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There are several candtdates for the reform school in this city. J. T. Jacob's Camp, No. 90, S. of V. has received a case of aiins for tlieir use. The city treasurer reports an overdraft of $4,437 50. About the Mme as last yearat this time. Misses Bangharr, Geitrude Iliniilton and Fanny Groves were appointed c.idet teachers at the school board meeting last nlgbt. George Crane, the palDter so bsdly hurt by falling from a Bcaffold ten days ago, 19 out of danger and will probably recover. The bevy of tough lads wlio mike the postofllce corridors a lonfinr place are liable to get tlieinselvcs In trouble if they are not careful. There are numbers of young men who ride upon the street cara without dropping a nickel in the slot and then brag about it afterwiirds. If you have any frlends buried in the old cemetery, it would be well for you to comuunicate witli City Clerk Bacb, relative to their removal. The city marshal reportcd 13 arrests during October, 8 for violating city ordiuance?, 4 for being drunk, and 1 for assault with iotent to commit murder. George Jewell was attacked by robbers on the campus Saturday nijihtand rotbed of what money he had with him. Police protection is needed in tliat section. It is now proposed by the Board of Public Works to flx the south side of W. Huron street, at the crossing of AUen's creek, the same as it has been fixed on the north side. A commendable thing to do. Remember the Baldwin lecturesbefore the Hobart Guild, to be delivered by Bishop Garret, ot Northern Texao, commencing, at St. Andrew's church Suiulay evening, Nov. 23d. At the Unity Club, Monday evening, Noy. 17th, Prof. P. C. Freer, will read a paper on "The Periodic System of the Elements." Miss Zella Hurd will read some select reading?, and Miss Lucy Cole will sing some favorite Irish melodles. TJütt fr QiitiHai1iiu1 will nrmipli npvh Rev. Mr. Sunderland will preach next Sunday niorning upon "Universalism," giving a short sketch of its history and relations to Unitarianism. In the evening Mrs. Sunderland will preach upon "What Jesús has Done for the World." Subject in students' bible class "The Story of the Flood." There are a lot of saucy hoodlums hanging about the stores on State street evenlngs, smoking, swearing, interferiiig with the street cars, and beharing in a dlsgraceful manner generally. Tliey oucht to be hauled up for their evil deed 3. Tlie council ought to furnish a pólice offlcer for State street. Sneak thieves are numerous just now, and people will do well to keep their hall iloors olosed. Within the last vek over ten oyercoats have been stolen from halls, and on Saturday evening a sealskin sacque was stolen from No. 38 División street. Monday eveniug some overcoats were taken from Mr. Prettyinan's house on N. University ave. The jewelry store of Wm. Ar.nold on S Main st. was entered by buiglars last Saturday niglit, and thoy filled a valise with valuable articteB, hut in their baste to get away left the same in the alley t the rear of the store, failing to scale ai eight font feuce with it. A burgla alarm attaehed to a door in the store awoke Mr. Arnold, and when he struck a üglit the burgiars lit out. It was a close cali for both Mr. 'Arnold and tlic burglars. The Foley Umld are to give a dancing party at the Armory Friday evening. Mrs. Mary A. Livermore is to be in Anti Arbor to lecture before the Unity Club on Nov. 22nd. Tlie new chancel at St. Andrcw's churcli progressos slowly. Services were held in the chapel lust Sunday. A number of our democratie friends went to Manchester last evening to help palnt that town a democratie red. Al. Dodsley and Llcwellyn Pond, two Ann Arbor boys, are now with the Standard Oil Co., at Fargo, N. Dakota. The late Eendall Kittredge carricd about $8,000 lifu insurance, $3,000 of Wlllch was paid by the Roy al Arcanum last week. Mr. Mamle, section foreman, vvhom Dr. Darling performed a very difilcult opperation upon for hernia, is recovering slowly. Henry D. Merrithew, formcrly of this city, was elected prosecuting attorney of Osceola county on the democratie ticket at the recent election. The secret of Mr. Brown's influence with the colored voters bas leakeü out. Michael (J.) lirenner s:iys it is because of hls name. We wisli ;iL;iin to cali the attention of our readers to the leeture which will be given at Uuiversity Hall, on Saturday nlgbt of tliis week by Rer. Robert Nourse. Tlie of Mr. and Mrs. John W. M troney eurprteed thera llonday eveniiii. iii thelr house, that being the tenth annivcrsiiry of thelr marrlaRe. It was i pleasant occ ision. Thero aro 504 pensioners !n Waslitcnaw connty. Witii Eilgnre, of Texas, at the liead of the pension committee, (as hc BhoulJ in j'.istica be) the list wlll probahly be djubltil. Dr. Buckley, editor of the Christian Advocate in New ï"ork delivered a Stronjr dl8COurie Smul iy cvenin before the Wi:8le}an Guild on lieason md Relijilon, ti a crowded house. Tlie Col'rier is not the kind of a a republican po peí wlilch is clreulated by dtcnocratio candidates for office, for it ' iloes notgive comfort to tlie enemy wliile i pretendlng to be republican. : The square contradictiou between the ' aJvertising cohuuus aud the free trade ' etlitoiials of the democratie papers is one ' of the run niest tblDL8 in contetnporanc' ous journalism - Chelsea Herald. ' A bandeóme boquet of tlowers, consisting of pink?, swetf mignonette, candytuft, larkspur, doubled daisies, c.unations, and English Marigolds was plcked froni 1 our garden Nov. lOth. Q;iite a record i for November. i Two men while walking aloiig the west slde of N. Main street last Frlday ' evening, were precipitated into the cellar by the giving away of a trap door in front of the old A. R Hall 'uakery. As ' good luck would have it neither were injured, but it w;is a narrow escape. Oü and afier Jannary lst nex' the CouBlEB wlll be changed to an eight page paper. To any persou Mibscriblng i DOW and paylng $1 la advance the paper ' will be sent untll Jaouary lt 1892. Remember this is the ouly republican : paper in Ann Arbor. $1 from now to Jan. Ut 1&92. Tlie Ann Arbor stockholders of the A. A. & Y. strtict ruihvay are J. T. ] Jucubs, C. E. Hiscock, Geo. F. , dinger, H. T. Horton, F. A. Howlett, V. B. Bmlth, T. J. Eeecii, J. L. Rose, A. L. Noble, M. J. Fritz. V. I). Harriman, J. II. Wade, B. E. Thompson, C. G. ' Taylor and J. E. Beal. The Michigan Farnlture Co. and George Visel have been ordered to build , a sidewalk on thuir property on the east sitie of Fourth st., and the following , gons on S. Universitv ave. will also have , to buiW a walk: II. T. Morton, Wm. BIgífis Mrs. Julia G. Taylor. W. W. WhedoD, J. T. Jacobs O. O. Sorg, T. F. HUI. M ivor Manly sent a communication to , the coiincil last Monday evening recommendlog tliat the coiincil provide a uniionned pólice forcé of sulflcieut number to proleot our oltlzsos Dgaloat the destruction of thelr property by lawless persons, and ti) i'iMrit out tbe sne.ik thieves uhn are Infestlog tlie city jut at present. Good sugcstion. Adolph Kemper, through hls attorney, John F. Lawrence, asks the council to pay bim $1,000 which amount he claims the jrra'lln of N. Fourth ave. has daraaged his property. The grading of the liill at the north end of this street has lcfl his lot up so hifih that there can be io ingress or egress by team. If be is Dccenfnl several more will follow. Geor{re l'arkcr, for several years a compositor in this oflice, was married yesterday morning, at Bt.Thomis church) Rev. Fr. Fierle offuiatlng, the bride béng Miss Mary McDonald, of this city. [n this now Ufe ttpon which George and lis bride now enter they will flnd many 'rienda to help them along the journey, and the best wishe9 of the entire Courier torce are and always will be with them. The Scotcli entertainment before the Unity Club last Monday evening was very interestlng. Mrs Sunclerland gave in account of her recent vUit to the home of Sir Walter Scott and the land oí Ilobbie Burii?, which was Illaetrated by ttereoptican views of the scènes she saw. An drew Campbell Pead several selections from 8ootob poets wlth a tine Scotch pro nounciation and Miss Arinstron:; sang In a very sweet nianner several Scotch songs. The demócrata had a great blow out last Saturtlay niglit. About 150 boys, preceded by the Ann Arbor City band, interlarded wiih a few votéis iaraded around the streets with torchos, display ing an amount of patriotic enthusiasm rarely, Ifever before (qualed on this continent. Atter maroiilng up on State street and Ihen down agiin, the rrowd went to the opera house to listen to the reasons given by Mr. Gorman, Capt. Manly, and olhers, for their ltttle suriirise party on the Tucsday previous. They all seemed to enjoy it. The concert given by Gilinore's band last Frlday afternoon, was very fine In deed. It gave better satisfactlon than most concerts from the tact that Uit selections rendered were largely popuia airs and United States muite. The play era were fa.iltless in their execution, and the popular heart touched by severa] aiis rendered. Tlio enthusiastic ycnuiL Southern element was brouglit out b} ''Dixie," wtiich would not have been very bad bad not tl. e cheers for "Yanke Dootlle," which followed, been bissed by them. A fact which does not speak very well tor an audience in any loyal state. It coat the city 1100.83 to care for lts poor duritig October. Mrs. Mary A. Livermore is to lecture bcfore the Unity CUib Nov. 22d. Mrs. S. M. Dick will speak at Cropsey's Hall, Sunday afternoon, at 3 o'cloek. Mr. G. J. Stace, employed at the Bisele niarble works for sorae time, has inovcd to Shelbyville, Iud. Pay $1 and get the Courier to Jan. lst, 1892. It will be changed to an eiglit page paper after Jan. lst next Clare Durand, formerly in the expresa office here, is now employed in the Atnericm expres9 office, Detroit, hivinr rccovered his health. The broker firm of C. M. Whitney in New York, failed Tuesday becuse of a decline in Toledo, Ann Arbor & N. M. R. B. stock. The McKinley billü Capt. Wm. F. Armstrong, of Co. A, has been appointed substitute mail carrier in place of Earl Ware recently promoted to the positlon of regular carrier. Rev. J. H. Palmer, formorly of tliis ctiy, now of Cedar Rápida, Iowa, wrltes renewing bis subscriptloi), and rpgrettinK the defeat of so good a man as Capt. Allen. The M. C K. H. cbanges time next Sunday or a week later, putting on another tbrough train each way between Detroit and Chicago, taklng the Jackson accommodiitlon ofl'. The Wi'Stern Union's business bal so increased in this cUy that it bas become neerssary to put on another messenger, and telegrams by this company are now dclivered free to any part of the city. By order of President Harrlson Thursday Nov. 27tU will be observed as Thanksgiving. The democrats will have quail on toast this year if it is agalust the law. Republicans will take plain roast beef, and tbank the Lord th; they have even that. With two or three years of democratie free trade we would all be satUlied with raw potatoes and no meat at all. Miss Eliza Collar, a lady about 50 yenrs of age, wbo lives at 34 S. Ingalls st.,while wiilkirigr along S. Universlty ave. on the erening of Sept. 4th, feil at the corner ot S. Ingalls st. and broke her limb near the thigh Joint. Now, through her attorney, D. Crome--, she presenta a claim for damsges to the city council, alleging that tlie cross walk at the coruer where she feil was detective, and that tho light at tliat cirner was not lit thut evening. Amount of damages asked, not stated. We onderstand that candidates for official positions under Gov. Winans are Dumerom hereabouts. For instance, tiie foHowing are talked about: Capt. C. II. ftlanly for Superintendent of the öoldier's Home; E. B. Pond for warden of the State prison at Jnckson ; Frank E. Mills forState Oil Iuspector; E. B. Norria for deputy auditor general ; James R. Bich for St;ite I:isurince Comtnüsioner; Cpt. J. II Schuh has not yet chosen hls office, but will be there all riglit, and Is deserving, too. Chas. II. Kline private secretary to the jfoveruor; Capt. E 1. J . Suinier, commissioner of the Blind school; and so on, with several precincts to hear trom. Slnce the above was in type the followiug candidates for state oil inspector have developed: Thos. D. Ivearney, Ann Atbor; Paul O. Suekey, Ilenry Paul, Pitlsfk-ld; Heary Stumpenhausen, Lester Yost. Walter Hawklns, C. A. Nims and Ed. King, of YpsUauti. L ist evening as the usual Unes were forined at the postoflïce to receive the evening mail one young man attempted to bring on a rush and was immediately arrested by Chief of Pólice Murray and taken tojail. Thls of raised an excitement among the bnys and they went to the jail and made some demonstrations to which the offlcers took exceptions, and morearrests followed, se ven in all, Including one town-boy. Mayor Manly ippeared on the scène and cominanded the crowd to disperse, whieli it did. Had the boys not been too demontrative the offlcers say that the first man arrested would have been released without further trouble. The deportïent of the of students who ome to the postoflïce for thelr mails venlngs has been excellent ttiis year nd with one or two exceptions there has een no attempt at rushing. But of ourse in such a crowd one or two mishlet loving or evil disposed persons can oon make serious trouble, and when bey do attempt wrong doing they should be promptly suppresed.


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Ann Arbor Courier