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Mail In? May Linn, Mehlin!

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TJT Gk LEIHZLjIEfcT. From the American Musiciun of Sept. 7, 1SSS). PAUL Gr. MEHLIN. MECHAXIC, PIANO MAKEU AND INVENTOR. Paul G. Mehlin was born in Stuttgart, Germany, February 28th, 1837. He was flrst apprenliced to a cabinet maker, wltta whom he worked for several years. Here he acquired that experience wbioh enabled him subsequently to make so many improvement in the construction of piano-cases. Ou leaving the cabi net-makers' shop, he went to Fred riek Doerner, the piano-maker in Stuttgart, frooi whom lie learned his trade. Here he obtained not only a practica knowledge of piano making, but a scientiflc knowledge a well, whiob was the incentive to those deeper studies anc experimenta wbioh he carried on later, and which have enabled him to benefit every flrm he has ever been con nected with, by his radical but successful eiforts to im prove the piano in both construction and tone. He carne to this country in 1853, and at once found work with the old firm of Bacon & Kaven, with whom he re mained for Beven years. It was daring that peiiod that Mr. John Jacob Decker now head of the great house of Decker Bros., was fore man. After leaving Bacon & Raven, Mr. Mehlin worked in the factory of Lighte, Newton & Bradbury, another renowned house at that time. When the war broke out he made one of the " Turner Regiment," the old Twentieth New York. He went as chief bugler and came back in two years as second lieutenant. In 1865 he worked again for some of his old employers, after which he became oonneoted with the house of Gabler, with which he remained for sixteen years. It was whilb with the Gablers that he commeuced the remarkable series of Improvementa and Inventlona which havesince made his namefanious in trade and musical circles. His first patent of importan oe, the agrafle cast in the píate, was taken out in 1872. On leaving the Gabler lirm he went to Messrs. J. & C. Fischer, but two years later returned to the Gablers at their earnest solicitation. Boon afterward, however, the big strike occurred at the Gabler factory. As there seemed no prospect of its immediate settlement Mr. Mehlin became associated with MESSRS. BEHR BHOS. as fuli, partner in 1881. With the Mesara, Behr he remained for eight years, and retired on the first of last January, in order to start in business for himself. It is, therefore, for a period of over thirty-five years that Mr. Mehlin wasconnected with some of the most prominent houses in the piano trade, and it is his pride that he earned the respect and good will of each and every one of these firnis. The list of Mr. Mehlin's principal patented impioveinents, in the order in wbiób they were issued, is as folows : LIST OF 1ATKNTS. July 23, 1872. Patent Metallic Agraiïe, cast in the plate. May 1, 1877. Patent Metallic Action Frame cast in one piece. January 17, 18S2. Patent Bessemer Steel Action Frame. ETebrnary 28, 1882. Patent Bndwood 8tring-brldge. October 9, 1883. Patent ( 'vlinder Top. March 18, 1884. Patent Finger Guanl. January 27, 1885. Patent Harmonie Soale. April 27, 188G. Patent Grand Plate. S'ovember :in, 1886. Patent Piano Munter. Tebruary 1, 1887. Patent Touch Regulator. February 5, 1889. Patent Cyliuder Top and Tone Reflector. February 5, 1889. Patent Grand Fall Board. May 21, 1889. Patent Grand Plate (also used in the Upright Grand. In 1885 the Jury at the New Orleans World'a Exhlbitlon iwarded to Mr. Mehlin's patented Improvementa a gold medal. In their report they stated that they made the a word : For the qualltyor tone, which is remarkably ruw by ín powerand irtlliam-y, the UDglng qualltles of the insiruincnt, 'Me touch- even hrouch ut- the conaïruotlou., excellence of dealgn, mul perfection r workmanatalp. Thequullty of tonele dueto Mr. Mebllu new Inl.TltiOU. In his owu factory Mr. Mehlin has Immediately taken lis position among the strictly first-class makers by prouclng Instruments only of the very highest grade. In his work Mr. Mehlin has the active assistance of his wo soiis, the eider of whom, Paul Mehlin, Jr., has already sliown marked business ability. I The Faetones and Facilitics for the Manufacture of the 1MJIAN0S Krom the Muslc Trade Review, May 20, 18S9 PAUL G. MEHLIN & SONS. Mbssbs. Paul G. Mehlin & Soxs, have commenced business in thelr own factory, at 4G1 to 407 West 40th St. Their machines are of the very latest and most improved patterns and have been furnislied by Mr. Prytbll, the fanious maker of machinery for wood work, who lias expended bis best elfbrts on them. No other piano maker will be able to boast of iiner riiiieliinery than Messrs. Mehlin & Sons. The factory is six stories big and its rooms are lofty, airy and we lighted. ïiie brick-built dry rooms ar of three inch flre proof material. Tliei factory is equipped with every know appliance and convenience and with me of such practical knowledge and experi ence it isnotsurprising that theMEHLI PIANOS are, as soon as completec sold to admiring and euthusiastic pur chasers. The reputation rapidly gaiued by th .Mehlin Pianos had become of such character as to attract the favorable at tention of business men and capitalist of thegreat Northwest, whoshowed thei opinión of it by recently organizing stock company for its manufacture ii Mlnneapolis, in eonnection with the pa rent factory in New York. Asisalready known, the Century Piano Company wn formed, and is at present ready, or nearl; so, for business. The capital stock wa ])laced at $;UO,000, and among the ofïicer elected was Paul H. Mehlin, who w:is se lecteil for the vioe piesidency, and Pau G. Mehlin, Gen'l Supt. - The America] Hfttsioian, Aiiff. S(, 1890. The Mehliu is the piano to buy. Built jy an oíd experienced plano maker, with every faolllty and oapltal with which to make apereot piano, you get an instrument exoeüed by none, and pay nothiny extra for the name. A ful] stock of all styles at our store where every explanaion will be given to intending parchasers. Our turn niaiiij is weü known. The " MeKlin" is guaranteed by the oakera for six yeare. Come in and ex imine them. General Wholesale and Retall Asta., The Mehlin Piano. SOME OPfXIONS OF TIIOSE WHO KNOW WITAT PIANOS ARE: f Tlie chief poiuts of excellence in the Mehlin Pianos are l quality and volume of tone, extraordiiiary singing quality, l delicacy of touch, excellence of design, durability and caI pacity for standing in tune. Among the patents issued to the Mehlin company are the patent grand plate aud scale, the only scale put in an upright piano like the baby grand; patent grand full board, iucluding the patent ftnger guard, cylinder top and tone reflector, piano rnuttler, endwood spring bridge, touch regulator and Bessenuer steel actioii frame. Tuis company manufacture grand pianos which, for volume and purity of tone, are unexcelled. ïhose who ' have heard the Mehlin instrument at the Exposition ■ building will recognize and concede the absolute justice of th is claim. The Mehlin grands are made in six different styles and . of all kinds of wood. In illustration of the popularity of i the Mehlin pianos it has been singing its owu pralses to , 8uch an extent that the demand for tbem has btten much ; larger thau the supply. - Musical Courier, Ocl. 15, té At the Minneapolis Exposition, the Mehlin piano has created a sensation, and one of the most recent tributes to this instrument is from the members of the Reeves band, in the building, who state that " they oever heard a piano with such carrying power as the Melilin Baby Grand, and say there is no other instrument in the Exposition that can equal it." The Mehlin exhibit is at the opposite end of the building from the band stand, but the inusicians state the tones of the Mehlin piano are so distinct and clear, " that it seenis as if the instrument was close to the stand." In the East, the Mehlin piano is also reoelvlng a large share of attention. At the New London County Fair, the Mehlin piano, exhibited by Yerringtou's Temple of Muslo, reeelved the highest award. - Music and Drama, Sct. IS, ■' In the experience, intelligence and ability of General Superintendent Mehlin, not less (han in the vast financial resources of the company, lies the certainty Hint mccess of the most brilliant and solid order awaitt thta trernendous enterprise. Mr. Mrhlin has for well-nigh two-score years praetisedtheart and scienee of piano building. Mis paténted improvementa in piano construoiion form i long and glorio ui rott of inventions. When the ftrm f Mehlin ons loasfirst organized in New York city, The Music Tradk Review predictrd that the new Mehlin piano would soon make a stir in the world. Little more than twelve months have elapsed sincc ive venlured upon such prediotion, and (o-day that inagnijicent instrument takes a front ponit ion in the inarch of musical industries and a high place in the ('- fectiona of oultured and intelleetual pianists. And it goes without the say ing that the genius which has made itself so patent a factor In the musical Ufa in the East must inevifaMy achieve equal triumphs in the new Northwestern field.- Amato Trade Review. One of the most attractive exhibits is that of the famous " Mehlin " piano. This piano is coming to the front, it having been adjudged by critics to be the finest instrument in the woild. It has the improvetl repeating action.and its marnier of opening is preclsely like that of a grand piano. It has the Improved "muflier" for praotieing, so that the tone ni:iy be softeued almost to a nulodious whisper. The inutHer also naves weur and tear. The piano has a cylinder top; by meatis of a tone reflector the melody is refracted - so to speak- loto the room, so it is not necessary to remove all the houeehold articles tlmt ure apt to gather on a piano top. Tlie maker of it is Paul G. Melilin, one of the oklest. and best known piano regulators, and who has made more improvements for pianos thau any other artist or inventor. The instrument is nauufactured by Century Piano Company, of New Vork and Minneapolis, Mitin., having a cash capital of $500,000. 3very visitor in the hall Stops to examine and is charmed with lts merits. - Norwich Evening Record. " Those fine Mehlin planos exhibited at the fair, and o unlversally admlred, reoelved tlie highest awarda by ue judges. - Iforuioh Daily Huik tin. Mr. Mehlin, Sr., is regarded in the musical world as one of the leading and most progressive and ablest piano naken of modern times. He has made a lifestudy of tlie )iano manufacturing business, is thoroughly ver.sed in tlie dentina principies of piano oonstruotion, and as a resul t he Mehlin piano is one of the linest and best Instruments ver placed on the market. There is not the least doubt bat with the opportunities aft'orded htm ere and the arge interest back of the concern, he wiü soon make urther developements in piano construction. - Music and Drama.


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