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Colonel Thomas B. Price, President

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f tlie (;iz"tu' Prinling Company of Sedalia, Mo.. and oneof the best-known men in Missouri! was simt and inottally trounded du inï a political iliscussion by Judije John lligsrins, r ihe IVtiis County uotiri. Uoth uien were en route: ío thoi.' bornea on a Missouri l'aeihe train. Thr Crotón Rqiioduci in New York is now practically completad and in uo. The Buppl.V is 31S,ÜO0,OO0 gallons of water pet Amono parü)e3 granted by the ponitentiary niauagors at Col urn bus, O., were those of t'red 11. Braggins, the Cleveland editor - ■ n t U] foreight years for fori'iv. and John B. Simons, treasurer ol Dra ka County, convicted of BmbezzlcniiMü and sontenced for six years. Two wokkmi'N' ore instantly killed and a third badly hurt by a falling pier ander a railroad track upon which they were at vork at Doyleatown, Pa. Wiiii.k temporurlly insane Mrs. Joseph iiamprecht, of Fhiladelphia, killed her infant cbild, fatally cut the throat of her 0-year-old daughter Mary and" then fatally Btabbed horself. A fire at Owensboro, Ky., destroyed many business buildinofs. includinp the Messeneer newspaper office. Will II. Hahn jumpod f rom the third-story window of tlie Rudd IIouso and was killed. The cooper sbop of the Philadelphia Cooperage Company, tlio soap factory and spico mili of P. C. Thompson and a large storaijo warehouse belonjjing to the Pennsylvanta Bailroad Company at Philadolphia were burned, causing a loss of S1S5.000. SlGNOD 3U( i 1. tin;, bogan a fast of forty-five days in Now York on the 6th. The statue to tho moniory of William Denniiifr, manufacturer of the cannon used by tho Americana i:i the war of the revolution, was u.ivailcd at Newville, Pa. W. I!. Cottim'.i.t., the notorious Cedar Keys (Fia. ) desperado, was shot and killed by Chief of l'olico tiorald at Montgomery, Ala. Govkknok Hdmphuet, of Kansas, pranted an nnconditional pai'don to William Baldwin, wlio was under death sentence for murderini his sister Mary in Atchison Jnly 8, 18S"). Baldwin was believod to bc innocent. Emii. WüELFBODT, of Terro Haute, who found employment in beating his wifo, was thrasliod by vromen with rawhides in one of the streots of that city. KÉAiti.v forty buildings, Inoludlngf the entirc business portion of Truckee, Cal., were destroyed by an incondiary fire. Black diphtheria was pre valling in an epidemie form in Cygnet. O., and the schools wero all closed and business was practically suspended. Henby Btjmphbey dled In New York f rom an epiloptic lit oaused by hard drinkinr. Ton years igo ho iuheritod a fortuno of S100.000 and ho had scarcely drawn a sober breath since. Ara meeting in failadelphia for the relief of the suffer! ng in treland at which Messrs. O'Brlen and Dillon made speeches Pos tra aster John Fiolds, who acted as treasurer, presen tod a subscription list which footed upSl:i.8S5. Aboi't sixty crusaders assaulted tho saloon of Andy Spaulding at Freeman, Mo., and kaooked In the heads of all llquor barrels. Freeman is a local option town and the raid was generally approved. Train wreckers dltohod a passenger train on tlie Missouri Pacific road noar Otterville, Mo., and the enginoer and four pontal clerka were badlj injured. Robbery was tbe object. A iiv.av volume of business throughout tbe country was roported, with the monetar; Mtuution substantially unchanged. The foroign trade was unusuallv activo, the imports during October being In exceas of $105,000,000. Tjll-; lip mi Aniirchisfc meeting at Newark, N. .)., by arresting Mrs. Lucy Parsons, Herr Most and se ven othfi's. Tkains i-ollided near Nicholasville, Ky. , tearing a sleopingcar to fragments. The passengors miroculonsly escaped death, but soveral of tkem were severol.y injured. The businesa failuros in the United States during the soven days ended on the 7th numbored 215, against 218 tbe prect'ding week and 207 the corresponding week last year. Tuf. entire business portion of Hartman, Ark., was burned. Mes. O. O. Baimcy, the wife of a prominent citizen of Arlington, Tenn., was killed by a negro whom she had refused money. Noverto Gihboo, a Mexican, was hanged at Canyon City, Col., for the murder of VV. L. I'nderwood on June 4 last, and Wlll Bethea (colored) was hanged at Wi-iglitsville. Ga., for killing Lumber Inspector Raiford on March 17 last. An assignmont was made by the Mutual Fire Insurance Company of Chicago. Poor business was given as the causo of the failure. Every bouso in Winslow, Pike County, lnd., waa burned, and thore would be mucli aufferlng among the inhabitants. A olüri:il translation of the recently-issued encycllcal of Pope Leo XIIL has been reciyed by Cardinal Gibbons and all the Arcbbisbops and Iiishops of the Catholic church in this country, to be read by them to the poople of their respective diooeses. The letter lays particular stress on the evil influences of the Masonic order and says it is "animatod by the spirit of Satan."


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