The New Street Railway
A. numbcr of our lending eillzens have :lskoil tllC COUiniOD COUDCil fol a l'igllt tO allow the Ann Arbor & Ypsilanti strcct rail way to come into tovvn. Theelcctiic road acts the rart of tbe dog in the manger by opposing it. These citizens' among whom are some of the largest tax payers, liaye acted upon tbe suppositiou tliat as yet the electric road does not own all the streets of this city. Tliis being so thcy thought they might be accorded the same privileges which have been given freely to a corporation composed entirely of non-residents. Tlie street railway company which wil] unite the two cities propose to help Ann Arbor a great deal, first by bringin in trade and visitors from along the line and second by bringing in another Express Co. for the general accommodation of the residents. All they wlsh is to get down tovvn, - a reasonable reqnest. It wlll not run freigbt train., nor have a dangerous, noisy steam engine to pull the car. Indeed the motor svill be subject to the approval of the common council. The streets will not be damaged by the track, nor any peraon's property injured. All lies gotten up by parties in , terested in the other road to the contrary notwithstanding. Competition is sood for the citizens, and those who look after their interests cannot afford to show so much zeal for the electric road as to shut out what is manifestly for the good of the town and its peopie.
Old News
Ann Arbor Courier