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The grent Dr. Boerliaave lelt 'three directions for preserving tlie healtli - keep tlie feet warm, the head cool, and the bowels open. Hnd lie practiced in our day, he might have added: and purify the blooil wilh Ayer's Sarsaparllia; for he certainly would nonsider it the best. Turn your back on borrowed trouble and you will be better prepared to fi.ce the ri'.-il. Eupepsy. This is wliat you ouglit to luve, in fact, you must have ir, to fully enjny II fe. Thousnnds are s-earchinjr for it daily, and inmirmiijr because thcy find it not. 'l'liousands upon thoiltand of dollars are spent annually by our pcople in the hope that Ihpy may attain this boon. And j'ot it. may be had by all. We ;uarantee that Electric Bitterp, if used according to directions and the ue peisisled In, will bring yon Good Digestión and oust the demon Dyspepsia and ItistnU instcad Kupepsy. We recommcnd Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia and all discases of Liver, tjtomach and Kidncys. Sold at 60c. and $1.00 per bottle by Eberbach & Bon'! drug store. All cases of weak or lame back, backache, rheumatitm, will tind relief by wearlng one of Carter's Smart Weed and Belladonna Backache Piasters. Prlce 25 cents. Try them. What is the Use ! Of buyingr worllilpss medicine?, and pending money on quack doctors whose only kle;i Is to ruil the public. I it not better to bu? reliable medicine like Sulphur Bitters ? I think so, ns tbey oured me of Catarrh af ter Btlfferlng tlircc years. -F. P. Clark, Manchester. The lntest diPtlnruishHl linrse on tlie turf is ïmmed Sptnlcoinn. It must be ratber dilfiVult to brlnt lii'ii lo a full stop. - Boston Herald. Trutli may lie at the bottom of a wel!, but t doesn't trouble the vetase fiftherman. Ile never gots there to flgii - Yonker's Statesman. Shaken out dl' (Jcar, Ry mularfal dlReane, the iiumnn mnchlnery oannot half perform lis Illone. DlgpsMon, Hecretlon, eviicuatlon are dlsordered. the hlood becomer watery, the nerves feeble, toe countenance Klastly. sleep dlsturbed and appetlt caiirlclous. ïcrrilile Is this dlsease, feil lts coDseiiuences. There Is, however, a known antidote to the mlasmatlc polson.nnd a certalD RnfeKiiard agalnst It. In malnrlons reglons of our smith and west. In Bouth America, Guatemala and on the IsthniiiN of Panama, as well as In tranxmarlne counlrles where the scourge exlsls, thls Inltnltablepreventlve and remedy, Hostetter's Stomacli Bllters, has, durlng the last thlrty-flve years, been constantly wldenlne the area of lts uefulnens, and deinonstrallng lts soverelgn valtie. Tjlver complalnt, dyspc-psia, con-stlpatlon, ktdney tronble, rheamatlsm and deblllty are all remedled by II. A great water wny- life-long total abstinence.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier