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Don't hnwk, liawk, ind blow, blow, (lisc...

Don't hnwk, liawk, ind blow, blow, (lisc... image
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Don't hnwk, liawk, ind blow, blow, (liscustingeverybody, but use Dr. Sage's Catarrh neinedy. 'The man who proposeil at 5 o'clock in the mornlng (lid the business in due time. - Boston Gazette. A Sliraclc of the Jíiueteentli Ceuturj. Owing to a bad state of the blood, I h;ive been ifïïicted with rheumatisin for lucnty yeari, and have uscd cmtchea for ten yeurs. I have expended large sutns ofmoneyfor remedies recominended to me, and frotn uslnr powerful linimi'nts to get a little sleep, my hip and kiue had lost neurly 01 ptrenglh. When I coimnenced to take Hibbard's Rhenmiitlc Byrup 1 could not take one step without the nid of a cane, or turn mysell in bed without nsslstunce. I can now move with perfect case, and walk without my cane, or turn inyeelf in bed without assistance. I eau now move with perfect ease, and walk without my cane from my house to my office every day. I am relievrd froin a terrible afliietio", and wish I mifrht herald to all Bftlicted with rlieumatism and other l)lood disenacp, the merits of this wonderful medicine. S. S. Cokovkr, At. Ncntl) western Mutual Life lusurance ('o , Hantstee, Mloh. Prepared only by The Ohnrlra Wrisht Medicine Company, Detroit, Mich. For Bale by all drujrïists. Many a congressman envíes the mosquito. Ilia bilí always goes througli. - Scranton Truth. Wonien wltli palé, colorless faces, who fenl week hihI diicouraged, will receive hotli mental and bodily vijjor ly uslng Curter's Iron Pilis which aro made tor [he blood, nerves and complexión.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier