor Gi.kasox, of Long Island City, was sentenced to flve days in jail and to pay a fino of SU5J for assaulting a reporter. Four. workmon were blown to pieces in Collinston, Utah, by the prematuro explosión of a powdor-blast. B. J. Tkeacv, of Lexington, Ky., sold the lü-year-old stallion Macy'a Hambk'tonian for export to Germany for 810,000. In the fourth game at Louisville of the world's championshlp series the Louisvillo base-ball team dcfeated Brooklyn by a score of 5 to 4. The Census Hurcau gives the population of South Dakota at 327,848, an increase of 329,680 in ten years. At Cambridge City, Ind., Nelson, the Maine phenomenon, knoeked half a socond off bis mile mark and put the world's stallion record at 2:10-. Tejí boys belonging to a party of thieves operating1 at Shelbyvillo, Ind., have been sentenced to various termsof imprisonment The boiler of an engino exploded near Milan. Tenn., killing flve men. Mits. Aitousï Mkhi.ix, tho handsom9 young wife of a railroad laborer at San Antonio, Tex., was shot and killed by Isaac Weiss, who then killed himself. He was drunk and mis look the woman he killed for liis wife. David tímim, a farmer living near Grayville, 111., was shot dead by his step-son while he was trying to stab his wife. The Brotherhood of Locomotivo Engineers in session at Pittsburgh, Pa., refused to accept the proposition of federation with the trainmen's organization. Nelson, the Maine stallion, trotted a half mile at Cambridgo City, Ind., in 1:03. Duiiixg a storm off Fall River, Mass., a yacht was lost and six porsons on board weredrowned. A BOUTH-BOUITD passenger train approacbing Chiokamaufra, Cía., struck a wagon and killed James V. Jenkins, his wife and buby and ftlrs. James Bowman. The Tennessce bankors met at Memphis and organized a State aasociation. At Rolling Vuvk, Mi., Han-y Williams, a mulatto, was hanged for tho murder of a white man. Whilo standing on the scaffold he remarked that whisky had brought him there, and warned every one to let it alone. A TKAMP fatally stabbed James O"Hara and wife, living at Smith Creek, Mich., his intention being to rob the house. Two i.ives were lost and twenty-slx oassengers buit in a crash on tho Kansas City & Memphis road near Birmingham. Ala. Ovidio (oikau, a mulatto, was taken from jail at West Melville, La., and hanged to a bridge. Six trainmon wore killed and seven persons injured in a collision in a tunnel on tho Cincinnati Southern railroad at Sloan's Valley, Ky. Eioht men were woundod, ono fatally, in a railway smash-up at Armourdalo, Kan. The National convention of tho American Humane Society commenced at Nashville, Tenn., on the 22d, noarly all tho States being represented. The sheriff of Coffee County, Oa., callea on the Uovornor for troops to suppress a riot between whitos and negroes. lt was reported that four men had boen killed. The report of the Sixth Auditor of the Troasury shows that the total postal revenues of the Government for the last fiscal year were 800,882,097, an increaso over the preceding year of $4,705,480. The excess of expenditures over revonuo was $5,048,619, against 85,201,23(5 for the year before. The total value of stamps sold was $57,651,724, an increase over the previous fiscal year of 54,098,622. WlLLlAM Gai,ov, a Germán laborer, shot and killed his wifo at Oshkosh, Wis., and then commltted suicide. Domesticinfelicity was the causo. Both were over 50 years of a;e and leave eight childron. Albeut Ludkumeyer, of Casco, Wis., in a quarrol with his wifo about the quantity of potatoes they shoiüd put away for the wintor soized his rifle and shot her dead and tlion blow his own bralns out. They had boen married but a short time.


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