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They Back It Up. Tlie superior merits, as n blood-purifier and Inviitorating tonio, pos-essed by Dr. Pierce"s Golden Medical Di-uovery, warrant its manufactures in Selllng It (as they are doin throujth diugí'stíi) unüer n pos'tive guamntee that, if given a fair trial, it will cure all diaeases arisinj; from ii derangcd or torpid üver, ns indigestión, or dyspepsia, and all liumors, or blood taints, from whatever canse nrifiníf, as skin, sculp and scnfulous iffi-ctiotiS. The terina ure, a benelit or cure, or money returned. ■■ 9 m - ■ Dj Yon Waut to be au Editor .' A Boe opportunity to buy a prosperous [U'publioan Newetpaper, locatetl in a tbrivitig Central Micbigan town, is now offered. The present proprictor is obliged tn retire because of lailiiij? eyi1siglit. Will sell at ii sacrifu-e for a casli consiiieration. Adilress, (enclositig stamp), Lock Dkawek C, Big Rapids, Mich. The Biicciuieers of Old l l:i u n 1 1 ■ 1 the skull and crasR bon es, tlieir enslgn, deflantly al the mwtbead. Your modern pírate, nol on the high Heas, but upon the high repntatiun of standard remedies sku!k8 nndor various dlsguiseB. Hls hole and corner traflic has never to any degree affected Hos stet'er's Slomach Bitters, ulthough that Ktandard lnvlgorant and correcttve hus long been the Khlning mark at whlch lils shafts have been dlrecled. (Jlieap loonl bitters, oomposed of flrey unrectiñed KllmulanUi, wlth nn infusión, or extract posülbly. of tome tonic bark, are Htlll soinetiines recommcnded as ldentlcal wlth. or Hlmflar to, or pose8lng vlrtucs kindred to those of Amerlca'a chosen lamlly mediciue. These perisli spt'edlly, while the great subdner and preventive of iitnrniin punnefl Uh snccessful career, overcoming malaria, dyspepsla, nervonsness, kldney troubles. conntlpallnn and rheumatlc all men ts, not only on i hls, but on niuny cou tluents. Washington and Oregon. This new empire of the Nortli West 8 attiactinj; universal atteiitioo and tiie rèasou for tliis is the nlmopt unliiiiitcd resources tliat have rccently btrn opene. and the surprisinfr rrowth of ihl re o d L:ir;e agrlcullurul neus, vast Euretts and immense deposita of preclOQfl metala are t.) be found In Oregon and Washington, and by reason of the vuricd natural resources of the country tliis section ollera unc(ualel opportunities for the investrnent of capital and location of industries tliat ar DOt surpusspil by t lic older sectlons of the United Stts. Tlie UNION PACIFIC on account of its fast time, tlirougli l'iillniau Sleepers and dining ciirí. KKKK Heclining (Jliair cnrs and KKKK üolonlst Slfepera from the Missouri Rlver, Is concedrd to bc the liivorite route for persons golng to eiiher WuhIngton or Orejón. For paniphlets fully deseilptive of the above named states, or for ratee, time of traitiR or anv Informitlnn pertHlning to the UNION PACIFIC cali on oraddreoa your nearest ticket agent or the underBigned, wlin will most chetrfiilly fiirni.-h niiy inforinatioii that niny be desired. I). W. JOHNSTON, Mlch. Pa8S.AKt.,C2(Jrl8Wold8t., Uetrolt.Mich


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