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That LIttle Ticklíng 1 11 your tlirost, wliich makes you cough once in a wliile and keeps you constuntly clearing your throat, alises from catan h, and as cutarrh is a constitutiona! diseasc the ordlnary cough medicines all fail to hit the spot. Wliat you neeil is a constitutional remedy like Hood's Sursaparilla. Many people who liave taken this medicine tor scrofula, dyspepsia, loss of appetlte, and other troubles, have been surni-(;d that it should cure this troublcsome coukIi. But to know the actual cause of the cough is to solve the mystery. Many cases of consuinption can be traced back to the neplcct of some such slirlit aitVctlon as this. Consumption can be controlled in its earlv stnges, and the tfffct of Hood's Sirsaparilla in purifying the blood, building up the general health, and expelling the tcrofulnus tamt wliich is the cause of Cütarrh and consumption, has restored to perfect hfalth many peroons on whom this dreaded discase seemed to liave a lirin hold. The firpt stram englne on thiscmtinent was brouglit trom Kngliiml in 17i3. The First Step. Peihaps you are run down, can't cat, cau't sleep, can't think, Oant do mythitig to your satisfxction, and you wonder what all8 you. You should hecd the warnintr, you are taking the ttrst step into Nervous Prostration. Yon necd a Nerve Tonic and n Electric Bitters you will tind the exact remedy tor restoring your nervous gyslem to lts normal, liealthy uondition. Surprising rcaults follow the use of tliis great Nerve Tonta and Alter ative. Your appetite returns, good ditreation is restored. and the Liver and Kklneys resume healtuy action. Try a boitle. Price 50c at "Eberbach & Sons' DruL Store.


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Ann Arbor Courier