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.isir niKECTORV. K ss Ahbok Oommandery. No. IS inU flrst Tuemlay of eaob mouth. B. P. Watts, E. C: John R. Minor, Recorder. Wasiitknaw Charter, No. 6, B. A. M.- foets flrst Monrluy each month. L. C. (Jiiudrïch, H. P.: Z. Koatli, Seoretary. BUSINESS CARDS. MISS IET. E. BUELL MODISTE, MAKS8 FUTE LOSTUUES, TA YLOll SUITS, alüo maan? aso cuildrkns' süits Cloaks Made and Repaired. 11 1-8 N. nrtli Xt-, Aun Arbor. - 82 D. A. MacLachlan, M. D. DISEASES OF THE EYE, EAR, NOSE AND THROAT. OFFiCE AND EESIDENCE, 26 SOUTH DIVISIÓN STREET Houks : 1 to 4, and 6:30 to 7:30 P. M. CHAS. W. OO-IEL DEALER IN AI.I. KINDS OF FRESH AND SALT MEATS Poultry, Lardéete. EVERYTHING NEAT and CLEAN No. 9 K. Ann St., A nu Arbor. W. V. KICIIOL.S, DE1TTIST. Rooms Over Ann Arbor Savings Bank, Opp. Court House Square. VITALIZED A.1B. Adminlstered. It ie agreeable and eay to takc, i and no prostrating eflectfl follow, while teeth are eztracted without pain, UILUUI IIERZ, House, Sign Ornamental and FRESCO PAINTER! Papering, Glazing, Gilding, and Oalcimlnlnp, and work of every deecriptioa done In the neet Btylc,and warranted to give satiefaction. Shop, No. 4 W. Washington St,, Ann Arbor. LT7MBEXU LT7MBER! LÜM5EEI If you contémplate building, cali &t FERDON Liilï Tart ! Corner Fourlh and Depot 8t8., and gel our figures for all kinds of LUMBER! We manufacture our own Lumber and . guarur.tec VERY LOW PRICES 4yGive us a cali and we will make lt to yonr interest, as our large and well gradcd slock lul ly Bustalns our assertion. Teicphone Connections with Office. T. J. KEECn, Supt. JAMES TOLBEUT, Prop. "Wood's T5la.osTlxoa.33.o. the (;hi:at e-vulihh kemedy. Cse4 for 36 years - . of Youtbful folly by thnusanda SUC' and the exoenaea L'c-BHfully. flSJ of later years. untred to cure all a. aJM J iiiva immediatc formsor Nervous ivjx3 ttrcnoth andvigWeaknens, l ml,. AilMjV „r. Askdrugi(lBti iloni, WlmB for Wood'i Pnorheo. iDiDoti-ncy. !, -1"1 . :t phodlne: takeno package, tl; s{x, 6, by mail. Wrlte for pamphlet. Address TheiWooj Chemical Co., 131 Woödwurd ave., Detroit, Mlcli. ETfie Greatest Blood Purifier KNOWN. # I I This Great Germán Medicine Is the#, II III clirapegtaii'l best. KSdosesof SUL-a II II l'Jll HIiITTKliSfor$1.00,lessthan# II Uonc cent a dose. It will cure tlie A gj pg worst cases of skin disease, fronijj M Ma common pimple on tlie face (■ M Ito that aivful dfseaae Serofula.# bi 8DLPHDB BITTERS is thoir best medicine to use in aUW "" cases of such stabborn andyoïir Kid III deep seated diseases. lo#neysaivut I uot ever tako Moi order I'Helil BLUE PILLS #SFi'?I!ulQ syÚLlHUHlTÍKRHmft1eKr(!wl'í't:iilb the purest and besty5ou'ueo medicine ever made Sulp,ur Bitters ! IJ - IsyonrTongneOoateiw ' SS ö with a yellowstickyDon't walt nntil yon El Hl mbatance? Isyourarc unable to walk, or Itl llbri'.'iiii foul andarc flat on your back, loflVnsivc? Yourbut get some at once, ltl Illstoinacli is oMWvM cure you. Sulpliurlll Hl of tn-ik'r. UsejjBitfccrs is ïg "Am i;usThe Inralid's Friend.H - i mmi " liatelyThe young, the agcd and fS Illlsyour l.'r-#tcrin are sn made wellby III III i tliick,#its use. Ki'mcmlierwhatyoulll ■II roiiy, cio-read licro, it may eave your lludy, orHfc, it bas savcd biindreds.111 &■ MUon't wait until to-morrow, n f Try a Bottle To-day ! Q o" M Are you low-spirited and wcrk,ll F Mor sutTcVing trom the excesses of ■II III A#youth? If so, öULPIlUH BlTTüRsl I I 'Wwill cure you. Send 3 2-cent stiunps to A. I'. OrUway Co., Boston. Musa., for Ijcst medical work uublialied? U16 êïmï w iViïGiliUlCS ÜWt CAPITAL $50,000. SUBPLU3 $10,000. Aflflitioiial Liabilities of Stoctñolflers $50,000. Report of the conditlon of the FARMERS' AN1 MEC1IANICS' BANK at Ann Arbor, Michigan, al the close of business July 18, 1890 RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $ 213,981 72 Stocks, bonds, morlgages, etc 72,261 51 Overdrafts l,3.ï 08 Due frora banks in reserve im i ivs. ... 19,883 45 Due from Washteuaw County 11.601 7 Bills In transit 3,560 23 Furnlture and flxtures _ 3,0 10 00 Current expenses and laxes pald... 72 38 Interest paid „ _ 432 13 Checks aud cash items „ 159 77 Nlckele and pennleg 65 51 Gold „ 8,131 70 Sllver 2,912 15 U. S. and National Bank Notes 14,858 00 Total $ 351,682 39 IIABILITIES. Capital stock pald in i 50,000 00 Surplus fund 10 000 00 Undivlded proflts 3,259 S5 Dlvldends unpald 315 00 Commercial deposlts 2(2.557 5'i Havings deposlts 45,5:0 01 Total {351.682 39 STATE OF MICHIQAN,1,.. County of Wa-Om-imw. j I, F. H. BELSER, Casliier, of the above named Bank, do suli-mnly swear that the above statement Is true, to the best of my knowledge and belief. F. H. BELSER. Cashler. Subscribed and sworn to before me, tbis 2i)thday of July, 1890. WM. W. WHEDON, Notary Public. Correct- Attest : Ambrose Kearney, Chas. E. Ureeue, D. F. iSchairer, Directora. r dllllbl ís & lilöWldlllU JjdilK. havlngdled thelr certifleate with the Stut Banking Department are now authorlzed to do business as S;ivíiikm Bank, and in purauance thereof have opened a Savings Department! Interest allowed in the savltis department on all deposits of 51 and upwards. Interest pald June Isi and Dec. Ist, of each year. The savings department Is open baturday nlghts from 7 untll 8 o'clock. Mouey to loan in suma of $25 to $5.000 Recured by uneucumbered real esluif OI approved securllles. DIKKCTOItS lti-uli-n Kempf liaf.. B. - 1 --iii", !:. Uiilly, ni b !■ Krarn'y, Win. SIi'iti, W. F. Ili'i-iikf }', J. K. Iteal, John Hur, l. 10. Mclialrer. It. K K.M PK, I'r.-H. K. IHJFFy, Vlce-Pr. F. il. BKLSER, CimliltT The Voice Is easily Injured- the slightest irrltatlon of the throat or larynx at once affeeting its tone, flexibility, or power. All efforts to sing or speak in public, ander sucli condltions, become not only painful lint daiifirrous, and shotild be strictly avoided until cvery syniptom is removed. To effect a speedy cure no other medicine is eqnal to Ayer's Cherry Pectoral The best oí anodynes, thls prppar:ition rapiilly suotlies irritatie), atreugtuena the delicate organs oí speecli, and restores the volee to its tone and power. No singer or public speaker slumld be without It. I.ydiu Tliompson, the fninotis aetiess. certlfies: "Ayer's Cherry Pectoral has been of very great service tn me. it improves and strengthens the volee, and is always effcctlve for the cure oí colds and coughs." " Upon several occasions I have from cnliU. cansiiiK boarseness and entire loss of volee. In iny proiesslon of nn auctinneer any aflcction of the volee ir throat is a serimis matter, tut at racli attack, I have been relleved hy a few doses of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. This reiuedy, wlth ordlnury care, has worked such a Mágica! Effect that I have suffcred very little inconvenlence. I have also used It in my fainily, wlth excellent results, in couguti colds, &c." - Win. II. Quartly, Mlnlaton, Australia. :' In the spring of 1853, al PortsmouUi, Va., I was prostiated by a severe attack of typlinid pnenmonia. My pbyslclans exhausted thelr remedies, and for one year I was not able to even articúlate a word. Iïy the advice of Dr. Sliaw I tried Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, and to my surprise and great joy, in less than one month I could converse easlly, in a natural tone of volee. I contlnned to lmprove and have norome since a well man. I have often recommended the Pectoral, and have never knnwn It to fall." - tíeorge R. Lawrenee, Valparaíso, Ind. Ayer's Gherry Pectoral, rr.Ei'ABBu hy OR. J. C. AYER & CO., Lowell, Mass. Sold hy ull DniKgJulu. I' rice $1 ; efx bottlee, $ú.


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Ann Arbor Courier