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SCH1EB-&-ILLEN On the Look Out for a Big Business During the Month of November, COMMENCfNG FRÍDAY MORNING, NOVEMBER 7, We Will Put Pnces on a $40,000 Stock of Seasonabie Dry Goods That WMI Send Them Out in Torrents. Let these Prices Speak for Themselves. 2 Cases Sliakcr Flanncl. salo pricc 5c a yard. 2 Cascs Cantón Flanncl, sale pricc 5c a yard. 200 Flecos Drcss Trinis, sale pricc 3 l-2c a yard. 1OO Tieces Best 7c Drcss Prints, sale price 5c a yard. 10 Pieces Heavy Gray Twill Flanncl now 12 l-2c a yard. 15 Pieces Heavy AU Wool Red Flannel now 15c and 20c a yard. One Case Wlillc 10-4 Blankets, sale price 75c a palr. 2 Bales Heavy Bro. Shceting, sale price 5c a yard. One Case Yard Tvldc 9c Bleached Cotton. sale price tí l-2e a yard. :{) Pieces 3G-Inch Wool Ladies' Clotli, sale price 25c a yard. 1OO Pieces Handsome Dress Flaids, sale pricc 25c a yard. 25 pieces Fancy Plaid Flaunels, sale price 10c a yard. Big Lot Cnrtaiu Shades with Spring Rollers 35c. 75 Large Elegant Bed Comfortables made by the ludios of the Congregational church, sale price $2, $2.25 and $2.50. 50 Dozen Large 3-4 size Liuen Xapkins ntnv $1.35 a dozen. 100 Largc White Bed Spreads, sale price $1 cach. 200 Dozen Unen Check Doylies, sale price 3c cach. Big Lot Fancy Flannel Skirts, sale price 75c each . 40-inch Black Silk Warp Heuriettas l and $1.25 a yard. 46-inch Itlack Silk Warp Henriettas, sale price $1 35 a yard. 40-inch Colored Slik Warp Henriettas, sale price 85c a yard. 10 Pieces Plain and Fancy Black Goods 75c quality, sale price 50c a yd. lü,' Lot Plnin and Fancy Black G ods, sale pricc 25c a yard. 15 Pieces Black Mohalrs, sale price 25c, 35c and 50c a yard. In Our Cloak Department during thisSale we shall make some Low PriceSi 3!)-inch Seal Plush Cloaks, Seal Ornaments, Elcgantlr Lined, Worth #25, sale pricc $13.50. 2-inch Seal Plnsli .Tackets, Hi?li Sleeves, Worth L15, sale price #10. Stylish Street J:ckets, Chcvolt üci'lVrs, $ and $IO. NoTClty Blaers Yet Fronts $8, 10 and Sl'i2OO Children's and Htues9 Garments from igiii to $10 eacli. We show the Best 25 Seal Plush Sacque made. Big Lot Wool Shawls, sale pnce $1.50 and $-2.00 eacli. ALWAYS THE CHEAPEST. SCHAIRER & MILLEN Taxes for A. D. 1890. Assessor O'Hearn bas handed us the following figures whicli teil the people of the city whnt their taxes will be tola year, and for what purposes tlie money goes: The 5 ralll tax voted by Council $30.220 00 Uncollected personal of A. D. 18K9 399 22 Soldier' relief fund, onetenth of a inlll .6M 40 Payment on Hospital bond 4 000 uu Interest on " " 840 00 For cure of City poor at County House ""WüW Stnte tax "852 68 County tax _!L!!? U, 48 Citv's portlon of School UODey voted 27,300 00 The one inlll tax lor school Pur"ose8 _5:?ííi? 33.3H 00 Total .81,7l 87 Au increaee over ttint of last year of $7,000; the rate of tnxes on $1,000 is l8.50; last year $12 60; an incitase of 'Mc on a thousaml. GRAND OPERA HOUSE ONE NICHT ONLY. Thursday Evening, November 20 Engagement of the distlngulsüed traglc actor LOUIS JAMES And hls excellent company In Shakespeare' sublime tragedy JUUUjOT ! Costumos, rich and elegant scenery, now and approprlate. TRICES, 50 cts, 75 cts., and #1.00. Seats on sale at postofflce news stand. Grand Opsra House Monday Evening, November 24 Amcrica'B greatost chaiucter actor DORE DAVIDSQN And the young. benut i ful and accomplished emotioyal act rosa MISS RAMIE AUSTEN Supportert by a New York Company In the powerful 5 act Meló Urania &UILTY WITHOUT CRIME Au :iliiptation of Mrs. M. E. Braddon's popular novel Au ora Floyd, lutroduolii); n.e hl .li spii n.'d IIi) Dart Devil In the thrllliiiK race scène. special Souvernlr Photograplis of Miss Aimten wlll be glveu to each lady upon enlerinu Mie tbeatre. Same can also be hiul ut postultlce uew stand. Trices, - - 35c, 50c and 75c. Keuls on Sale Frlday Mornlng. Normal Music Cour se I FOR Teachers, Singers, and Advanced Students oí Music, Twenty Lectores given Saturdays. 4 P. K., 21 N. FIFTIÏ. ÜKGINNINa NOV. 23d. - - - - ORÍN CADY.


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