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Epitome Of The Week

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The suspension of P. W. Oallaudot & Co., Wall street brokers, was announccd on the New York Stock JOxcliangi). Tho llabllltiea were estimated at $1.000,000. Tuk Pittsburgh, Clncinnati, ChioajfO & St. Louis railway reoorded a S75.000,000 mortgnge at Peru, ind., in favor of tho New York Trust Company on all its loascd and operated lines weal OÍ l'ittsburgh. Thk oltlzens of Mandan, N. I)., were provided with arms and ammunition, and wero in roadiness for any outbreak that might occur amonff the Indiana The Michigan Masonic Home at Grand Rapids lias boen comploted. It cost 978,000 and has accommodations for 100 inmales. A FIHK in a suburb of St. Augustine, Dia.', destroyed lumber of the Kast Florida Land & Produce Company, an English syndloate, valued at SlüO.OOO. Compaxiks of troops f rom Fort Omaha and Fort McKinnoy left on the 18th for tho sceno of the Indian trouble in North Dakota, and it was said that soldiors from Fort Niobrara and Fort Robinson would join thom. The attempt to removo the capital of Oklahoma Territory from Guthrie to Kingfisher failod. Fl.vmks destroyed a largo sugar rofinory on tho Ponto Palms plantation at Houma. La. Los, .Y100,000. R. T. MEAD0W8, of Blodsoe, Tenn., sold his farm and all bis possossions, and lntended to make his future homo in Texas, luit whilo sitting by the flro conntlng liis wealth a door oponed and blew his all into the flre and it was consumed. The gable end of the new St. Mark's Episcopal ehurch at Cleveland, O, collapsed, and Flerrlt Morton was instantly killed and two other men wero fatally Injured. In' Izard County, Ark., Jack Branscomb and two young ladies, aged 15 and 17, respectively, daughtersot Dr. llamilton, were drowned by tho upsotting of a boat. The Waterbury (Conn. ) Üutton Company havo advancod tho wages of ivory button-turners 10 per cent. At tho meeting in Chicago of the National coiumissioners of the world'8 fair it was decided that tho exposition should be located on the Lake Front and at Jackson Park. In a runaway accident at Wichita, Kan., Gus Romerie and John Kimmerlo sustained fatal injuries. John, a Chicago real-estate dealer, was robhed of 8100,000 worth of deeds, notes and mortgages, the tbief taking them from a box under a seat in bis buggy. Frank Vokey, a cabinet-maker residing at Pullman, 111., shot and killed his wife and himself. Jealousy was the cause. At Springfield. 111. , the Nati nal Assembly, F. M. 15. A., elected W. J. Stillwell, of Fort Hranch, Ind., as president. The sec ctary repocted the total number of lodges in the United Statea as 4,94, with a mcsnilx'rship of 107,785. Captáis Fbak is L. Noktos's fiftyeight-foot stoam yacht with ten persons on board left New York on the I9th for Toulon, Franoe. Josepii 1Joyi, of Kansas City, Río., fatally shot his wife and child and then killod himself. Povcrty caused the deed. A fiki: at Evanston, 111., destroyod Turner"s Iivery Btable, and snventeen horses wero burned to dunth. Thk flrst annual meeting of the Nutional Non-Partisan Womeu's Christian Temperante Union oommenced at Pittsburgh, Pa., on the I9th. Ai.i, the leading manufacturera of harvesting machinery in tho country met in Chicago and Consolidated under tho namo of tho American H.trvestcr Company, with a capital of L:r, 000,000. Ar a meeting in Cleveland tho Nickelpjato railway managers docided to advanco tho wagos of conJuotors, baggagemen and brakemen. The mombers of tho firm of Tong Yoong & Co., an extensive Chinese mercantile houso in San Francisco, fled to China with S50,0 0, tho wagos of 243 Chinese fishormon vvho recontly roturned from Alaska, leaving tho fishormen ponniless. At tho salo of horses ownod by exCongressman Scott at New York üolero, a 2-year-old, was sold to Philip Dwyer forS35,0CÜ. SuiiOKON GbnbbaTj IIamit.tox in bis annual report takes a decided ground against the existing immigration law and makes a strong argument for the restriction of immigration. Fifteon insane persons and eleven idiots were reported by the medical oflicer among tho immigrants arriving at New York during the year. The jury in the Rov. VV. F. Pettit wife-poisoning case at Crawfordsville, Ind., retiirned a verdict of guilty, fixing the punishment at imprisonment for life. E. Seaot.d, of Charlotte, Mich., attemptod to kill his wife and then committod suicide. Domostic trouble was the cause. A. M. IjOftus shot and killed his father, B. C. Loftus, near Gainesboro, Tonn., in a personal difflculty, accidontally his brother at the same time. Tiie International Law and Order League met in annual session at Pittsburgh, Ta., on the 20th. IIar.nky's Hotel and eight dwellings at Nanticoke, Pa., wero burned. Tuk board of lady managers of the World's Columbian Exposition effected a permanent oranization by tbe elcction of Mrs. Potter Palmer, of Chicago, as president, and Miss Phoebe Couzins, of St. Louis, secretary. At the session of the Non-Partisan Woman's Christian Temperance Union at Pittsburjjh, Pa., Mrs. E. J. Phinney. of Cleveland, O., was ro-clccted president.


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