IIASOV!) DIBECTOltl'. Vyj AbborOommandkr...
IIASOV!) DIBECTOltl'. Vyj AbborOommandkry. No. I meetsflrst Tuemlay of eacli moritU, I?. F. Watts, E. C; John R. Mluer, Recorder. Wasutbnaw Chaptkr, No. 6, R. A. M.- VieHts ilrst MoQday each month. L. C. Qoodrictt, H. P.: Z. Roath. Secretary. business cards. :m:iss h. e. btjbll MODISTE, MACES FINE tOSrUMKS, TA YLOR SUITS, ALSO MISSEi' ASÜ CUILUIiKXü' SUITS Cloaks Made and Rcpaircd. 11 1-a N. Flfth St., Aim Arbor. D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. 1IISKASKS OF THE EYE, EAE, NOSE AND THBOAT. OFriCE AÏD RESIDENCE, 26 SOUTH DIVISIÓN STREET Houbs : 1 to 4, and 6:30 to 7:S0 P. M. OTIA.S. W. VOGEL DEALER IN ALL KINDS OP FRESH AND SALT MEATS Poullry, iMrd, etc. EVERYTHING NE AT and CLEAN No. 9 E. A ii ii Ht., A nu Arbor. . V . M CIIOLS, Rooms Orer Aun Arbor Sarings Bank, Opp. Conrt House Square. VITALIZED AIS. AdrainiBtercd. It Is agreeabie and easy to take, and no proetrallng efiecta follow, while tecth are eztracted without pain. WIL.L.IA2H IIERZ, House, Sign Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Paper Ing, Glazlng, Gilding, and Calcimining, and work of every doecriptiOD done in the beet Btyle,and warranted to glvc aatiefaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St. Ann Arbor. LT7MBEXU LT7MBER! LT7MBEE.I If you contémplate building, cali fct, FEROON Luto Yarfl ! Corner Fourlh and Depot Sta., ana get our figures for all kinds of LUMBER' We manufacture our own I.umber and guarar.tee VERY LOW PRICES VGive us i cali and we will make lt to yonr Interest, as oar large and well eraded stock fully sustaloi our assertion. Tclcphone Connectlons wlth OflSce. T. J. KEECH, Supt. JAMES TOLBERT, Prop. Tood's Pli.osïsla.oaJ-33.O. THE tUKAi HM.i.MI UI. Mi: III üied for 36 years _ of Youtbful folly by and the ezceues uenfully. ■aXsJ of later reara. anletd lo fur uil .1 J Miti imivillatt fornii of Nervous 2s írcwííi and río. Weakness, Kml. ASkKjL. Aslt drugsluu llon, fJB for WocxTiTfao rhe, ImpotencT.iS1"'"' ."' ,".'.'■ phodlno; takeno and all th effeetilLÍLot?irom_yfi_íubstllut. Ona packtfe, Jl; lx. $6. Ijy mail, Write for pamphlet. íríTSStl ï' t'ieinlcal Cu" 13i woodwwi IQ THE CREAT Germán RemedyJ Ia TRUTHS FOR THE S1CK-I BlliousSpellsclepend foracasi' wlifie M i.-ll ousi i.i'iiiüI'.iTiiats Pin-R BTITER8 wllll lt wlll mre you. not nsslstor cure. It Sthattlredandallgone Cleansethevltlatedlll fccling; if 6O, se ,]ooj wi,cn you sec II Sclpiiur IiiTTEBS; (3 imputltics lunst II twilloircyou. OKthFODgll the skiul I Operativa i.o are '" I'i'npIes.ISlr.t.-hCB.I I cloM-lv c-onllnpil tn in'l Sores. Kcly onUl Sthe ïiiTll ui work 'OLPHCB Bitters.M IöSSp" ícieSVíol uj heaW. wlll tol jjj not procure sufficient i ___ _ III exerclse, anrt allvrho 8oLPHOR ];, TTKrsI I areconnneuinaoors, _iii ,.,_,, T ivp..ivim II .bo..l.l se ft-LPHt-K I, ,;t ' Von't be ZJ I n not thea bc wcai aml ,.,.,. ' rn üjlcklyj " Ilf vou do notwlsli S!,L1'.I,1!JK '!l'1"rER5 tosnirerfi-omKheum. nillbuil.lyou upan. 1 1 atism, use a bottle of make you strougamll I SüLPHÜB Bitters ; hcaltliy. II Itnfverfallstn.-uro. 6ULPHDB HriTERslll □ Dou't be withuuc a wlll make j-our lilooilSS I bottle. Trv lt; you pure.ricnanilstrong.ua will not renet it. nd your llesh hard. III l.Milifs In delicate Try SüLPHÜR BlT-lj health, who are all rKity to.ntght, and I run down, should list' you wlll sleep welll II Sulphi'u llrrrnn". Itml f ee 1 tetter f or lt. III Do you want the best Mcliciil Work published? Rend 3 2-rent stamps to A. 1. ÜHDWAY & C0 Boston Mass., and receive a eopy, free. CAFITAL $50,000. SUEPL7S $10,000. Afldlüonal LlaMitíes of Stociholflers $5O,OOO. Report ol oomltUon of the FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' BANK at Aun Arbor, Michigan, at tl:u close of business July 18, 1890 RESOURCES. Loans and discount $ 213,981 72 Stocks, bonds, mortgages, etc 72,361 "i Overdraft8 1,859 08 Due frora banks lu reserve cltles.... 19,88:3 45 Due from Washtenaw County 11.601 78 Hllls In transit 3,560 23 Furnlture and flxtures _ 3,0 0 00 Curreut expenses and laxes pald.... 7-2 38 Interest puid _ 434 18 Checks and cash Ítems 159 77 Nickels and pennied 68 51 Oold 8,134 70 Sil ver 2,912 15 U. S. and National Bank Notes 14,358 00 Total í 351.6SÍ 39 LIABILITIES. Capital stock pald lu S 50.000 00 Surplus fuud „ 10 000 00 Undlvlded proflts 3,259 #." Dlvidends unpald 315 00 Commercial depositó 242.557 53 Suvlngs deposlts 45,5:0 01 Total 1851,682 39 STATE OF MICHIGAN,) County of Washieuaw. J I. F. H. BELSBR, Cashler, of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best oí my knowledge and belief. F. H. BRLSER, Cashler. Subscribed and sworn to before uie, thls 29lh day of July, 1890. W1I. W. WHEDON, Notary Public. Correct - Attest: Ambrose Kearney, Chas. E. Oreeue, D. F. Schairer, Dlrectors. The Farmers' & Mechanics' MI lm vi mu dled thelr certlflcate wlth the State Banking Department are now authorlzed to do business asa Savíngs Bank, and Ín purituance thereof have opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed In the savlngs department on all deposlts of SI and upwards, Interest pald June lst and Dec. lst, of each yenr. The savings department Is open Saturday nlghts froni 7 until 8 o'clock. .Muiiey to loan ín sutns of $25 to $5,000 secured by unencumbered real eslate oí approved securltles. Itentx'ii Kcmpr Iu.k. K. 4reclU', B. Uull}, AMlMOM lii'iii'■}, U ni. 1'. StcvfiiK, V. !'. !lii%ilu.i, J. i-:. lt-iii, .luim lima, D. ■'. s huiK-r. H. KKHI'K, l'r'H. K. UUFÏÏ, Vlce-Pre. f. ii. hf.i,si:ic, rusiiicr
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Ann Arbor Courier