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Mail in? MayLinn. Mehlin! PAUL G. MEHLIN...

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Mail in? MayLinn. Mehlin! PAUL G. MEHLIN. From the American Muslclan of Sept. 7, 1889. Paul G-. Mehlin. MECHAHICi PIAXO MAKER AXD IHTÏVTOR. Paul G. Mehlin wa3 bom ia Stuttgart, Oermany, Februa-y aStll, 1837. He was first apprenticed to a cabinet maker, with whom he worked for several years. Ilere lie acqulred that experience which enabled hlm subsequently to mske so raany Improvement8 in the construction of piano cases. On leaving the cabinet-makers' shop lie went to Fredricl, the piauo-maker In Stuttgart, from whom he learnec liis trade. ilere he obtained not only a practical knowledge o piano-maklng, but a scientilic knowledge as wel', wliich wa llie incentive to thosc dopper stuJlcs and experimenta whlch he carried oti luter, aml wliich have enabled him to benefit ever flrm he bas ever been connected with, by bis radical but suc cessful eflons to improvc the piano in both construction am tone. He catnc to this country in 1S53, and at once found work witl the old firm of Bncon anti Raven, witli whom he renwined fo seven years. It was during that period that Mr. John Jacob Decker, now head of the great bonre of Decker Uros., was foreman. After leavinjr lincon & Raven. Mr. Mehlin worked in the factory of Llgbjte, Newton & Bradbury, another renowned house at that time. Wlien the war broUe out he made one of the "Turner Regiment," the old Twentietb New York. He went as eilief butler and cume back in two years as seconc Hentenant. In 1S6Í he workid ïgain for some of hls oM employers, after whlch he became connected with the huuse of Gabler, with wbich he remaincd tor sixteen yeart. It was while with the Gabtera that he commenced the remarkahle series of improvi'ineuts and inventiona whicb have fince made hls name famous in trade and musical circles. His rirst patent otimportance, the aniffe Cast in the plate, was taken out in 1S72. On leavlng tlie Gabler tirm he went to M'issr. J. & C. Fischer, but two years Iiitcr retorned to the Gablers at their earnest solicitation. Hoon afterward, howtver, the bij: strike occurred at the Gabler factorv. As thcre eeeinëd no prospect of it immedintP set tlement Mr. Mehlin became issncitUed with MESSKS. BEUR BROS. as pui.l paktneu in U81. With the Me.'sr-. B:lir he remaiucd for eigbt yenrg, and retired on (ho flrst of lust J inuary, In order to start in business for hlm-elf. It Is, therefore, for a peHod of over thirty-five years thut Mr. Melilin was connected with smne of the most prominent houses in the piano tra!e, and it 16 his pride that he earned the respect and trood will of each and everyone of these firms. The list of Mr. MehMn'a principal patented hnproveinents in the order in wliich they were issued, is as follows: LIST OK I'ATENTS. July 23, 1872. Patent Metallic Asrraffe, cast in the plate. May 1, 1877. Patent Metallic Aetion Frame cast in one p'ecP. Jünuary 17. 1882 Patent Besemer Steel Actlon Frame. February 28. 1882. Patent Endwood String br'dsfe. Oetober'9, 1883. Patent Cylinder Top. March 18. 1884 Patent Fin;er Guard. January 27, 1885. Patent Harmonie Scale. April 27, 1886. Patent Grand Plate. November 30, 1880. Patent Piano Mufll.'r. February 1, 18S7. Patent Touch Regulator. Kebruary 5, 1889. Patent Cylinder Top and Tone Reflector. February 5, 1889. Patent Grand Fall Board. May 21,1889. Patent Grand Plate (also used in the Upright Grand. In 1885 the jury at the New Orleans World's Exhibitiou iwarded to Mr. Meblin's patented improvements a gold medal. In their report they stated that they made the awaril: For the quallty of tone, whlch Is remarkably line. by lts power and brllliancy, the slnglng qualltles of the Instrument, the touch- oven throughout- the eonstructlon, excellence of design, and perfectlon of workmanshlp. The quallty of tone Is due to Mr. Mchlln's new lnvention. In his own factory Mr. Melilin has mmediately taken lnn positlon amonte the strictly first-class makers by produclng lnstrunents only of the very highest grade. In his work Mr. Mehlin bas the active asslstance of hls two sone, the eider of whom, Paul Mehlin, Jr., has already ghown marked business ablllty. The Faetones and Facilities for the Manufacture of the From the Muslc Trade Review, May 20, 188P. PAUL G. MEHLIN & SONS. Messrs. Paul G. Mehlin & Sons, have commenced business in their own factory, at 461 to 4G7 West Fortieth St. Tlieii machines are of the very latest and most improved patterns and have been furnished by Mr. Pryibll.the famous maker of nrichinery for wood work, wlio has expended liis beat efforts on tliem. No other piano maker will be able to boast of üner machinery tbao Messrs. Melilin & Soos. The factory is six storles high and its rooms are lofty, airy and well lighted. The brick-built dry rooms are of three-inch fire proof material. Their factory Is equipped with every known appllance and cuuvenlence and with men of such practical knowledge and experience it Is not surprising that the MEHLIN PIANOS are, as soon as conipleted, sold to admiring and eiithusiastic purchasers. The reputation rapidly galned by the Mehlin Pianos had become of such a character as to attract the favorable attention of business men and capitalista of the great Xorthwest, wlio showed their opinión of it by recently organizing a stock company for its manufacture in Minneapolis, in connectlon with the parent factory in New York. As is already known, the Century Piano Company was formed, and is at present ready, or neaily so, for business. The capital stock was placed at $500,000, and among the officers elected was I'aul II. Mehlin, who was selrctcd for the vice-pre3idency, and Paul G. Mehlin, Gen'l Stipt - Tte American Musician, Aug. 30, 1800. The Mehlin is the piano to buy. Built, by an old expertenced piano maker, with every fncility and capital with which to make a perfect piano, yon get an Instrument, excdled y none, and pay nothing extra for the name. A full stock of all t-tyles at our store where every explanation will be given to inrendng purcluisers. Our own reUnbility is weü noten. The "Mehlin ' is guaranteed by the nakers forslx years. Come in and ex mine hem. General Wholesale and Retall AgM., -A-ISTÜT - A.BBOB, - MICH, The Mehlin Piano. SOJ1E OPIMONS OF THOSE TVHO KOW WHAT PIANOS ARE: The cliief points of excellence in the Mehlin Pianos are quality and volume of tone, extraordinary singing quality, delicacy of touch, excellence of design, durability and capacity tbr standing in tune. Aniong the patenta issued to the Melilin company are the patent grand plate and fCüle, the only fcale put in ;.n upright piano like the baby grand; patent (rand f uil board, Includlng the patent finger guard, cylinder top and tone reflector, piano mnffler, endwood spring bridge, touch regulator and Bessemer steel actlon frame. This company manufacture grand pianos which, for volume and purlty of tone, are unexeelled. Those who have heard the Mehiin instrument at the Expositiou building will recognize and concede the absolute justlce of this claim. The Mehiin grands are made in six different styles and of all kinds of wood. In illustration of the populurily of the Mehlin pianos it has been singing its ovn praftw to surhan extent that the demand for them luis been much luigerthan the supply. - Musical Courier, Oct. 15, J89u. At the Minnrapolls Exposition, the Mehiin piano bas created a sensation, and one of i. lic most recent tributes to this instrument is from themembersof the Reeves band, in the buildng,who state tlmt "they never heard a piano with such carrying power as the Mehiin Baby grand, and say there Is no other instrument in the Exposition that eau equal it." The Mehlin exhibit is at the opposite end of the building froni the band stand, hut the rnusicians state the tones of the Mehlin piano are so distinct and cleir, "that it seems as if the instrument was close to the stand " In the East, the Mehlin piano ís also receiving a large share of attention. At the New London County Fair, the Mehlin piano, exhibited by Yerrington's Temple of Musio, received the highest award - Music and Drama, Sepl. 13, 189o. In the experience, intelligence and ability of General Superintendent Mehlin, nol less than in the vast financial resources of the oompany, lies the certainty that success of the most brilliant and solid order atraila this tremendous enterDriae. Mr. .! hl in has for well-nih two-score years prac',ised the art and scienae of piano building. Jlis patented improvenients in piano conxtruction form a long and glorious roll of invenlions. When the firtn of Mehlin & Sons vaêflrstorganizedin New York city, The Music Tkadk Review predicted that the new Mehlin piano would soon mnkc a stir in the ivorld. Littlc more than twelv . months have elapaed sinoe tve vcnlured upon such predict'on, and today that magnificent instrument takes a front posilion in the inarch of musical industries and a high place in the affections of ctUtwed and intellectual pianists. And it goes without the saying that the genius which has made itself so patent a factor in the musical Ufe i the ESast mtut inevitably achieve qual triumphs in the new Northwestern field. - Afiuic Trade Iï view. O. ie nf the most nttrscive that of the famous "Mehlin" ü! lm. Tliis piano U coming ti the tiont, it having heen wljnlxe] by critica to be the tinest Instrument in the world. 1; has the Im-pwveil irpeatlng actlon, and it marnier of opening is piwisely like that of a grand piano. Il bas the Imprimid "niutlbr"' for praclicinj, so th-it the tone may be soflened ahuost l a molodiuiis whisper. The inuftl r mIko saves wear and tenr. The plo ha n cvünder top; by means of a tone reflector [lie melod] i refracted - o to s[eak - uto the roooi, so it Is not necess iry to remove all the household artieles that nre apt to guther on a piano top. The maker of it is Paul G. Mehlin, one of the oidest ind best knoivn piano regulator?, and who h;:s made more improvements for piaDOM than itriy other artift or inventor. The instrument is inanufactured by Century Piano Company, of New York and Minneapolis, Mimi., Ii:viug a oash cipital of $500,000. Kvery visitor n the hall stops to examine and is charmed with lts merits. - Norwich Eccning Boord. "Those line Melilin planos exhiblted at tlie fair, and so unlversallv admired, reccivud the lilghest awards by the judges. - Xurtrirh Vaily Bulletin. Mr, Mehl'n, 3r., la regarded in the musical world as one of the lexdlus nel nioat prgres8le and alilcst piano makers of modern times He Ims made a Iife study of tbe piano mauufiiCturlng buiDea8. is thoroughly versed io the sclentillc principies of j)i:iiii constroirtlon, and as a result tue Mehlin piano ig one of the finest and best instrumenta ever placed on tlie inarkot. Tlicre Is not the least doubt that wilb the opportunitics afforded hlm bere and the large intereets back of the concern, he will soon make further developments in piano conBtrnctlon. - Mutic rul Drama.


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