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H CAN I GET through my Trorlc to-day? I fcel miserable, hedtchy, tired-pcin in niy back, my food won't digest, my wholo body tecxaa out of order. We answcr that it is no vonder yoa are in such a broken down condition, and you -will koepjrctting wort unies jrou can cure your LI VEK. Til important orgaa la out of order ond you must cure lt bypromptly using tboso noTer falüngaHMHBHMHHB Dr. C. McLane's Celebrated Liver Pilis. Ihey Trlll restore you and giTe vigor and health to rour wholo Bystem, making you strong and welL Only 25 cents a box, and theymay aavo youx lifa. fijk your diuggist for the genulne Xr. O. MoLAKTE'S DELEBRA TEU LIVER PILL5 -KADE BT- FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa. I3-Look out for CotnrrERFErrs made in St Louis, ?" IVORYPOÏÏSH ftereÏÏL8 I # PEBFUMES THE BUUATU. CARTER'SI CURE Eick üoadache and reliove all tho tronbles incldont to a bilioua etate of tho systom, such as Dizzinesg, Nausea, Drowslnoss, Distrcsa after eatiug, Pain in the Sido, &o. While theirmoat romarkablo succoss has boon ahown iu cuxing SICK üeadache, yet Carter's Littlo Liver Pflls aio cqually valuablo in Constipation, curing and preven ting thisannoyingconiplatut,whilo thoy also correct all diaordersof thostomaoh,stimulate the liver and regúlate tuo bowels. Lron if thoy only HEAD AchetlieywonldbonlmoBtpriceloBBtothosewho Buffer f roin this distressing complalnt; bk f ortuuatoly thoi r gooduoss doca iiotend tl thosa who once trythom will find thoso littlo pilla valufibleinRoraany waysthat they will not bo willing to do without them. But af tor allsick hoal ACHE Is tho bane of so many livea that hero la where we raak e our great boast. Our pilla euro it whilo Othcra do not. Carter"B Littlo Liver Pilla are very Bmall and Tory caay to talie. One or two pilla inakea dosa. They are strictly vegetable and do not gripe or pnrge, butby their gentío actlon ploaseall who lifiothom. Invialaat25conta; flvefor$l. Sold by druggiaU overywhero, or aont by mail. CARTER MEDICINE CO., New York. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE nnTT'fi consumption OUÜ ' ' 9 scrofula EMULSIÓN !SS2SSITI8 PIIDCC COLDS uURCj Wasting DiseaBes Wondorful Fiesh Producer. Many hav gained one pound per day by ita use. Scott'a Emulsión ia not a secret remedy. It containa the stimulatin properties of the Hypophoaphites and pure Norwegian Cod IiiTer Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physician3 all over the -world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Drugglsts. COTT A SOWNE.Chemlsts, N.Y. SCVEN . SEVEWTCCW gEVCHTY To euro Biliousness, Sick Headache, Constlpation. Malaria, Liver Complaints, take the safo and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Fse the SM A I.I. SIze (40 little Tieans to the boitlc). They ake the most convenient. Suitable lor %11 Agea. Prlcc of pitlior sizc, 25c. per Bottle. IWINflAT'"""'u pankl size. 1% I W 1 1 III Muiled for 4 ets. (coppert or slump). J.F.SMITH&CO.Makorsot-BILEBEANS.ST. LOUIS MO. CREAM PRUNES A very plensant Laxativo, made from the juïce of l"resh 1 nmes combincd wi:h J arinlcss ■ tbl inredients of well-known and highly ixidicinil qualiücs, put up in the of CREAM DROPS, Making a very valuable preparation FOR INFANTS and CHILDREN, AsMmïlating the food and Uegulating ttic Stoniach ftiid "ow Is. tt Pron.otes Digestión, Chcerfulness and Rest IT IS A WÜf'DERFUL REMEDY NSTIPATION, SUR STOM ACH, CONVULSIONS, LOS3 SLEEP WORMS. FE ERISHNEOS, Etc P ce 26 Certs. BIMGCS MEDICTT : CO., l.'..aletl, N. FOR SAI.E .: EBERBACH & SON. - ANJí ARBOR. Rabber Shoes nnlm wora nnoomfortebly Ustat generalij slip on the leet. TEE "COLCHESTEB" BUBBER CO. make all thplr shoes with huilde of beel llned with rubber. Thfs clines to the aiioo uud provouU the rubber from Alipplrig off. CaU for the Colcheirter "ADHESIVE COUNTERS." FOK SALK BY WM. ALLABY, L. GRUNER, JOHN BURG, W. REINHART&CO. DOTY & FEINER, A.D.SEYLER&SON ANK ARBOR.


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