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Allmendinger Piano And Organ Company

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Mail in? MayLinn. Mehlin! From the American Mualcian of Sept. 7, 1889 PAUL Gr. MEHLIN. HECHiHIC, PIAKO MAKER AND IXVEX10K. Paul G. Mehlin wa8 bom in Stuttgart, Germany, February 28th, 1837. He was flrst apprenticed to a cabinet maker, wlth whora he worked for several years. Here he acquired that experience whicb enabled him subsequently to make so many iraprovemeuts in tbe eonstruction of piano-case?. On leaving the cabinet-makers' shop, he went to Fredrlck Doerner, the piano-maker in Stuttgart, from whom he learned hla trade. Here he obtained not only a practical knowledge of piano making, but a scientiflc knowledge as well, which was the incentive to thoae deeper studies ant experimenta which lie carried on later, and which have enabled him to benefit every flrm he has ever been connected with, by his radical but successful efforts to improve the piano in both construction and tone. He carne to this country in 1&53, and at once found work with the old firm of Bacon & Raven, with whom he re mained for seven years. lt was during that period that Mr. John Jacob Decker, now bead of the great house of Decker Bros., was foreraan. After leaving Baeon & Raven, Mr. Mehlin worked in the factory of Lighte, Newton & Bradbury, another renowned house at that time. When the war broke out he made mie of the " Turner Regiment," the old Twentieth New York. He went as ehief bugler and carne back In two years as second lieutenant. In 18G5 he worked again for some of liis old employers, after which he became connected with tlie house of üabler, with whiofa lie remained for sixteen years. It was whilb witli the Gablers that he eommenced the remarkable series of iui)rovements and inventions whieh have since made his name fanious in trade and musical cireles. His first patent of importance, the agraffe cast in the plate, was taken out in 1872. On leaving the Gabler iirm he went to Messrs. J. & C. Fischer, buttwoyears later returned to the Gablers at their earnest solicitation. Soon afterward, however, the big 9trike occurred at the Gabler factory. As there seemed uo prospect of its immediate settlenient Mr. Mehlin became associated with MESSRS. BEHR BROS. as partner in 1881. With the Messrs. Behr he remained for eight. years, and retired on the first of last January, in order to start in business for himself. It is, therefore, for a period of over thirty-five years that Mr. Mehlin was connected with some of the most prominent blouses in the piano trade, and it is his pride that he earned the respect and good will of each and every one of these firms. The Hst of Mr. Mehlin 's principal patented improvements, in the order in which they were issued, ia as follows : LIBX )K PATENT8. July 23, 1872. Patent Metallic Agraflfe, cast in the plate. Muy 1, 1877. Patent Metallic Action Frame cast in one piece. January 17, 1882. Patent Bessemer Steel Action Frame. February 28, 1882. l'aü'iit Endwood String bridge. OctoherO, 1883. Patent (.vlinder Top. Uarota 18, 188-t. Patent Flnger Guara. January 27, 1885. Patent Harmonie Scale. April il, 1886. Patent Grand Plate. November:!!), 1880. Patent Piano Muffler. February 1, 1887. Patent Touch Regulator. February 5, 1889. Patent Oylinder Top and Tone Reflector. Kchniui'v ■", 188ÍJ. Patent Grand Fall Board. May 21, 1889. Patent Grand Plate (also used in the Uprif;lit (land. In 1885 the jury at the New Orleans World's Exhlbltlon awarded to Mr. Mehlin' patented lm pro vemen ts a gold medal. In their report they stated that they made the award : Kor tbe quiiltly of tone, wlilch la remarkably line. by its power mul brllllanoy, tbe (Inging qualltlet of the Instrument, Mie touch- even tli rt.n-ili ut-the construellon, excellence of design, an.l nerfectlon , ,i workmamhlp. The quallty of lone is due to Mr. Mehlin s uew lnvcmion. In blsowo factory Mr. Mehlin bas mmediately taken hUposltlOD among the atrictly lirst-class makers by produoing Instruments only of the very highest grade. In his work Mr. Mehlin has the active assistance of his two som, the eider of whom, Paul Mehlin, Jr., bas already shown niaiked business ability. : The Faetones and Facilities for the Manufacture of the HÜHU1JIAI0! From the Muslc Traile Heview, May 20, 1SS9. PAUL G, MEHLIN k SONS. Messrs. Paul Q. Mehlin & Sons, have commenced business in tlieir own factory, at 461 to 467 West 40th St. Thei machines are of the very latest and inos improved patterns and have been fur nished by Mr. Pryibil, the famous tnake of machinery for wood work, who ha expended his best efïbrts on them. N other piano maker wiü be able to boas of flner machinery than Messrs. Mehlin & Sons. The factory is six stories higl and its rooms are ïofty, airy and wel lighted. The brick-built dry rooms ar of three inch flre proof material. Tliei factory is equipped with every known appliance and convenience and with men of such practical knowledge and experi ence it is not surprislng that theMEHLIÏs PIANOS are, as soon as completed sold to admiring and enthusiastie pur chasers. The reputation rapidly gained by the Mehlin Pianos had become of such a character as to attract the favorable at tention of business men and capitalists of the great Northwest, whoshowed their opinión of it by recently organizing a stock company for its manufacture ii Minueapolis, in connectiou with the pareut faetory in New York. Asisalready known, the Century Piano Company was formed, and is at present ready, or nearly so, for business. The capital stock was placed at $500,000, and among the offieers elected was Paul II. Mehlin, who was se lected for the vice-presidency, and Paul O. Mehlin, Qen'l Supt. - The American Muttöan, Au ff. 90, 1890, The Mehlin is the piano to buy. Built by a n old experienced piano maker, with every facility and capital with which to make h. perfect piano, you get an instrument excelled by none, and pay nothing extra or the name. A full stock of all styles at our Btore where every explanation will begivt-n to iDtonding purchasers. Our oivn reliability b welt known. The "Mehlin" is guaranteed by the makers for six years. Come in and ex unine theiu. ceucral Wholesale and Retall Ast., The Mehlin Piano. SOME OPIXIOSS OF THOSE WHO KNOW WHAT PIAXOS ARE: The chief poiuta of excellence in the Mehlin Pianos are quality and volume of tone, extraordinary singing quality, delicacy of touch, excellence of design, durability and capacity for standing in tune. Among the patenta issued to the Mehlin company are the patent grand plate and scale, the only scale put in an upright piano like the baby grand; patent grand full board, including the patent flnger guard, cylinder top and tone reflector, piano muffler, endwood spring bridge, touch regulator and Bessemer steel action frame. This company manufacture grand pianos which, for volume and purity of tone, are unexcelled. Those who have heard the Mehlin instrument at the Exposition building will recognize and concede the absolute justice of this claim. The Mehlin grands are made in six différent styles and of all kinds of wood. In illustration of the popularity of the Mehlin pianos it has been singing its owu praises to 8uch an extent that the demand for them has been much larger thau the supply.- Musical Courier, Ocl. 15, 1890. At the Minneapolis Exposition, the Mehlin piano has created a sensation, and one of the most recent tributes to this instrument is from the meuibers of the Reeves band, in the building, who state that " they never heard a piano with such carrying power as the Mehlin Baby Grand, aud say there is noother instrument in the Exposition that can equal it." The Mehlin exhibit is at the opposite end of the building from the band stand, but the musicians state the tones of the Mehlin piano are so distinct and clear, " that it seems as if the instrument was close to the stand." In the East, the Mehlin piano is also receiving a large share of attention. At the New London County Fair, the Mehlin piano, exhibited by Yerrington's Temple of Music, received the highest award. - Music and Drama, Scpt. IS, 1S90. In the experience, inlelligence and ability of Oeneral Superintendent Mehlin, not less than in the vast financia I resources of the company, lies the certainty that succes of the most brilliant and solid order awaits this tremendous enterprise. Mr. Mehlin has for well-nigh two-score years practisedtheart and science of piano building. Jiis patented improvements in piano construction farm a long and glorious roll of inventions. When the finn of Mehlin Sons ivas first organized in New York city, The Music Tra de Review predicted that the new Mehlin piano would soon make a stir in the world. Little more than twelv month.i have elapsed since we ventured upon such prediction, and to-day that magnificent instrument takes a front po&ition in the march of musical industries and a high place in the affet'tions of cutured and intellectual pianists. And it oes 'without the saying that the genius which hos made itself so patt ni a factor in the musical Ufe in the East must inevita!.! aehieve ryual triumphs in the new JVorthwestem field.- Musio Trade Review. One of the most attractive exhibits is that of the fiunoua " Mehlin " piano. This piano is coming to the front, it having been adjudged by critics to be the flnfst instrument in the world. It ha the improved repeating action, and its marnier of opening ' precisely like that of a grand piano. It has the improved "muftier" for practicing, s that the tone may be softened almost to a lUrlodioua whisper. The mufHer also save wear and tear. The piano has a cylinder top; by meaus of a tone reflector the melody is refraeted- so to speak- int the room, so it is not necessary to remove all the houaehold artioles that are apt to gather on a piano top. The maker of it is Paul Q. Mehlin, one of the oldest and best known piano regulators, and who bas made more improvements for pianos than any other artist or inventor. The instrument is manufactured by Century Piano Company, of New York and Minneapolis, Minn., baving a cash capital of $500,000. Every visitor in the hall stops to examine and is charmed with its merits. - No-rwich Evening Record. " Those fine Mehlin pianos exhibited at the fair, and so univereally ad mi red, received the highest awards by the judges -Norwich Daily Bulletin. Mr. Mehlin, Sr., is regarded in the musical world as ne of the leading and most progressive and ablest piano nakers of modern times. He has made a lifestudy of the iano nianufacturing business, is thoroughly versed in the cientiflo principies of piano construction, and as a resul t he Mehlin piano is one of the finestand best instrumenta ever placed on the market. There is not the least doubt bat with the opportunities afforded him here and the arge interests back of the concern, he will soon make urther developements in piano constmetion.- Music and Drama.


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Ann Arbor Courier