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The actual dealtngs show best who pays t...

The actual dealtngs show best who pays t... image
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The actual dealtngs show best who pays the duty on Canada farm producís. During tbe year 1839 mor.; than $20,000, 000 wortb of hor?es, lio?s, slicep, wool, c.itlle, beans, barley poultry and üke products were brought in from Canada toour markets brovght in by Canadians, not by our boyera who couid never afford to pav diily and entry fee for tbe fun of gettiii}.' Canada meat, ejrfrs, butler and barley; and on the way In :i toü was rxuct''d ly tltc ca torn house collector at Detroit or and tbat tull pays a part of our (ïovernment expenses, laterestaud soidler'g pensions - these expenses belng now abut a million doll.irs a day. To show that tbe Canudian pays tbe iluty take thisyear's dealings: inatcad of 200 teams i day trom Windsor ubout 5 or 8 miy be counted on tbe best inirket days of tbe season. ! Vrby not uiore teams? Siinply that the toll is higlier 5ii on ejrgs. $1.50 on hogs and sheep, 40c on barley, 25c on apples anil potatoes, $30 on horses, $1 on hay, , G cents on Imtter and so on througb the chapter. How, vvill you teil me, tliut after the Canadiau pays in i a dozen on e?s, ; or $4 a ton on hay, that the eggs are j marked and kept separate in market bccause the Cinadiau paid his toll on them? or the hay is kept soparate or anylhiug is I kept apart bec'iuse a duty was paid by the Oawidiaii as . toll to permit Mm to come info our country and sdl them? This is ' the wi .1: -t kiml of nonsense and no fair ' niiiul wlll bt'licve it. But what of the poor fellow who buys eggs and pou'.try, barley and beans, horse? and cattle, hogs I and apples? what of the buyer of 1 ad:i products? Simply this of it: Solong as we raise all such thingg in our country we need not buy tliem of otber nations and it is far better that we do not. We live in a land tbat requires taxes, schools, coarts, felices, pólice protectlon, that owns land of high valuc, that cost sometliin and must be paid for somehove, and the bencflts of our markets ahould belong to our ppople who have cleared the farms and made the forests into gardens and pnxluctive places, this is fair, and jnst, and right. especially while Canad asks of us 35 per cent duty on goods we send to her country. J. W. Donovan, at Wiltlainston, The "little school house'' wlll not go just ,vct In Wisconsin. The republlcaDS luive saved tbe state senate, and so suved t!ie imblic schools of state.


Old News
Ann Arbor Courier