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CaIarrH Is a constltiitlonal and not a local dlsease, and therefore lt cannot bo cured by local appUcations. It requires a constitutlonal rcmedy liko Hood's Sarsaparllla, which, working tbrotigh tlio blood, eradicates tha Impurlty which causes and promotes tlie dlsease, and effects a permanent cure. Tliousands of people testlfy to tho success of Hood's Sarsapailla as a remedy íor catarrh when other preparatlons had failed. CaUrrN " I will say I have been troubled for sereral years wlth that terribly dlsagreeablo disease, catarih. I took Hood's Sarsaparllla wlth the very best results. It cured ma of that contlnual dropping In my throat, and stulfcd up feellng. It ha3 also helped my mother, who has taken ltfor run down state of liealth and kldney trouble." Mns. 8. D. Hkath, Putuam, Conn. " I have used Hood's Sarsaparllla for catarrh wlth very satisfactory results. I have recelved more permanent benefit fromit than from any othcr remedy I have ever tiled." M. K. Kead, of A. lïead & Son, Wauseon, O. Hood's Sarsaparilla gold by all drugglsts. SI ; elx for 83. Prepared only bjr C. I. HOOD Si CO., Apothocailes, Lowell, Mail, IOO Doses One Dollar


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