A Lasting Charm
Wlietlier t Is the cllmate so soft and balmy, tile wealth of fruit and fl wer,the tbousand ii nd oae lovely resorts, or all these combined it ts hard to teil, but California, her clitnate, products and people seems to have a charm which lingera We ro elsewhere and are content with our vislt and the satisfacción oí saying "we have been there," but one turns agnin and igain to the beautiful Kolden state as toward the face of an old friend. The arrangementu tor tliis winter's travel to the Pacific Coast are abaolutely perfect. The unrivalled facilities of the Union Pacilic, the old original overland route, are generously supplenaented by the Southern Pacilic Coinpany in improving their line via Ogden so that the whole distance to San Francisco is niiw the most luxurious trip on this continent, without the delay incident to winter travel. Poet, who is reading liia verses to & friend - "Ah! my words seem to touch you. You are shedding tearsl' "No, only wiping off the perspiration."- Toronto Muil.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier