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Tiiii I' ni ctl Slates Sen. ile on the 6th passod :i riMotaition e.alling' on the Attoriu'v lionera] tor a list of eleotion supervisors. House atneudmonts to the bill to issue irniá to settlera wfljq tt8"yfl t.. ana uléóllöns tnll was lurther disciisstd. 1 ii tlici House the Sonate bill was passtd spprtrpriatlnjï 8100,000 for die purchase of additional rationa for ih'e Sloiix Indiana. The Sonate liill for ilie retirement of (Jeneral Ucorgc Ston man. witli the rank of Colono], waa aiso passod. The Senato joint resol ution directing the President torequest lUe nnlow of Generad Oront to permit the renfoval of the rem alna of her illiisirious hilaband to Arling-ton Cemetorv was Introduoed. Joi: CoBUH.V, the old time pupilist, died of consuinption in New York, aged 50 yoars. A A ron, of Loc 1( port, N. Y., was fotind dcud in hls bed, having; been aspliyxiatcd li. coal, and hls wife would probublj not recover. 1'iiKMiiKM ll.i:i:iso. entertained at luncheon Mr. and Mrs. llcnry M. Stanley. Ci.EitK M riu:i:so of the House of Represen tut i es lias printod the unofficlal list of mem boes-el eet of the next House, sHowlnj; xs Republicana, 884 Democrats and S Farmers' Alliance. Is Cliic;irti Mamle Stnrr was sentenced to Ufe iiuprisonment for killing' Mr. and Mrs. Ñewland by putting poison in their food. Tuk jewelry store of .). C. Woodlief at Waxahachie. Tex., was entered by bnrfrlars who sepured fiom Sl'2,000 to 815,000 worth of owolry. At a in London on tho Oth the majotity of the Irish Nationalist deposed Mr. Parnell from the leadcrahipandek-cted Justin McC'arthy in his stead. The SpantSh Covci-nment is accused of hairaaBiQg the Protestant niissionaries in the Caroline Islands, with a view of drivlng ttieni trotn that. región. Vii.i.iam K. (kiiiih -vt; State urer of Arkansas, was said to bo $C7,000 short in tiis accunts. Wii.iiam [KKBT, a meinbor of the Warren (kreet M. B. Gtrarob of Brooklyn, N. Y., feil dead in a "testimony tneotii'" in Uip cliurch whilq tollin his experienco. Joiix Paynk, npcd SO years, living at Mount Aubiirn, lnd., committcd suicide. Mits. Ilr.MiiKiTA Snki.i., the widow of Amos .1. Snftll, ttie murdered Chicago millionairo, hes rnoucd her olfer of $50,000. for tl:r capture of William It Tascott. the Bupposed murdercr of her husband.