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The Hild-Park Concert Co. at Unlverslty hall Saturday evening. Boards open Thursday morning. Dr. Gibbes read a paper before the Detroit Medical and Library Assnciation last Monday evening. Mr. Woodson the Student arrested at the P. O. sorae time sincr, was acquittcd in the Justice court Monday, Ihere not being f ufflüient evidence to convict. It was a very Important move male by the students Saturdiy wlien all the athtetic inferests of tlie University were combined In one, wltli one great object in view, viz: the building of a gym nasium that will be an honor to the U. of M. It is understood that Fred Mills, of Kfanchester, wlio gradunted last year, will Inherlt tlie large e-itate left by bis cousin, Warren H. Mills, who died in California recently. Pred went to San Francisco to attend the funeral. Harvard Uniyersity has sliown t?good sense by appointing Dr. James, of the University of Pennsylvatii.i, to the eh.iir of politicil ceonoiny. Dr. Jainps l.s one of the practical, progressivo m'n of the d;iy and a protectioniít, and will be au an honor to Harvard. The chair of oriental languages in the Uinversity of Callfornln, has been informally tendered to Prof. Belser, and it Is thought he will accept. 1 lis beáltb is not as good as It might be here, and be hopes tbat the mild climite of California will lm prove it. I( is to be regretted that the University should lose so able an instructor. Miss Editii Süeffltfld, of Battle Creek, fonnerly of the University, is to be married Dec. 23J to Dr. G. II. Conklin, of West Superior, in the Upper Península. Miss Sheflleld will be remcinbered as Ibe young lady who wrote the bright and tnking prize article on the U. of M. in the C'Jsmopolitan, liist }-ear, and Dr. Conklin was fonnerly assistant to Dr. Stowell. Both are well known here, and liave many friend3. Says the N. Y. Press: "Slowly but snrely mediaeval and scholastic political ecouomy is being forced to recoguiza the scientiflc claims of protection. A stiikinr üustratlon of this is fouad in the (act tbat Dr. K.hvard J. Junes of the University of Penhsylvanla bas been offored the cliair of politiciil econouiy at Harvard Universitv." He is only 33 years old. but a gradante of several American colleges aiul luis :i iloctor's c'cgree froin Halle. There wlll be a social of the Womcn's League Siturcl.iy, Dec. 13, ut 3 to 5 p. m. Meoibere whose ñames range from A to [ are invitad to Mrs. D. Ooge's, 77 Washtenaw uve. Those from J to Z to Mrs. Diompson's, 25 E. University ave. All stuilents are invited who are or wish to Jeoome members. Namrs and dues wilt 3c recelved at the meeting or may be piven at any time to membera of the executive coiumittee. AU the Lidies of tlie faculty are cordially invited. It will be remembered tliat some time ajro J. T. Jacobs started out to raiae $10,000 for the gymnasium. The elections, etc., have occupied lus time largely of late, but he saya that he will bave the $10,000 rea'ly by tlie time tliey are ready to use tlie money. The list as Insl uibished is as follows: J. T. Jacobs & Co $100 Jquíus K. Ueal .. loo r.M. Stafford loo Peninsular Uliaotorof Alphii Delta Phl. 100 í'hl Clmpter of Psl Upsilon íuo Mlcb. Alpha Chaper of Plil Kappa Psl. .. 1 0 iiiHiiHKsoi '!■) ljlterary ICO I'ho CI118H of '01, I-iliorftry 10} Uimbila Cliapter of Beta Tiietfi Pi luO Michigan Cliapter of Delta Upsilon 100 Deltaüüapter of Delta Tau Delta 100 Prof. T.C. Trueblood 100 l'he (Jlass of '80, Uterary 1U0 (Jovernor Cyras Q. Luce 100 Senator Thomas W. Palmer 100 Senator F. 13. Stockbridge 108 ol. Jolin At kin son 1 0 Senator McMillan 100 Total si & OSIiT A SLIGIIT EKHOIi. A lady paeslog one of the store; on S:ate street Situnlay, stepped in ai d n quired -'Isthat building over there the ios)til ?'' pointlng to tlie law building. 'No," was the rcply. "Tliat is the law lepartment of tlin University." ''You don't say so ! Wel', I heard such awful noises coming frora there that I thoughtit was wherethey kept the insanc patieuta for the hospital. Are you sure that is the law department" queried the ady, while she looked at the building in a borrlfied manner. She was assured that such was the fact, but went on her way as If altnost doubting the s mity of lier nformer. Esslinger Bros. put on 133 shots on ík re8 yeeterday. 8. V. Ticknor will address the Gojpd temperance meeting Sunday p. m., at Ci'opsey's hall. Mary, daughter of Mrs. C itherlne Murray, who resides on JiilVrson street, died of consuinption Siturday, aged 32 years. Only 2,030 votes weie cast in the M. E. churches of Michigan agninst the atltnission of women as lay delégate?, while 11,809 were in favor. The treasurer's of the townships of Northfleld and Ann Albor were the fust to turn over funda to the county treasurer, which they did last Saturday. Charles M. Derby a member of the 8tli grade gratnmar school class, dlcd last Friday of diphteria, aged 13JL yea s. The banner of the class bas been draped in inourning in liia nicmory. The best hand of the Courieu is extended to Mr. Chas. H. Kline of this citj', who was recently united in marriage wlth Miss Belle McLaren, with the wish for them of a long, useful aijd happy life. County Treasurer Brchm reports the receiptsof his olllce during November, at $10,058, and disbursementa at $8,509 51. The overdraft at the Farmer's and Mechanlcs Bank Dec. lst, was $21,213.08, which s somewhat in excess oí last year at same date, when t was $10,400,69. The order of Chosen Friends of this city have cliosen the following offleers for the ensuing year : Past Coramander- L. Gruner. Com-K. Ukuis. V. Com- J. Trojanowsk I. Financial Secralary- Kugene J. Kouli. Hec. Sec'y- Chas. Dietas. Treasurer- Jacob Werner. Freíate- M. Uromuaun. Marnlial- A Schmldt. Warden- Win. Binder. Guard- A. Nelthamer. Sentry- Theo. Walker. Three Trustees-Wm. Eborbacii, A. Reule audR. Owlnner.


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