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Epitome Of The Week

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In the EJaited si ;ues Senate on thelst Mossrs. Carey and Warren, of the new State of Wyoming. took the oath of offioe as Senators In the House bllls were introduced for the tree coinage of silvcr anl provlding that o person now on tbe pension rolls, or who may be placed on tbem. shall rcoeive less tha:i M :i month. The pension bill i$i3", 093,785 1 was reported. A pension was recelved !n the Senate on the 2d from an old lady iu Vermont, 10r ycars of age. asklng Tor a pension. A blll was tntroduced provlding that the present tarlff act should uot be construed to repeal or impalr the Btlpulations contained In the reclproclty treaty wlth Hawai!. Tho remalnder of the sesslon was occupled In dlscusslng the election blll In the House bilis were introducod to provide for a representatlon of S56 mamben in the House Instond of 302 as at present; to pLico ruw wool, coal añil iron ore un the freo Hst, and for the free. coinage of sllver. A blll was passed to pay the Mlaml Fndlang 161,730, improperly wlthheld from them. Sïnatoh CL'M.oxi illi.) Introduced a bil! in the Senate on the 3d to reduce letter postage to one cent. The election blll was further discussed .... In the House the copyright bill was. passed by a vote of 139 to Ik, A blll was intro-, duced to ezclude Immigrant! who are hostilo to tho principies of the constitution or who ara tnsane or depcmlent for support. It also provides that no pnOD shnll encourago itumlgratlon by ttdYertiseroents or promises of employxnent. Bills wer introducod In tho Senate on the 4th for a permanent tarlff commtsslou and for the free unlimtU'd use of silver money. A ros olutlon was adopted to issue arma tothe States of North and South Dakota. Nebraska and Wyomlnp. Tbc eleotion bill vu further dls-i oussed. . . I the House a bill was utroduced. authortzing the issue of a now series of legaltender notes to meet any dotlcieucies in the. revenues o( the Government. The blll providiug for tho punishment of every guardián or other peraoo for the embezzlemeiit of tho pension of hls wurd was jiassod. THK time was occnpicd in the Sonate on the 5th in dUoaMing the eiection bill In the House the pension appropriation bill ($135,000, 000) was dlsoussed and flnally passed. The Senate bill authonzing the Secretary of War to issue l.OXt slamls of arms to each of the States of North and South Dakotft, Wyouilng, Montana atnl Nebraska was also passed. A blll was intrndiu'O'l irovkling for the disarmament of the Indias? and making it a punlshable offense for any person to lell arms or ammunltlon to them. DOMESTIC. I.v pot'lions of Minnesota tbo thermometer raofred froro (5 to '24 degrees bolow zero on tbe il and a heavy snowstorra prevailed. Tiiad FoWLKK3, who murdored a prominent eitizen of Charlotte County, Va., named Yancey, was lynched at Charlotte. PAXHORST, who shot and killed Samuel üoldberjr, her betrayer, at San Francisco, was actjuitted of the charge of murder. Six thousand of the 8,000 coal minors of Alabama struck. Edwaiid Holland, a life convict sentenced to Sing Sing (N. Y.) prison in 187S for murder, was liborated on a pardon from Govcrnoi1 Jlill. Ovkii fifty boats, ladon principally with barley and lumber, were reported frozen in on the Erio canal. Fifty dogs were found dead on the streets at Findlay, O., all of thom haring met theii' fate from Rating poisoned bologna sausage. The business part of Collinwood, a suburb of Cleveland, ()., was wipod out by flre. Foui: residents of New Haven, Conn., George Herbert, Frank I. üreone, Mr. Case and Mrs. E. E. Turner, who were prospecting in Florida, were drowned in Lako Tohopnkaliga by the capsizing of a boat. Thk Bank of Conimurc at West Superior, Wis., suspended, and an assignee was chosen. The assets wero given at $040.000 and the liabilities $580,000. A WHAMt eighty foet in length was soen In Chesapeake bay, off Toint Comfort, Md. lx the Court of Appeala at Albany, N. Y., in tbe case of Miss Campbell against Arbuckle ("liaby Huntlng"), for breach of promise, the judgment of the lower cour', for 945,000 damages was afflrmed. - t Two mkx entereJ the office of tho Allerton Companyat the Stock Yards in Chicago and compelled Cashier Osier to deliver to thom a package containing ?8,S00, and then mado thcir escape. At Oak Iiidge, Ia., four men woro sbotdead while resistirjg arrest. Four men wero kíllod by tho explosión of a sa w-m il 1 boiler near Espytown, Pa. Jacksox l'tr.i.i'ix, treasurer of Pike County, lnd. , was found to be thort in his accounts sorae 95,000. Mrs. Blizabeth Hoi.i i:.i;i:ru-, of San Francisco, gave ST50.000 lo found a homo for indigent women and homoless children in that city. The United States ftag-ship Charleston was sighted several miles off the entrance to the harbor in San Francisco, having justarrived from Honolulú wlth King Kalakaua, of t);e Hawaiian Islands, aboard. The question voteJ upon by all Methodist churohes in the United States of admitting women as delegates to the general conference of that churoh was decided in favor of the wamen. TiiKearnings of tho New York-Brooklyn bridge for the past year were $1,239,494; 37,776,411 passengers crossed the structuro, of which number 3,222,073 were on foot. At Shelbyville, lnd., Mrs. Rucker, wife of .f. R. Rucker, and her two childron were probably fatally burned by an explosión of natural gas in their residence. At Seymour, lnd., William C. Bradford, aged SO years, a one-armed veteran soldier who was partially deraented, set fire to his house and perished in the flamea. Isaac M. Joi:iax, one of the best known members of the bar in Cincinnati, and a member of Congress from 185 to 1887, feil down the elevator in the building where his office was located and was instantly killed. A tknkmknt houso was burned in Pittsburgh, Pa., and Mr. and Mrs. Irvine perished in the fiames.


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