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"Are n't you ever going to giow oíd, like tlie rest of us?" asked a man of ati aequaintnnce he had tiot seen for som e time. '"Wel], not so long is I can purify my blood with Ayer's Sar.saparilla," was the apt reply. Tliis man knew wliat lie was talking about. "Might have warned you ? You precious infant! Iluven't you llved long enouh to know you can t drink as you did on an empty siomacli?" "Hit! Zash shusli it ! Mtomach vvasn't empty, liic ! Stomacli got lull íirst of all."- West Shore. Víhj Suffer 2 wlth tlie Rnnedy at Hand. Gentlemen: I have been a rreat siifferer from Sciatio Uht iniKiti-in for flve years. A portton of tliat time have been confluid to my bed. Have beun treated by the best physichms without relief. I n now tiikiiif; llie fourth botile of Hibbard's Rueumatio Syrup and firmly believe it will work a permanent cure. It actod upon tlie liver and regulated my kulneys and digestive organs immediately, and has doue me more good alrcady than all the other medicines I have ever taken. I cheerfiilly recommemlcd this medicine. Mrs. Altiia Harkinoton, Altona, Mich. Prepared only by The Charles Wriylit Medicine Company, Detroit, Mich. Por sale by all drugglsts. Kisses are like an actress' diamonds. The oftener they're stolen llie better their owners are pleased. - Life. Backachc is almost Immediately relieved by weating one of Caiter's Smart Weed and BelladoDna Backache Piasters. Try one and be f ree from pain Price 25 cents. Ct ' 'i indícate! imputé blood, md to cure i 'ík Hood's S.irsnparllln, whloh pur li - ;; blood. Sold by al! drujrgists. Tluii' Is i otahvays virtue In soap. For Instance, ihe more "soap" poliiici ms use t he dlrtier become their hand. - Pittsbui Dlspntch. Good-wife Grundle grleves and groans, I iny mil mglit wllli algo and muaus Wears lier llfeaway. Good-wlle CJayheart sings and sratles; Time, tbe ray oíd thlet. begulles; Keeps as freh as May. Tlm two woraen are of the Farae age but Good-wife Gruiuiie looksfully lifteen years t lie older. Slie is the victim of ills wblcli mljrtrt be oured by the use f Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription. Pain, 'Témale we.-ikness" and low spirits are Iier eonstiint companions. Qooil-wifa G.iylieart, thanks to tho "Prescription," enjoya perfect hcaltli and seenis to row more yonng, vivacious and aKreeable every diy. There Is nothine equal to this nniedy for all feinale disordeia. "llave yon seen 'Miioh Ado About Nothlng?'"" " 'Much Ado About Nothing?' I s!:ould süy go ! My train is ohlefly patronized by ladies." - Diake's Magazine. For any case of nervousues, slceplessncss, weak stomnch, indigestión, dyspepsia, try Carter's Uttle Nerve Pilla. Relief Is sure. The only nerve medicine for the price in the market. The Buccaneers of Oíd Flaunted the skull and cross bone, thelrensign, deflantly at the mflstheai]. Your iimiiern pírate, not on the high sc;ts, hul upon the iiliïh repotalion of Standard rcnii'dlcH skulks under various disgulses. 1 1 is hole and corner traille has never toany degree affectPd Hossin it's Slomach Bitters, although that Ktandard invlKorant and correctivo hss long been the xhlning mark at whlch hls shaftl havo been dlrected. Cheap IochI bitters, componed of flrey unrectlflett Rtlmulanto, wlth an Infusión, oreitract posslbly. of some tonlc bark, are sim somellmes rcnmmended as idéntica! wlth or sliniiiir tu, or posesslng virlups klndred to those of America's ehosen iiiinlly medicine. These perlsti speedily. while the great subduer and preventivo of dlseaxe pursues lts snccessful career, overcomlng malaria, dyspepsla, nervonsness, kldney troubleR, coustlpation aiul rhumatlc allmenlR, not only on thls, but on inuny contlnentR. Bos'on Bellt' - A biilüant. fflrl, Florence. How well slie manafrcs men. ChiCHgo Helle - Doesn't slie, thougli! Boston Belle - Tliere is a good de;il in te;i('liing Iliem their iiistance. Chicago Belle- To be suro tliere is. I never allow a miu to kiss mo before he has called on me tliree times. - Life. Primus - "How in the wotld did Bobbltt manage to pet the tiible in a roar? " Scoundrala - "By his table mannera, I presume." - E poch. Tliore are man y furms of nervous dcbility In men that yield to the use of Cartcr's Iron Pilli. Tliose who are troubled with nervous weakness, night sweats, etc, should try them.


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Ann Arbor Courier