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MASOXrO DIRECTOKV. nn .VrborCommandbry. No. IS inwin tlrt roasday i eaob mODth B. r. ' i : k. k. C: John R. Mtner, Recorder. HTA3HTCHA.W COAPTBR, N'o. 'i. R A. M.- Meets flrst Momlay eaob montli. L. O Goodrich, H. P.: Z. Roatb, Seoretary. BUSINESS CARDS. MODISTE, WAKBS FIXK C0STUJÍK8, TA TÍOS 81 TTS, ALSO MffiSES' A.'O CBILDREXS' 8UIT8 Cloaks Made and Repaired. 11 1-2 N. Fifth St-, Aun Albor. s2_ D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. - - DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. OrriCE AND KES1DENCE, 26 SOUTH DIVISIÓN STREET Hours: 1 to 4, and 6:80 to 7:80 I'. M . CHAS. "W. OCB-ElLi DEALER IN ALL KINDS OP FRESH AND SALT MEATS Foultry, Lard,elc. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. E. Ann S., Ann Arbor. W. W. MCIIOLS, DE1TTIST. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Opp. Court House Square. VZTALZZED AZH A.4rainietered. It is agreeable and ea,y to take, and no prostrating etloct follow, whilc teeth are estractcd without pain, WILLU3I 11ERZ, House, Sig-n Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Papcrlug, OlazlDg, Gilding, and Calclmlnlne, and work of every doacriptioa done in the best style, and warrautcd 10 give satisfaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St,, Ann Arbor. C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT! 67 Huron St, 2 doors W. of Harris Guild. The oldest agency In the city. KstabliHhed over a qnarter of a oentury ago. Representlng the followlng first-clasa compauies, wlth over $60,000,000 Capital and Assets. HOME INS. CO., of New York. CONTINENTAL INS. CO., of New York. NIÁGARA IN8. CO., of New York. GIRARD INS. CO., of Philadelphla. ORIËNT INS. CO., of Hartford. COMMERCIAL UNION, of Lomion. LIVERPOOL, LONDON and GLOBE. Ratea Low as the Lowest, Losscs Liber ' ally Adjusted anti promptly l'aid. O. H. MILLEN. ANN ARBOR FRUIT FARM! BEHBY PLANTÏ FBÏÏIT AND ORRABIBNTAX. THSEB Pears and Grapevines a Specialty! SYRUPS AND HOME MADE WI.NK. RyrupK of Ruspberry and of Bartlett Pears lionenett, Dandelion and Rasnberry Wlnes andshnibs. Bweel Ked hikI whtte Uoncord, ííikI MarthaGrapft Wines(especlally pr;p;irt-ii for Invalida. Order trees and plant eurly as we get most of them from the beüt Kaiitern Nurnerles. K. BA I 11, WKST III KON NTKKKT. Ia VThe Best and Purest MedicineS SL EVER MADE. XWltwlll drive the ITiimorfromynurl 4,. ytLsvMcm, and miike yuur skinl i, " -. 'fzfLixV-.m and smooth. Thoscl % ',, eJjL. 1'impK-s and lotrli-s QVA ;'y. Ajjvliifh mar yonr beautypg . ! ', 4 "W.arecmisi'11 liv impurcEM ]■,,. "'í4 oJLw"1"'. i"iit c:ui 1hjII! lÖBpoonfuL It Is ,.%'b %:■ I I III medicine. Try It, amlVj, V Av I lyouwUlb6BatlBfled. o yV:iy JJ ' Get it of your Druggist. & S= QdoN'TWAIT. GETITATONCEk H If tou aro eufforitiK from Ki(l II 11 nev Dtaease, aml wfth to uve t" I oíd age, use SULPHDE BllTEltóV I III ïbey never fail to cure. III Bend 3 2-cout stampa to A. 1. Ordway Co., . . . Mass.. ior best medical work publlshed? The Farmers' s Minies' Bank CAPITAL $50,000. SUEPLUS $10,000. Aflflitional Liatilities of Stoclchoiaers S5O,OOO. Report of the condltlon or the FARMERS' AM) MECHANIC8' BANK at Ann Arbor, -Michigiiu, al Lbo close ol business July 18, 1890 BF.SOUKCES. Loana and discount $ 213,981 72 Stocks, honds, mortgages, etc 72,261 51 ■ afta 1,859 06 Due from banks in reserve citks.... 19.8S3 45 Duefrom Wasliteuaw Cuunty 11.601 7 Billa in transit 3.5W) 23 Fornitura and nxtnres 3,0 O 00 Current expenses aud laxes paid.... 72 38 Interest pald _ 43-3 13 ('tici'lis and oash items 159 77 Nickele and pennies. 65 51 Gold 8,134 70 Sil ver 2,912 15 U. S. aud National Uank Notes 14,358 00 Total $ 351,682 39 LIABILIT1ES. Capital stock paid in Í 50,000 00 Surplus fimd ïoooooo Undlvlded profltN 3,259 85 DlTldends unpald 315 00 Commercial deposits 212.557 K! Savings dcpüsitü 45,530 01 Total I86M82 39 STATE OF MICHIGAN,! County oí Washiennw. J I, F. ir. BELSBB, Ca8hier, of the nbove naraed liank, do soleiunly swear that the above statement is true, to the best of my kuowledge and belief. F. II. BEL8ER, Cashler. ' Subscribed and sworn to before me, tliis ■JOlli day of July, 1880. WM. W. WHEDON, Not.ïirv l'iiblii!. Corhf.ct- Attest : Ambrose Kearney, chas. K. Ureene, D. F. Mchalrer, Directora. Tho Tqpitidpp' 9i HTonhonioc' Bant liaving dled thelr certlflcate with the State Bauking Department are now authorizcd to do business as a Sfivings Bank, and in pur suance tbcreot' bave opened a Savings Department! interest allowed in the savlngs department on all deposlts of SI and upwards, interest pald June lat and Ueo. lst, of eacli yinr. The savings department is open Saturday nljihts trom 7 uiit.ll 8 o'clock. Honey to loan in surnsof $25 to 15.000 secured by uinncuuibured real estáte or approved securities. IIIliKlTOllM Itciilirn Kimil' riiaea. F. (reene, i-;. Diiiiy, .imiiruw Kear "■y, 'm. :. StevtMiMt W. F. Brrakrj'i J. K., John Burg, 1. F. N liulrcr. It. IiMMIM', I'n-M. F. Dlh'l'V, Vlc-Pres. V. II. BKLSRH, Castaler


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Ann Arbor Courier